

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: A few years ago I "unfollowed" one friend who was posting very nasty comments on facebook about enthinc minorities while he was visiting TX. He was supporting his nasty opinions by claiming himself to be a Christian. He thought or thinks I'm an atheist, but that isn't true & I know my Bible. I posted some very pertinent bible quotations that opposed his opinions. After that I unfollowed his comments. He and & his wife were dear friends of ours for years. I am still friends with his wife and we talk on the phone every few weeks. We haven't seen them in person since they moved to Montana. I miss her. :heart:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    YEAH!!!!! It's raining!

    Thank God. Praying that you get as much as we just got in southeast Missouri, that would definitely help those fires.

    Janetr okc
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    It seems it is all I can do to catch up. All finished decorating and have cards on table to work on. Not doing a lot of shopping because the DisneyWorld trip with family is suppose to be Christmas. We drew names to fill stockings.
    Have weigh-in tomorrow. Hope it isn't too bad.
    SueBDew. In TX
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Carol/Peach - I usually cook my eggs in the pressure cooker for 7 minutes, too. But sometimes one or two will be "mushy" (as if it wasn't cooked) when I go to peel it. For the most part this doesn't happen, just once in a while

    katla - I had to get "the trouble with tribbles" Christmas ornament. I know that somewhere I have a stuffed tribble. I think we got it at a Star Trek convention years ago.

    Lenora - I probably won't extend the invitation to Pete's parents until next year at the wedding. Really, we can't go up there for Christmas. Vince does A LOT of decorating. You remember the pictures I posted of the Halloween social? Well, Halloween is the warm-up to Christmas. He has one computer totally dedicated to christmas. He's been doing updates on that Computer for a while now. Since it hasn't been used in a year, there are a lot of updates. Hope you find the missing pieces to the manger scene. The quilt I'm making has the saying "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep, thy love stay with me thru the night and wake me with the morning light". I always had the kids say that (not that they do now). When I worked in the home ec area of the school, I learned that you cover the eggs for 20 minutes in order to hard boil them. I just find that doing them in the pressure cooker is faster

    The less I eat salt, the more sensitive I am to it.

    barbie - I'm glad you got Facebook. In order to post a video on here, I seem to think that first I'd have to upload it to uTube. What a hassle!!!

    Cheri - so happy for you. Will keep fingers crossed until the 18th.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member

    This was taken tonite, bullwinkle taking a nap b4 we go upstairs
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Cheri, congrats on the sale of your home.

    Allie, glad to hear you are thinking of moving forward with at least getting some information. I know it can’t be easy to get anything out of Tom, so good luck.

    Barbie, glad the PT is working.

    Joyce, congrats on getting "almost" finished with the bathroom, kitchen?, no, bathroom. :#

    I got very far behind but did read nearly all the posts. I only responded to a few as I didn’t take notes. Congrats to all with victories!!! (((Hugs))) to those that need them. I’ll really miss you while I’m on the cruise next week.
    I’ve enjoyed reading about everyone’s Thanksgiving and prep for Christmas. I wanted to get my decorations up before I leave on the cruise this Friday so I’ve been working hard at it since Thanksgiving. The tree turned out beautiful and seemed to go faster than usual. DH helps bring it down and set it up and I do the rest. I had it finished in a few hours. We did our outside decorations different this year and that is all done. Just finished it today. I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping and it is all wrapped and under the tree. *I love gift bags* I only today started setting out a few of the things that I’ll take on the cruise. Tomorrow night I have a meeting at the Moose and then Thursday will get packed.
    Yesterday and before it was in the mid 30’s each night and 50’s during the days. Today it got into the mid to upper 70’s. When I went out to finish my decorating I thought it was summer! Should be close to the same tomorrow before it turns cooler again. Time to hit the hay.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day!

    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbie – I think FB has been ‘trouble’ for a lot of people, especially couples. Seems like one or the other or both of them ‘escape’ to that world. It isn’t ‘make believe’ and it isn’t the place to post some things because you never know who might be friends of friends. It is so wide-spread and with some who ‘friend’ anybody and like and ‘follow’ anything just gets them deeper and deeper in trouble. And, it’s out there and some people will always ‘bring it back up’ long after the two have gotten over it and ‘try’ to ‘move on’.

    Joyce – LOL! Someone might need it to be in the ‘kitchen’ … grazing right though their body. I know WTMI!

    Michele – As an adult I learned there were more verses to “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep”; but, parents did not instill that in us to remember; but, I knew it ended more upbeat, for sure.

