Is this a gym or a high school?

So when I go to the gym I keep to myself & just focus on my workout. If someone says Good Morning to me of course I'll reply. There are maybe 2 people that I will chat with briefly. I avoid most other people because they spend more time standing around & talking than they do working out. Hey if that's your thing then fine, but don't expect everyone else to have to be a part of it. So I just focus on my workout & go home. The other day one of the only people who I will talk to comes up to me & tells me that this other guy at the gym asked him why I don't like him & wont talk to him. Really? This is your focus at the gym? How is me speaking to you the least bit relevant to you or your workout? Please get your priorities in order. Sorry just had to do a quick rant.


  • Mrgoals
    Mrgoals Posts: 21 Member
    I totally understand what you're saying. Some people also get the wrong idea when you actually take time to talk and then that just creates a awkward feeling, but yeah I can relate.
  • Spook_Skywalker
    Spook_Skywalker Posts: 180 Member
    Most gyms are the equivalent of a high school social scene. lol
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The weight room I frequent, at the time I frequent it there are only serious people in there. We may chat, or exchange a joke, but only if we're both between sets. There is very little goofing around. Guess I'm lucky in that regard. I think the High School like crowd moved to the Planet Fitness that just opened up.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm really not a mean person, but I do get super annoyed when some random person walks right up me in the middle of a lift, signals for me to take my ear plugs out so I can hear them, and then proceeds with boring chit chat, random personal questions and sometimes an awkward request for a date. Excuse you, I'm working here. Now is NOT the time. I've even had people stop me while I'm running - which completely destroys my groove - acting like they have some important thing to say, and it's always just B.S. Maybe I'm too polite. They aren't picking up my bad vibes...

    I avoid eye contact for this reason. I also put on my B-face. I don't want to encourage interaction. It would be great if you could smile or wave or say hi to folks, but doing that just opens you up to a whole lot of unwanted socializing. Ugh. I'm not there to "hang out." I've got things to do. Thankfully, this doesn't happen all the time, or I might snap on someone.

    Wow, I sound like a huge jerk, but I promise I'm usually pretty friendly. I have a friendly face. But just because I have a friendly face and I'm polite doesn't mean I'm looking to make a connection. It's totally uncool to interrupt someone who is "in the zone" and focused on their workout. :s

    I am totally unfazed about other people socializing at the gym. That's cool. They can do what they want. It's only a problem if they are sitting around hogging equipment and wasting other people's time while they're doing it. :p
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I'm that person! lol
  • Gaygirl2120
    Gaygirl2120 Posts: 541 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I'm really not a mean person, but I do get super annoyed when some random person walks right up me in the middle of a lift, signals for me to take my ear plugs out so I can hear them, and then proceeds with boring chit chat, random personal questions and sometimes an awkward request for a date. Excuse you, I'm working here. Now is NOT the time. I've even had people stop me while I'm running - which completely destroys my groove - acting like they have some important thing to say, and it's always just B.S. Maybe I'm too polite. They aren't picking up my bad vibes...

    I avoid eye contact for this reason. I also put on my B-face. I don't want to encourage interaction. It would be great if you could smile or wave or say hi to folks, but doing that just opens you up to a whole lot of unwanted socializing. Ugh. I'm not there to "hang out." I've got things to do. Thankfully, this doesn't happen all the time, or I might snap on someone.

    Wow, I sound like a huge jerk, but I promise I'm usually pretty friendly. I have a friendly face. But just because I have a friendly face and I'm polite doesn't mean I'm looking to make a connection. It's totally uncool to interrupt someone who is "in the zone" and focused on their workout. :s

    I am totally unfazed about other people socializing at the gym. That's cool. They can do what they want. It's only a problem if they are sitting around hogging equipment and wasting other people's time while they're doing it. :p

    I am right there with you. I feel the same way.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Some days I chat with the people, some days I don't. No one interrupts during workouts though, it's usually before or after or when I am moving from the free weight section to another area of the gym. I'm good with it. Somehow I became actual friends with some of the people at the gym and socialize with them outside of the gym...something I never expected.
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    i don't mind pleasantries or chit chat between sets, but i can't stand when someone interrupts a lift - it totally takes my focus away from what i'm doing. i had to tell a really nice guy at the gym that if he wants to comment to please wait until i've finished a set. also, laughing mid-squat is kind of dangerous i've learned.

    but - imo - just as bad as that is having SUPER loud blue tooth conversations next to someone. the gym i go to has no soundtrack 90% of the time but we do have a girl who talks at full volume on the treadmill with her headphones in. i can't tell if she knows how loud she is or not, but i know almost everything else about her.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    i don't mind pleasantries or chit chat between sets, but i can't stand when someone interrupts a lift - it totally takes my focus away from what i'm doing. i had to tell a really nice guy at the gym that if he wants to comment to please wait until i've finished a set. also, laughing mid-squat is kind of dangerous i've learned.

    but - imo - just as bad as that is having SUPER loud blue tooth conversations next to someone. the gym i go to has no soundtrack 90% of the time but we do have a girl who talks at full volume on the treadmill with her headphones in. i can't tell if she knows how loud she is or not, but i know almost everything else about her.

    I simply cannot imagine going back to the gym. I feel for all of you!
  • snerggly
    snerggly Posts: 112 Member
    This NEVER happens to me. I chat up my favorite desk guy because my husband and I really like him but that's it. I go about my merry way.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    I don't really like people talking to me at the gym because it's "my time". I have bitchy resting face so that probably stops people from talking to me thankfully. Good morning is fine etc but I don't really want to talk when I'm concentrating plus puffing!

    However I do like people watching as the same people come every day, I give them nick names and speculate on their lives haha.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    The weight room I've been going to lately only ever has 1 to 3 other people in it. It's awesome.
  • Gaygirl2120
    Gaygirl2120 Posts: 541 Member
    TrishSeren wrote: »
    I don't really like people talking to me at the gym because it's "my time". I have bitchy resting face so that probably stops people from talking to me thankfully. Good morning is fine etc but I don't really want to talk when I'm concentrating plus puffing!

    However I do like people watching as the same people come every day, I give them nick names and speculate on their lives haha.

    Yeah that's how I am too. It's my "me time" to destress, focus & do something for myself.