November 2016 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @ddmom0811 Thanks! I have an annoying hip/IT Band issue that I can't really pin down, might just be stiff, but there's on and off pain, so I figured, get the appointment. appt is set for late was the soonest one I could get. I'm hoping the issue will be gone before then.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Updated for rounding and what I had missed earlier in the month. Also added today's run.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @louubelle congrats on the master's degree!

    @lporter229 Congrats to your Stella on her 3k! I want to do that with my Stella some day. That's great that she stayed focused and she and your husband did so well. Sounds like you all had a fun day of racing.

    Date:: :::: Miles :::: Nov total (goal = 75)
    11/01/16 :::: 5.7 :::: 5.7
    11/02/16 :::: 2.9 :::: 8.5
    11/03/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 10.7
    11/04/16 :::: 2.0 :::: 12.7
    11/05/16 :::: 6.4 :::: 19.1
    11/06/16 :::: 2.5 :::: 21.6
    11/07/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/08/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/09/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 24.0
    11/10/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 24.0
    11/11/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 26.5
    11/12/16 :::: 7.2 :::: 33.7
    11/13/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 36.8
    11/14/16 :::: 2.8 :::: 39.5
    11/15/16 :::: 5.6 :::: 45.1
    11/16/16 :::: 2.7 :::: 47.9
    11/17/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 47.9
    11/18/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 50.0
    11/19/16 :::: 7.3 :::: 57.3
    11/20/16 :::: 3.0 :::: 60.3
    11/21/16 :::: 2.6 :::: 62.9
    11/22/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 62.9
    11/23/16 :::: 5.7 :::: 68.6
    11/24/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 71.7
    11/25/16 :::: 3.4 :::: 75.1
    11/26/16 :::: 7.3 :::: 82.4
    11/27/16 :::: 3.4 :::: 85.7
    11/28/16 :::: 3.0 :::: 88.7

    I had to get up at 4:15 this morning to make my flight back home and I was not counting on getting any running in today. But then my running buddy texted me she was going to group tonight at 5:30 and we haven't been able to connect in a long time so I went. We did a short interval workout. 60-90-30 seconds with 30 seconds in between x 3. Then 4 sprints. It felt very intense! I didn't have a good gauge of my pace because of all the starting and stopping, but Garmin tells me I did my fastest mile ever at some point during that. I'm not counting that officially because I didn't run a solid mile at any point, but still - nice to get a little pat on the back from Garmin.

    Almost to 90 miles - which is 15 over my November goal. I'm going to have to do some thinking about how to set the December goal.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited November 2016
    Am I a wimp for thinking about hitting up the treadmill for tomorrow's 5 miles, since it's going to be 40 degrees and rainy at the time? was thinking set the TM to hills and go for it.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    10 km along the Riverbank trails. Locked into the Short dark days of winter for 2 more months so limited to what we call Real-Estate runs - since we are limited to running on the local park trails and roads.
    Dark when I go to work - dark when I come home. Started to add more long slow runs in as I ramp up for winter HM season and associated training.
    Donut Runs, Brewery runs, Seven Hills Seven Pubs etc. As runners we have way to much fun trying to be healthy.

    November Running Goal 140km
    11/01 –00.0 km – 0.0 – 140.0 km – YTD 1071.0 km
    11/02–9.5 km – 9.5 – 130.5 km
    11/05–26.0 km –35.5 – 104.5 km
    11/12–12.0 km –47.5 – 92.5 km
    11/13–5.0 km –52.5 – 87.5 km
    11/14–10.0 km –62.5 – 77.5 km
    11/16–5.0 km –67.5 – 72.5 km
    11/19–8.0 km –75.5 – 64.5 km
    11/20–9.0 km –84.5 – 55.5 km
    11/21–14.0 km –98.5 – 41.5 km
    11/25–10.0 km –108.5 – 31.5 km
    11/26–5.0 km –113.5 – 26.5 km
    11/27–8.0 km –121.5 – 18.5 km
    11/28–10.0 km –131.5 – 8.5 km – YTD 1196.5 km

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @ceciliaslater Thank you! Thankfully I work in a building that is on the edge of campus and removed from where the incidents took place. We were under shelter-in-place for about an hour and a half with the rest of the university as a precaution. It was a very scary situation as we tried to reach everyone and understand what was going on.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Am I a wimp for thinking about hitting up the treadmill for tomorrow's 5 miles, since it's going to be 40 degrees and rainy at the time? was thinking set the TM to hills and go for it.

