

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    2 quick things.... Michele - you'd have to open the binding up to get behind it and do some re-inforcing... this is a big project but worth it if the piece is a memory item.

    and its cold here (55degrees) and I was wanting soup for lunch at I am going out for mexican for dinner and wanted to save up calories... but low and behold the jar of soup in the freezer when I actually pulled it out was not soup... it was lemonade mix.. so I pulled out a zip bag of roasted tomatoes dumped them in a saucepan with some bell pepper - whirled it with my stick blender, added 2 tablespoons of cream, basil oregano... warmed though and Lunch ! very few calories and filling!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle ~ I cook boiled eggs in the pressure cooker but I have an insert that rises above the water (2 cups). I cook them for 7 minutes and they come out perfectly.

    Joyce ~ Congrats on your bathroom. Can you paint the walls to give it some color?

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited November 2016
    Karen in VA - The fire was way to the south of me, so no danger here. Now Rori was close to the Green Mountain fire last night. Maybe she can tell us something about it.

    I thought I was done Christmas shopping and could spend the day in the quilting room. That did not turn out to be the case. DD tried on some new blue jeans she had asked for and found (goodness sakes!!!) she no longer could wear the size she had told me, it had become too small.

    I just let my smile stay on the inside when she told me that. I had noticed she has picked up grazing habits and was getting into the pantry after dinner. However because I had bought them (jeans via mail) and paid for them with a credit card, only I could return them. The closest store was 25 miles away (hence why I mail order), so I drove down and got a credit for the returned jeans. This weekend we will have to go out and hunt for a new brand of jeans and get her to try them on for size. She is difficult to shop for and shop with. So most of my day is shot and I have to clear my head in order to start on a quilting project.

    Tomorrow I will pack my sewing machine and go to a friend's house for a day of gossip and quilting. I get quite a bit done on the sew days we do together. Maybe it will make up for the loss of quilting today. I have my Christmas tree skirt back from the long arm quilter and I want to get the binding on it so I can actually use it this year. It's a real beauty, once it's done I will post a picture.

    Charleen in Colorado (cold, windy and cloudy, a good day to stay inside)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Charlene cute story!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2016
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    But the counter top is white, no pretty veins in it and the commode is stark white. So if it weren't for the flooring, it would be a very white kitchen. So Michelle and I will go out and buy some things that will brighten it up.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce - A commode in the kitchen! What a great idea!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Karen - Oh dear! I think I'm going to expire from my son's Facebook posts. Like "Which starship would you choose?" etc. Gaaarrrr! He is 40 tomorrow. :o

    My difficult friend has rung me to organise a lunch on Thursday. She has to come to my village to pick up some books, so she wants to meet up. I have managed to avoid her for a whole year. :*;):# I will grit my teeth and amble down to the local hostelry with her. Hope to keep my temper. Wish me luck!
    I will get my brother's lamb shanks out of the freezer tonight so I can cook them tomorrow. Might have to pop out to buy cheese, veg and salad for the lunch as I won't have time on Thursday. :(

    Love Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    heather - will it be just the 2 of you at lunch on Thursday? Would be perhaps a good time to talk to her about the things you value in your friendship and the things that make you a bit crazy?

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Joyce - I know you "misspoke" when you said a white kitchen. After seeing Mary's comment it brought to mind that I used to tease DH that he would put a commode in the living room to make it "convenient" to potty during a tv football game! He likes to keep items on counter tops rather than in drawers and cabinets "to make it easier" to get to things. He can do that in his bathroom all he wants but that is as far as it goes. Everything has its place - and its not out all over the place making a nice room look messy.

    Watching the news reports about the fires in East Tennessee. So sad and so dangerous. Rain is supposed to be here tomorrow.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    But the counter top is white, no pretty veins in it and the commode is stark white. So if it weren't for the flooring, it would be a very white kitchen. So Michelle and I will go out and buy some things that will brighten it up.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce - A commode in the kitchen! What a great idea!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Too funny!!! I just read that to Jack and told him I was going to post exactly what you just did. :)

    Janetr okc

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather - because I've often had to do it, you can "unfollow" someone on Facebook without unfriending them. It can save enormous heartache, headaches and general nausea! :) At the right hand top of any one of his posts, there is a dropdown arrow. When you select it, one of the choices will be "unfollow" with his name.

