Bulletproof Coffee



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    @lemurcat12 the quality of the beans and the roast. they use dark roasted beans with lots of acidity so it always gave me a bit of tummy ache.

    Oh, okay. I'm not a big fan of Starbucks myself (no knowledge about the quality of the beans, I just don't care for the style), but there are obviously millions of options other than adding lots of coconut oil and butter to coffee (like just changing the coffee), so I wasn't seeing the connection.

    I've always thought adding sugar to coffee was unpleasant (I don't think of it as a sweet drink, so it tastes wrong to me), so the whole no need to add sugar doesn't really resonate for me. I used to add milk (I have no issues with dairy) but haven't done that in years anyway. I love my coffee black.
    This fasting does have a metabolic purpose though. I know many people who train without any food in the tummy and it burns fat efficiently.

    I run or swim before eating often, for convenience (I don't like running right after eating and do like running first thing in the morning--fat before running would definitely not work well for me), but the point is that none of this matters. If I burn more fat when running that's not going to change the total amount of body fat I burn over the course of the whole day.
    you won't experience the drops in energy level.

    I don't find that this is an issue, period, not if I'm eating a sensible balanced diet.

    I don't have any issue with fasting (nor do I find it hard to do, personally, despite not being in ketosis), I just find it weird if someone claims she is fasting when she's eating standard meals at standard times and no fewer calories at those meals.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I think the biggest argument against BPC is that it takes up a lot of calories and takes away from your ability to get adequate micronutrients.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2016
    I don't understand the claims about fasting in this thread. I don't keto. I don't drink BPC.

    I IF just fine, eating my last meal at 7:00 at night and often not eating until 1:00 or 2:00 the next day.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Apart from the fact it's like having a mouth full of Soul-Glo absolutely nothing.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    This is such a YMMV topic. Even day to day for one person. When fats are added to coffee and blended properly I find it tastes pretty good and I make LOTS of flavors with mine. For me, on most days I can drink coffee with 1 T butter and 1 T coconut oil and be happy from 0700 until around 1400. Thus keeping all that time without intake of other calories. And because I'm keto the fat only breakfast works nicely with my macros. I'd say that's a pretty wise use of my calories. However, there are days when I could drink 5 of those and still be hungry. That bites because i wind up drinking my BPC then eating those eggs and sausage later. I have to adjust my cals for the day then and choose wisely. I simply can't imagine that with other WOE, people don't experience the same sort of thing. "I ate my same breakfast today as I always do, yet I feel like I'm starving. I can't wait for lunch." Ever think or say that? Bet most have. So to knock BPC (or anyone's choice for a meal) for being too calorie rich seems a bit one sided to me.

    We are all different so to suggest BPC or some homemade variation thereof is not helpful would be inaccurate because it is very helpful to some of us, some or all of the time.

    No one is suggesting that one cannot IF unless BPC is involved. It simply helps some people. YMMV. Even with BPC I can't fast worth a darn consistently.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    Apart from the fact it's like having a mouth full of Soul-Glo absolutely nothing.

    Soul-Glo??? Had to google. LOL

  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.

    I don't get it either. If you consume calories, you aren't fasting.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.

    I don't get it either. If you consume calories, you aren't fasting.

    I vaguely remember reading in someone's IF protocol that it was okay to drink coffee with milk or cream up to 100 calories or so during the fasting window and that it shouldn't break the fast. 200, I think, is pushing it.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.

    I don't get it either. If you consume calories, you aren't fasting.

    I vaguely remember reading in someone's IF protocol that it was okay to drink coffee with milk or cream up to 100 calories or so during the fasting window and that it shouldn't break the fast. 200, I think, is pushing it.

    But I think even drinking black coffee is breaking a fast.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.

    I don't get it either. If you consume calories, you aren't fasting.

    I vaguely remember reading in someone's IF protocol that it was okay to drink coffee with milk or cream up to 100 calories or so during the fasting window and that it shouldn't break the fast. 200, I think, is pushing it.

    But I think even drinking black coffee is breaking a fast.

    2 calories? Possibly. I think you burn them off making the coffee.