    No, not a wimp at all.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    I've been slacking keeping up on all the posts with the holiday weekend. In regards to all the shoe talk: I can't even begin to add up all the pairs I have. Seriously, I have a huge bin full of shoes for every type of shoe with my athletic/running shoe bin being the biggest of course. However, I have those few favorite pairs of shoes for each season that I wear and most of the rest rarely get worn. I really should sort through them.

    I can't remember who posted about the donut run, but that is definitely my type of race. I always have a hard time turning down a donut.

    All this talk about sports medicine doctors makes me very grateful that I am able to see the medical director of many of Columbus's large races and I can usually get in within the week. I guess I never really thought about that not always being the case. Hoping you don't end up having to see him @MNLittleFinn

    @HeatherMN and @MNLittleFinn Congrats on beginning marathon training!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    We decided to take the stairs up and down at hubby's crohn's drug infusion appt today. Sheesh, that hurt my sore knee! It also hurts to bring my right ankle toward left knee (i.e. putting on socks and shoes!) Despite this I felt certain I could run and without pain. It just doesn't hurt to plain walk or run. Hubby was having fits as I assured him that I would absolutely stop immediately if I had knee pain. So 2 miles ran and 1 walked. I'm still taking it easy on the miles bc I don't want the shin pain to return. I'm not going to make my goal anyway since I took 6 days to rest shin. So taking it really easy to finish out the month. Definitely no squats until this knee issue resolves. At least it's a non-running injury for once! Lol.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    We decided to take the stairs up and down at hubby's crohn's drug infusion appt today. Sheesh, that hurt my sore knee! It also hurts to bring my right ankle toward left knee (i.e. putting on socks and shoes!) Despite this I felt certain I could run and without pain. It just doesn't hurt to plain walk or run. Hubby was having fits as I assured him that I would absolutely stop immediately if I had knee pain. So 2 miles ran and 1 walked. I'm still taking it easy on the miles bc I don't want the shin pain to return. I'm not going to make my goal anyway since I took 6 days to rest shin. So taking it really easy to finish out the month. Definitely no squats until this knee issue resolves. At least it's a non-running injury for once! Lol.

    Good luck with it. Knee pain is so frustrating. My opposite surgery side knee, achilles and foot are still trying to adjust from 3+ months on (or supposed to be on) crutches.

    You're smart to rest it, and take breaks. That spill I took in February took about 2 months to heal before I could kneel on it.

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    November Goal: have as much fun running as Lily the Whippet does!

    11/1 6.50
    11/2 got distracted by some silly ball game...
    11/3 3.20
    11/4 2.05
    ...and off for a couple days as I travel to Vegas to meet with the whole famdamily including son who was supposed to be dead by now!
    11/5, 6,7 travel
    11/8 2.50
    11/9 3.40
    11/10 travel
    11/11 family reunion/travel/playing cards/arguing politics/walking for miles in Vegas
    11/12 ditto
    11/13 6.38 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 10k....and more family reunion drama ( sometimes sucks....)
    11/14 travel/15 hour airport layover, redeye overocean flight
    11/15 nap...may try a treadmill run later....(didn't happen)
    11/16 3.20
    11/17 delayed jetlag
    11/18 3.60
    11/19 4.07
    11/20 rest
    11/21 4.25
    11/22 3.61
    11/23 cooking/cleaning
    11/24 cooking/cleaning/eating.....<stupor after all that
    11/25 6.13
    11/26 core/strength training and 2.30
    11/27 rest (really I was just being a slug....)
    11/28 4.25

    Total: 58.54

    Upcoming Races:
    Races For Awareness Virtual 10k for Outrun The Sun Skin Cancer Awareness: soon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and total to date:
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in a reasonable run yesterday, then went to my team's interval running group session tonight before running an extra 5 miles afterwards. Legs were feeling OK, as all intervals were between a 5:30-6 pace although I was a bit flat on my run afterwards. Debating if I want to run a little 5K over the weekend, as I think I can easily crack the 19 mark, but I'll play it by ear as I haven't enjoyed racing for less than 3 hours at a time as of late.