    – Cracker is an ‘inside’ dog; but, starting this past Friday, she has found her way down the road to a neighbor’s house to ‘play with their dog(s)’ and, I had to go get her this AM. DH had to bring her home last Friday when she would not respond to us calling for her. She doesn’t go anywhere if he is ‘out in the yard’ with her. Should I start going outside with her until she gets it through her head that we don’t want her to go outside of the yard? She had to walk up our driveway … easily 1/8th of a mile, down the dirt road past 2 large properties (we’re out in the country). I don’t know these people (the man is the step-son of the owner of the house). I don’t know if his wife is a stay-at-home woman or a working woman. I just don’t want someone to ride through and pick Cracker up (either to turn her in, or to take her as their pet) and I certainly do NOT want her to get killed out there. The son of our neighbors to our left is vindictive (not sure that is the word, we’ve never had problems); but, we were following him home and a ‘fox squirrel’ (big beautiful squirrel, not the fuzzy city rats) came out in the street and he purposefully swerved to hit it! I was furious; but, the dirty deed had already been committed … and there wasn’t anything I could have done or said that would have brought the squirrel back. They just a very view and far between and we had enjoyed watching him for weeks. I bought a stob and a lead; but, now we are trying to figure out where to put it and ‘if’ she will only be worse if we put her on it, to keep her home. It is certainly not like we have ever mistreated her. She is the 2nd best ‘love of my life’ (here in the house). My DYS had already ‘hit’ her with his truck when we first got her. Actually, she must have run into the side of the wheel/tire. He came in and said, “Mom, I ran over your dog.” About the same time DH comes in holding her. I about freaked out, thinking he was bringing in a ‘dead’ puppy.

    Lenora – PS – anybody can answer my question to PIP. We live ‘out in the country’; but, there still is a ‘leash law in this county, just not really enforced’.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sue, the stockings are our families most fun tradition. We have the 'secret society of stocking stuffers'. You have to be an adult woman and it used to be a married female. But there have been to many unmarried Moms come into the family that we have changed that. Plus Michelle is divorced and I don't know what we would do without her. Anyway, stockings are really fun. Little things can be put in stockings so that if we want to buy something for some one and we have got to our limit...talking about me to my girls....they go in the stocking. Usually several of us women put some little thing in all the other womens stocking. It may be a small personalized note pad but it's fun. We do this after the meal is over, the men take care of cleaning up and all of us women go to my guest bedroom and sit on or around the bed. We dump out ALL the candy that has ever been made or sold, peanuts and start stuffing. There is mounds of candy and such. This year will have to be different since we will be at this fellowship hall that has no privacy. We are going to have to have the men set up some round tables up to give us a barrier so we can have some privacy. Either that or go into the ladies restroom and all stand up. Us in the older generation all have hip and knee problems and it is hard for us to sit next to the bed and sit and reach. Plus by that time on our assigned Christmas day, my mind is mush and I can't concentrate. I need to be filling my husbands, t least one of my daughters and a sister in law. It's enough that my mind can concentrate on charlie's now. Since Christina has her husband and 2 daughters, poor Michelle fills a lot. But it's a lot, lot of fun.

    Speaking of fun, I did something that was by no means fun. It was agony. Michelle wanted this one thing for Christmas and saw it on Cyber Monday for a real nice price. So I stayed up Monday morning in order to get this ordered. But in the evening she texted me from work saying it was just decreased by $50! So I called Walmart to see what to do. He said make sure they still have it by ordering the one at the cheaper price then cancel the other order. So I order it again but when it went to cancelling the other one there was no way to cancel. It hd already been shipped. So now I have two mattresses! I can either be there at the exact moment it is delivered to my door and tell the delivery service I am refusing the order or take it back to Walmart for a full refund. This is a queen size mattress! I have to take this thing back to Walmart??? Plus I don't want to refuse it just in case the other order doesn't arrive. So Michelle is going to help us take it back. She works like an ox. It doesn't matter how she feels, if it has to be done, she just does it. It will fit in our extended length 8 passenger mini van. But I got a great deal for her present and now have enough money due to taking the other one back I can get her a birthday present which is on the 10th. so girls are so non-alike. For our meals, Michelle is so busy and Christina does nothing. We have asked her and no go, her back hurts, or she is tired or she has a bad headache. Sigh, at least they love each other dearly and love to be together.Whenever they are here her and SIL go to a movie with Michelle and boy friend.

    Joyce, Indiana saying good night and will remember Pips Christmas tree and wish it were here.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This is the last night of our "big adventure". Tomorrow night we will sleep at home for the first time in 12 weeks. We'll be home for 4 weeks then leave two days after Christmas and be gone for about 9 weeks or so.