    This doesn't mean you can't see his stuff, or visit his page, just by selecting him in your friends list. Just means you won't see anything he posts unless he specifically tags you.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2016
    Kim: Thanks for the good thoughts about DH's eye issues. We'll know more about it tomorrow morning. :smiley:

    Michele: I've had a facebook account for years and log into it regularly. I'm not one of the people who always has it open in a window on their computer. It is a great place for me to see how my daughter is doing & how several long time friends are doing. My son doesn't post there regularly but he turns up once in a while. I see several dear cousins & friends there regularly. :star:

    Charleen in CO: I'm happy that the fires are not near you. I envy you being almost done with Christmas shopping. I haven't even started. :embarassed:

    Heather: Re: your son's facebook posts, I would choose the Enterprise. I'm well beyond 40 & still an original Star Trek fan. I love the new movies but don't care for "...the next Generation." My forty-year old son is a Doctor Who fan & I bought him Whovian Christmas Ornaments. :heart:

    Joyce: DMIL had a bathroom door that was right next to her stove for decades. It worked for her & might work for Charlie. DSIL lives there now and remodeled. She walled off that door and made her kitchen more functional. The bathroom can be accessed from a bedroom. In fact, it always had a door into the bedroom. Eliminating one door improved the bathroom, too. :wink:

    Toni: I hope you're safe from the Tennessee fires. :sad:

    DH has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow. He's been experiencing cloudy vision in his right eye. She told him he was developing cataracts in the past & I wonder if that is what is causing his trouble. I hope there is good news &/or a good action plan.

    Christmas shopping has not happened at our house and I'm worried about it. DD always wants things that push our financial limits. DS doesn't ask for much, but he appreciates thoughtful gifts. Maybe we can fold a bit of Christmas shopping into tomorrow's eye doctor appt.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – I like Heather’s suggestion about inviting the parents (in-laws of children) to come for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I don’t see why they would not agree to it (maybe if they have younger children at home that could be an issue). I’d go ahead and extend the invitation now, so they have 25 days to get ready to come. Praying that they will be receptive. If not, maybe they will invite you and Vince there. I know some people just don’t like the pack up and go somewhere. When our DSs were little we basically went to parents and in-laws (or they were invited to our house). I grew up Baptist; but, became a Catholic when I married DH, because he wanted to bring them up in the Catholic Church. We invited my parents to attend Midnight Mass with us. While my Daddy had read books on the Catholic faith; he had never been inside a Catholic Cathedral. It was like a ‘kid in the candy store’, he looked at every nook and cranny and I thought he was going to talk the ears off the priest. Going with us and having read books on the Catholic faith … he realized it had become so important to me (and again to Louis). DOS won’t attend another church; but, DDnL#2 and DGD#4 have gotten DYS to attend church with them. Like I said, the two of them can get him to do just about anything. He is really enjoying it; but, hunting season makes it impossible for him to go, unless none of his bosses are down.

    We went to DDnL#1’s mother’s house. It was a ‘crew’ of them there. Unfortunately, they had to call Hospice early in the day to come give Grannie something to calm her down. Patsy was telling us that when they came in the Wednesday before (to keep her until Sunday) while they went shopping; the guy picked her up and carried outside because they could not get the gurney inside. She said that he picked her up as if she was a baby and did not even act like it was anything at all. My Mother was heavy most of her life (after my 3rd birthday) due to injuries sustain on a Christmas Day accident and she had to wear a neck brace that kept her head up at a 45° angle and she got to the point she could not do any type of exercise; so the ‘only’ person who could come pick her up was my BF’s father (who worked part-time as an EMT). If he was not working they’d call him at home and he’d come over and pick her up. He’d get her into a sitting position then squat down behind her and put his arms under her armpits and lift her up with no problem. But, I know it embarrassed her to have to have this done. My Mother was only 5’2” and I swear she had to weight 350lb or more at one point in her life.

    For some reason I am missing 3 pieces that were a part of my Mother’s manger scene that Daddy gave her the first Christmas they were married. I cannot even imagine where they could possibly be. I’ve always packed them in the same little box. I am just heart-broken. But, tomorrow I will go out into my studio to see if I can find any more boxes with Christmas ornaments. It is over 70 years old. I sure hope I can find it.

    Have you thought about maybe having a clock made that would have its insides, inside a waterproof housing; maybe like one that you needed to wind up? Maybe making some sort of metal box; hang the pendulum down, or even painting a ceramic face for it? Maybe check with someone who is a welder.

    That “Light of God” post is a little prayer that one of my former HS friends say to her grandchildren when she is there … she said it to the parents of the children as well. I had never heard it before … I had the “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep” prayer at our house. It is better if they learn more than the first verse (which can be a little scary for little children). The part about ‘if I should die before I wake, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to take’. I'd always ask my Mother if I'd ever see her again, if I died before I woke.

    Cary – I have a friend who has Nystagmus (where her eyes dart back and forth involuntarily). She has to use drops all the time, several times in a few hours. She has had to give up her drawing because it is so bad, that the only way she can do so, she has to turn her head to one side, so they will be still long enough to work on something. Thankfully she really loves her ‘eye MD’ and ‘trusts’ him … he’s had to operate on them a couple of times. She says it is awful. Whenever I happen to move, I sometimes have this same feeling. It does go away (dizzy). She said it is awful!

    Carol – We had cloudy skies; but, just a smattering of rain

    Pip – I saw something a friend sent me; it was a way to store your bikes. You put the front tire into the groove like thing and as soon as the front of the tire hits the wall; it went up (same sort of track) and kept your bikes perpendicular to the ground (like the tires were on the walls). I thought about y’all when I saw it. I should have sent you the link.

    Katla – I have 3 crockpots; all but 1 has a removable pot; then I have a little one just big enough for 2 people. One of them I don’t really like because it is all one piece and hard to deal with.
    As of last night, was still having issues with it. It sort of ‘comes and goes’ so I hope I am not ‘asked’ to ‘duplicate what happens’. It is like taking a car into the shop (by a woman) and the car ‘never’ makes the same sound, until you drive away.

    Charleen – That was a ‘funny story’. LOL!!!!! Thanks!

    Karen in Virginia and Heather – I have not done any of my ‘main’ Christmas shopping; but, it will be easy enough; just ‘gift cards’ so they can go out and buy what they like and want. I do have a ‘few’ things I can wrap up for the girls.

    Michele (again) – A friend of mine sent me a ‘fool-proof’ way of cooking a ‘hard boiled eggs’; but on the stove, not in a pressure cooker. At this point, I follow ‘most’ of it; but, not sure I actually do it correctly. I’ll look for the directions. It is for ‘hard boiled’ eggs; but, also tells you what to do for ‘soft boiled’ eggs; which I won’t eat. I know you put you eggs in cold water with a little salt, covering them by 2” and then bring them to boil, turn off the heat and wait a certain number of minutes; I want to say I think it is 10; then run them under cold water. Doing it the ‘correct’ way is supposed to cook them through by not have that ‘green’ circle or layer on the yellow part of the egg that you do if you over cook them. I’ve never heard of making hard boiled eggs in a pressure cooker. You are probably not cooking them as long, if they are ‘mushy’. That’d be my thought on it. My luck with a pressure cooker would be 'it would explode with all the eggs' and my house would forever smell like a huge 'fart'. I've never used one. Mother did every Sunday; until one Sunday it blew its top. Could have killed someone.

    Toni – You’re welcome. I like it when I can write something that others enjoy reading.

    Lisa – I am just going to ‘ignore’ some friend requests on FB that I know will have all sorts of things posted, that shouldn’t be. Some just have way too much 'drama' in their lives and I don't want to be a 'forced' participant.