    11/1 - 5 miles
    11/3 - 1 mile
    11/4 - 2 miles
    11/5 - 27 miles (26.2 plus two very long runs through transition)
    11/9 - 3 miles
    11/13 - 22 miles (10K race + 2 miles of re-positioning + 14 miles of marathon pacing)
    11/17 - 5 miles
    11/18 - 6 miles
    11/21 - 12 miles
    11/22 - 7 miles
    11/24 - 8.5 miles
    11/26 - 5.5 miles
    11/27 - 7 miles
    11/28 - 10.5 miles

    Total: 121.5 miles
    Goal: 140 miles
    Remaining: 18.5 miles

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25 - 4:43:56
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9 - 3:04:57
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5 - 10:21:27 (3:38:20 marathon time)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @lporter229 That's lovely that you ran the race with your niece! Love hearing how happy she was.

    01 November – 10.3 km
    03 November – 10 km
    05 November – 5.1 km parkrun
    08 November – 7.3 km
    09 November – 3.1 km
    10 November – 11 km
    12 November – 7.6 km including parkrun
    13 November – 21.3 km in the rain
    15 November – 10.2 km
    17 November – 9 km
    19 November – 5 km parkrun PB 26:39
    20 November – 14 km with 518 metres elevation
    22 November – 10.2 km
    24 November – 10.3 km
    25 November – 7.4 km Fibonacci fun
    26 November – 9.8 km including my 50th parkrun and a PB 26:22
    27 November – 12.7 km
    29 November – 7 km

    Goal: HM, then Zen Mode
    Total: 171.3 km

    4 December – Carman’s Women’s Half Marathon

    7 km taper run today. I'm getting excited about my HM coming up on Sunday, and it was a battle not to push too hard this morning!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @lporter229 - Love the picture! It is so great that you could run with your niece and is something that she will always remember. I don't know about your Stella but I ran an early PR in a 5K with Hobbes - he was definitely focused and ensuring that I ran as fast as possible to stay up with all the other dogs (and people). The only time he slowed was to sniff the horses as we ran past - he loves horses :)
    @Elise4270 - the violin huh? Maybe you can teach yourself to play it and run at the same time? It would help keep you from going too fast certainly!

    Hit my goal today with a nice afternoon run after work. Slipped in the mud at agility class tonight though and felt a pop in my upper, upper hamstring/lower, lower glute... managed to finish class but driving home was painful. It doesn't bother me at all when I walk or stand but sitting is really, really tough. I tried some foam rolling and couldn't do it - hurt too much. I did ice and will try the foam roller tomorrow. Depending on how it feels I may take tomorrow as another rest day. It is slated to be a very busy day at work anyway. I am worried about my HM that is a little more than 2 weeks away - hope this is better by then.

    11/01......0.00......0.00 - + Strength Training
    11/03......0.00......4.66 - + Strength Training and Rally Obedience (2 classes!)
    11/05......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/06......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/07......4.23....13.18 - + Agility class
    11/08......3.00....16.18 - + Strength Training
    11/10......0.00....20.59 - to Napa
    11/11......0.00....20.59 - Wine
    11/12......5.02....25.61 - Wine country run + Wine
    11/13......0.00....25.61 - Back to reality
    11/15......5.06....34.34 - Sunset run
    11/16......0.00....34.34 - + Strength Training
    11/17......4.60....38.94 - + Rally Obedience
    11/19......0.00....44.52 - Dog Beach
    11/20....10.32....54.84 - Long almost rain run
    11/21......4.52....59.36 - After the rain run + Agility class
    11/28......5.68....93.05 - + Agility and GOAL!


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half Marathon
    02/20/16 - Divas Half Marathon - Temecula
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    08/21/16 - Tiki Beach 10k, Huntington Beach
    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!) - CANCELED!!

    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Goal! Was supposed to do 1 for my streak (aka rest day) but I thought one more wouldn't hurt. Plus I was in zombie mode.

    11/1 - 4.3 miles
    11/2 - strength training
    11/3 - rest day
    11/4 - 4.5 miles + strength training
    11/5 - 34 miles biking
    11/6 - 9 miles
    11/7 - 3 miles
    11/8 - 4.1 miles
    11/9 - rest/mourning day
    11/10 - 5 miles
    11/11 - 4.1 miles + strength training
    11/12 - 4.1 miles
    11/13 - 51 miles biking
    11/14 - 4.1 miles
    11/15 - 5 miles
    11/16 - strength training
    11/17 - 5 miles
    11/18 - rest day
    11/19 - 44 miles biking
    11/20 - 27 miles biking
    11/21 - 4.1 miles
    11/22 - 4 miles
    11/23 - 4 miles
    11/24 - streak starts 51 miles biking and 1.1 mile run
    11/25 - 3 mile run
    11/26 - 54 miles biking + 1 mile run for streak
    11/27 - 4.17 miles
    11/28 - 4.1 miles
    11/29 - 2 miles
    11/30 -

    Upcoming races
    11/30/16 - I/ITSEC 5K
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited November 2016
    11/1: 8.5 miles
    11/2: 6.7 miles
    11/3: 3.6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    11/4: Rest
    11/5: 14 miles
    11/6: NYCM spectating!
    11/7: 3 miles
    11/8: 3 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    11/9: 4.5 miles
    11/10: 5.5 miles (am), no pm run
    11/11: 4.4 miles
    11/12: 10 miles
    11/13: 5.5 miles
    11/14: 3.3 miles
    11/15: Rest day finally!
    11/16: 6 miles
    11/17: 3 miles with the Thursday crew
    11/18: Rest/expo day
    11/19: 3 miles
    11/20: 26.4 miles - Philly Marathon
    11/21: Rest/1.2 miles walk
    11/22: Rest
    11/23: Rest
    11/24: 4.1 miles
    11/25: 2 miles
    11/26: 5.7 miles
    11/27: 4.7 trail miles
    11/28: 2 miles

    2 quick miles last night after work. First mile was just over 8 min pace and then I turned around and thought, "Just two miles. Let's go fast!" So then I ran a sub-7:20 for the next mile and it felt smooth and not-so-hard. But these 2-4 mile runs (yay run streak) are so nice after months of 50-70 mile weeks. Loving it!

    I'll do 2-3 more tonight miles around my FIRST EVER LIFTING SESH! Starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women today. Aiming to leave work around 4 so I can get to the gym before it gets too busy with the after-work crowd (fingers crossed)... I want my noobness to be witnessed by the fewest people possible ;)

    Also I added a ton of races to my calendar next year, some are registered and some I'm waiting on. Doing the January & February races and both March HMs with friends. My wallet is going to be bitter for a while but my heart will be happy :)


    Fall Race Season & Next Year:
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k: 21:26
    10/16: Superhero Halloween Half Marathon: 1:42:24
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon: 3:52:00
    1/8/17: NYCRUNS Cocoa Classic 10 mile
    2/18/17: FebApple Frozen 50 - 10 mile option
    3/12/17: E. Murray Todd HM
    3/18/17: Looney Leprechaun 10k (trail)
    3/26/17: Philly Love Run HM
    4/1/17: NJ Ultra Fest HM (trail)
    4/9/17: Rutgers UNITE HM (maybe)
    5/14/17: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM
    5/21 or 5/28: Cleveland or Vermont City Marathons (maybe)

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @Elise4270 - great idea to take on a new challenge! I would love to learn the violin or the cello. I never had an opportunity to try a string instrument and always wished I had. I'm sure it will be a bit rough at first but I'm sure your cat will love it :smile:

    You all and your shoe talk - I scored a new pair of my current Sauconys at 50% off yesterday. I was pretty pleased as I am not a good bargain shopper and never manage to get good deals.

    I'm also up for a donut run. I got an enormous cinnamon roll at my turkey trot last week and now this Saturday I'm doing the St. Nick Shuffle 5k and there is a cookie aid station. Last year I skipped it, trying to "do well" and regrettably, there were no cookies at the end. Lesson learned.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2016
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Elise4270 - the violin huh? Maybe you can teach yourself to play it and run at the same time? It would help keep you from going too fast certainly!

    It's definitely on my goal list! There are a few benches along the trail. I haven't even received the violin yet and DH is already opposed to listening to it. I may be the park fiddler.

    @katharmonic Sales are on. Decent student violin is the stentor II. ~£145, 130+US The internet is full of great information and lessons. It's never too late. Don't put it off until your 46! I didn't have the restraint to do a beginner model. :grimace:

    I anticipate learning an instrument will help with negate snacking. My hands and mind will be occupied.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @Elise4270 I think it's great you're learning an instrument. I learned to play the drums in my 30s, but after getting pregnant and having a kid, I stopped. I do play the piano though. Have been playing since I was a kid.