    Eh, I'm not fussed about it. I have to wonder, I assume I wouldn't get credit for fasting drinking my lattes coming in at 150 calories either, but I guess now I can. Or do different macros make them not count?
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    "Can't you see I'm fasting." He said as he devoured an entire head of broccoli.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    "Can't you see I'm fasting." He said as he devoured an entire head of broccoli.

    I thought you liked cheese! MmmKay
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    RowdysLady wrote: »
    For me, on most days I can drink coffee with 1 T butter and 1 T coconut oil and be happy from 0700 until around 1400. Thus keeping all that time without intake of other calories.

    That's great, if you like it and if it fits your nutritional goals. I think some of us are just reacting to the consumption of 200-600 (or sometimes more) calories being referred to as fasting, when it's basically a normal breakfast. It's not surprising that one would eat (or drink) breakfast and not be hungry. I eat a variety of different breakfasts, including a high carb, low fat, mostly vegetable-based smoothie with lots of protein (greek yogurt and protein powder and sometimes cashew milk), and am perfectly content from 5:30 or 6 until 2, if I don't happen to eat lunch until 2.
    I simply can't imagine that with other WOE, people don't experience the same sort of thing. "I ate my same breakfast today as I always do, yet I feel like I'm starving. I can't wait for lunch." Ever think or say that? Bet most have. So to knock BPC (or anyone's choice for a meal) for being too calorie rich seems a bit one sided to me.

    Sure, on occasion. I think the point is that it's a lot of calories if you don't find it satiating (I probably wouldn't) or if you have other nutritional goals. Breakfast-sized calories on butter and coconut oil doesn't meet mine, because they don't really have a lot of other nutrients (I like to have protein and vegetables with all meals). But then, I enjoy saving some calories for ice cream or high quality chocolate (which obviously isn't really keto compliant) or good cheese (which would be), and others like saving them for wine or other treats. All fine, but it's annoying when people sneer at these choices as empty calories or not good choices for someone with an overall nutritious diet, but then seem to think that BPC is some kind of superfood (but then the notion of superfoods is crazy anyway) or special secret to weight loss.

    If it's just a tasty breakfast you happen to like, well, still not my cup of coffee (black is best, IMO), but I think that's great for you. It's just not somehow superior to other breakfasts that others might prefer (and it's not fasting).
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.

    I don't get it either. If you consume calories, you aren't fasting.

    I vaguely remember reading in someone's IF protocol that it was okay to drink coffee with milk or cream up to 100 calories or so during the fasting window and that it shouldn't break the fast. 200, I think, is pushing it.

    I'm not sure if that is true with so much cream, but just adding fat could possibly be included in a fasting goal because you keep your body running on just fat. The difference is changing perhaps from body fat to dietary fat. Adding too much cream would bring on carbs, so that breaks the fat consumption goal. How much is likely going to be highly individualized. For me, 50 calories of cream (4g carbs) is going to break a fast, but I've become very carb-sensitive while becoming fat adapted. So 100 calories maybe could work to keep someone in a fat consuming (fast) mode if they were less carb sensitive.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    I'm still not understanding how ingesting 200 calories of fat is fasting.

    I'm also not understanding how it's specific to the keto diet that one can eat a bigger breakfast and then smaller other meals.

    I'm not knocking BPC if it's your choice, I just don't get these other things everyone is saying about it.

    I don't get it either. If you consume calories, you aren't fasting.

    I vaguely remember reading in someone's IF protocol that it was okay to drink coffee with milk or cream up to 100 calories or so during the fasting window and that it shouldn't break the fast. 200, I think, is pushing it.

    I remember reading that 50-100 cals spaced out throughout the Fast does not create a big enough insulin response to consider it breaking the fast. A splash of milk in coffee etc should be fine.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    This whole "I'm not spiking insulin, so I'm still fasting" argument ... is just... I don't get it.

    You're taking in calories.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited November 2016
    This whole "I'm not spiking insulin, so I'm still fasting" argument ... is just... I don't get it.

    You're taking in calories.

    In the HFLC cult camp insulin is everything and one can theoretically eat thousands of calories of fat and never gain weight solely because of insulin.