    DDnL#1 DID actually go to her OB/GYN and was put on Wellbutrin and some kind of medication to 'curb her appetite and a B12 shot. Something she was spending $90 for back when she was 'on her diet'. I hope it all works out for her. At least she has admitted she has a problem and she has taken he first step towards trying to get a 'handle' on it. I'm proud of her for doing this for herself. Maybe if she can calm down, everybody around her can, too.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Hi, this seems like a terrific group! I'm SheridanWild from Australia. I have used MFP on and off for over a year and have decided to commit to the whole of 2017 but ... not to wait so started 4 days ago!

    So, my very first goal is to track food and exercise every day for the next 13 months and 1 day (we are a day ahead here so tomorrow is the last day of November.

    I've always been 'all or nothing' when it comes to diets and exercise which has lead to lots of crazy, extreme diets and exercise programs throughout my adult life.

    I was slim for about 2 minutes a decade ago!

    I'm now coming to terms with creating long term, sustainable healthy habits and, for me, that starts here with staying conscious about my choices...and their consequences.

    I hope to share the journey so lets connect and be a cheer squad for each other!

    Welcome! Just a heads up - there will be a new thread at the beginning of December. Barbie will post a link at the end of this thread.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I'm making chicken soup for dinner. I love homemade soup, but I'm not a fan of the canned stuff. :noway:

    I'm with you. I cannot eat the canned stuff anymore. I do occasionally buy the organic kind that comes in a carton. In my old age, my taste buds have gotten really sensitive. I can taste the metal from the can, not to mention all that sodium! It is easy enough to throw together some homemade.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) I got a Facebook account a few years ago for two reasons---first, Michele had posted videos of her outdoor decorations and I wanted to see them.....second, a good friend kept telling me to ask Jake to show me the pictures of her dogs that she'd posted on Facebook and I didn't like the idea of having to ask my husband to show me something that I was certainly capable of finding for myself. I don't accept all the friend requests I get, I follow almost nobody. and I check Facebook very rarely.

    :/ I stayed up too late twice in the last week and have been dragging....I took a nap this afternoon and it turned me into a new woman.

    :) Tomorrow is the last day of the month, so I'll be planning the kick-off for the thread for December....be watching for it.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh wow, I did a boo boo didn't I. The commode is in the rest of the bathroom and not in the kitchen. Glad I could give you all a laugh. Yes, we will paint it. He wants a cream color which is what the rest of the house is unless Michelle and I have painted a non common room. And we have painted them bold colors. I think that is why he hasn't let us pick out a paint color for his room. We call the rest of the house Guthrie May white. Guthrie May was the builder way back when we had our house built in 1978. We just the house plans looked just the most wonderful thing ever. But he met code only, not exceeded them. We have found all that out through the years.

    I agree about the 'unfollow' on face book. I have some in-laws that are pretty repulsive at times. I do like to see their grand kids but I just don't want to read anything about them. So we are friends and if I want to go to their page I just put their name in the search and read. I never see anything they post and that is fine with me.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stats for the day:
    ide hm 2 gym- 11.25min, 15.5amph, 150mhr, 2.9mi= 116c
    fitbit- 149mhr, 86c
    LATERAL MACHINE 40min, lvl6-12, lat10, 124 ahr, 143mhr, 5690str, 71fl, 4.72mi = 328c
    fitbit- 140mhr, 294c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.45min, 12.7amph, 135amhr, 1.4mi = 65c
    fitbit- 139mhr, 34c
    jog station 2 wk 4.21min, 9.23ap, 146mhr, .4mi = 53c
    fitbit- 144mhr, 48c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4min est, 150mhr, .4mi = 50c
    fitbit- 150mhr, 48c
    ride dome 2 hm-18.03min, 8.6amph, didn't record right, says 121mhr, 2.5mi = 159c
    fitbit- 143mhr, 120c
    total cal 771

    grits, - i think i know what you're talking about, they are cool