    Janetr okc (almost there)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    morning all~
    got up early at 3:35 am, have a load of laundry in the dryer.... today was working at 1 ,but going in for 8:30 to get things done as Diane wont be there until noontime.. I have been getting a few more hours weekly as I am helping out up front...
    so working 8:30-6 today..
    have to do Christmas Shopping this weekend, sending the Grands out in Wisconsin cash.. as 2 out of the 3 are taking trips in the new year..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Cheri great news about the upcoming sale. Fingers crossed for you til the closing.

    I put out my garland on the mantel and the wreath on the door. We decided to put up the tree late this year with DD. there was no time to do it thanksgiving weekend, so we will wait for the 21st. Will have family up over that week so everything will be fresh. Will also do my holiday baking that I ship to family in Florida, thinking about little cakes instead of cookies, like apple, or carrot, or sour cream chocolate chip to keep it even simpler, and you can freeze the cakes, which I know my SIL would love.

    Ready for barbies new thread turning over. Need to get some specific little careful goals to help me settle down.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Morning all, just been for my physio session was given some more exercises. He asked if I wanted to be referred to specialist but I don't want to go down that road yet, as I can manage at the moment.

    I use a pressure cooker, always have done through 51 years of married life but never used for hard boiled eggs. I have hard boiled egg most days for lunch as I love them. I put in cold water in small saucepan bring to boil let boil for 5 or 6 minutes then run pan under cold water immediately and let cool. No dark ring around the yolk and set perfectly.

    Off to town to do a bit more shopping don't buy many gifts just give cash or gift cards that's what kids and grands prefer

    Don't do any Christmas decorations as we are not here for Christmas and New Year

    Have a good day :)
    Kate UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    It is my elder son's 40th birthday today. He said on Facebook that I and my ex had been great parents. :o:o:o:o
    I told him I would raise a glass at 21.52 this evening, the moment he was born.
    In a text he told me that he is suing his company for constructive dismissal through the union and taking grievance procedures. He said you can't let the bullies win. <3<3<3
    He also asked on Facebook for advice on vetinary assistant training, so it looks as if he might go down that route. Good idea. I have thought for a while that it would suit him.
    Seems to be coming out of his depression. :D

    The viewing is rescheduled for Monday. I will be with my friend in London, but that's fine.

    I've made the lamb shank stew. It's still bubbling. :) DH is out walking and pub lunching with his best cricket friend. <3

    I will watch a French film. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Lillian ~ Your reply made me go to Youtube to see about this sport. It does look exhausting as you have to stay so close to the ice. I can see that it takes a lot of teamwork and thoroughness. I bet you burn a lot of calories doing it.

    Took Coldeeze lozengers last night and slept a bit better. Only one bad time of coughing during the night.


    Yes, lots of calories are Used! I usually get at least 2 miles in going back and forth on the ice.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday! An unusually warm end of November! Temps got into the high 50's yesterday. Needless to say, this snow loving girl is not liking the weather. :( I have lost a pound since Thanksgiving! Woot! I will take that. First pound lost in a few weeks. My dh has also decided that we need an elliptical or treadmill; so I went "shopping" the other day and found an elliptical that will accommodate up to 375 lb. I could get away with a less expensive model, but the weight capacity would only accommodate me. I want something that my dh and dys will hop on and use. So excited to have something to use, as I no longer have a gym membership and it is now dark before my workday begins and dark again when my workday ends.
    Cheri- I noticed that Hannukah is later than normal this year. I normally plan that holiday into my daycare day and I will be on vacation during that time this year. What decides when Hannukah is celebrated?
    Heather- That last post is good news all around! So nice to be recognized for our parenting by our kids. And your son finding something he is interested in doing/studying?! That is awesome! Are the people who are viewing your home the same people who have cancelled twice due to illness?
    I have unfollowed quite a few family members due to this year's election craziness. And fb posts about "favorite space ships?" That is the kind of fluff I like to see on fb. I didn't follow Star Trek or Star Wars as a kid/teen; but Star Wars second trilogy of movies came out when my kids were small and I took them and they (especially DYS) became hooked. I got sucked into the world of Star Wars and bc of playing with him and reading to him etc. I can now name many of the more obscure characters like Gamorrean Guards and Geonosian royalty. Weird, but it works for us. (New movie comes out in 16 days!)
    Pip- I fence my tree off to keep the daycare kids away from it. Do your younger dogs get into the tree? I like your white picket fence.
    Joyce- Congrats on the completion of the bathroom. That is something that we need to do soon; but it is such work (we have an older bathroom/pipes also) I am not looking forward to the work that it entails!
    Michele- Put me on the bandwagon of those who think you should just invite them all over! It might be something they would all enjoy! Never hurts to ask!
    Sending love and hugs to all that need them! Sherry how are you? I see you are still posting your stats daily, but I miss you, friend. Everything okay with neighbors and/or moving?
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi all....

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan