How to not overeat in a world full of slobs



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    This reply is no so much to the poster of the questions but others of you who bang on that all food is ok...I find this attitude that there are no bad or unhealthy foods crazy, would you feed a baby processed cookies etc... (home made/whole foods fine) there are sooo many GMO, artificial synthetic food additives which ARE bad and unhealthy... and should be part of NO persons diet, all whole natural foods are healthy in moderation, but in this time we are not just dealing with "normal food" we are dealing with chemically altered ingredients, our cancer rates are insane compared to the past, you are lying to yourself if you think processed food is fine in moderation. Some times its a question of where we want to put our money... do i want to give McDonalds. my cash? no I would rather support the small business owners. to the poster... I would do things like buy a big bag of apples and nuts and really good yoghurts wouldn't cost a lot, and then work around what your folks are already eating, just supplement your diet with fresh fruit. take the fruit yogurt etc... to work. You could also try out new recipes with your family if they like eating fried foods, fries etc... you could make your own homemade sweet potatoes ships, fries, baked in olive oil see if they like them (they prob will), influence things gently.
    Back up your giant claims, please! @kiwiapplepear

    There are no unhealthy foods, just unhealthy habits. A dietitian would disagree with your claims.

    Speaking of babies and cookies; I was born 3 months premature in the 80s and was in hospital for 3 months. When my mother was able to take me home, I was still quite fragile to the point where my doctor didn't think I'd make it. she fed me powdered arrowroot biscuits in warm milk to get my weight up. Yes, you read that correctly. I ended up SURVIVING thanks to her.

    Also, those who live in glass houses......

    Dietitians are in bed with Big Aspartame.

    So, it wasn't a rumor, then! I thought the whole "big feet..." was a lie. :lol:

    Aspartame has big feet? :noway:
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    This reply is no so much to the poster of the questions but others of you who bang on that all food is ok...I find this attitude that there are no bad or unhealthy foods crazy, would you feed a baby processed cookies etc... (home made/whole foods fine) there are sooo many GMO, artificial synthetic food additives which ARE bad and unhealthy... and should be part of NO persons diet, all whole natural foods are healthy in moderation, but in this time we are not just dealing with "normal food" we are dealing with chemically altered ingredients, our cancer rates are insane compared to the past, you are lying to yourself if you think processed food is fine in moderation. Some times its a question of where we want to put our money... do i want to give McDonalds. my cash? no I would rather support the small business owners. to the poster... I would do things like buy a big bag of apples and nuts and really good yoghurts wouldn't cost a lot, and then work around what your folks are already eating, just supplement your diet with fresh fruit. take the fruit yogurt etc... to work. You could also try out new recipes with your family if they like eating fried foods, fries etc... you could make your own homemade sweet potatoes ships, fries, baked in olive oil see if they like them (they prob will), influence things gently.

    great post, the only criticism i have is that you didnt tell the op to find a job that doesnt support obesity
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    ^I'm pretty sure it was a sarcastic post.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    As I said, I hope so.

    Sarcasm didnt come across very clearly - but perhaps that is just me.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Well this was entertaining.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    ^I'm pretty sure it was a sarcastic post.

    That was my read also.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Have you asked your parents/guardians if they would mind buying more fruits/veggies or whatever it is you'd like to eat? Barring budget issues most of us like to see our kids eat the food we buy and would be happy to fulfill reasonable requests for said food.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    This reply is no so much to the poster of the questions but others of you who bang on that all food is ok...I find this attitude that there are no bad or unhealthy foods crazy, would you feed a baby processed cookies etc... (home made/whole foods fine) there are sooo many GMO, artificial synthetic food additives which ARE bad and unhealthy... and should be part of NO persons diet, all whole natural foods are healthy in moderation, but in this time we are not just dealing with "normal food" we are dealing with chemically altered ingredients, our cancer rates are insane compared to the past, you are lying to yourself if you think processed food is fine in moderation. Some times its a question of where we want to put our money... do i want to give McDonalds. my cash? no I would rather support the small business owners. to the poster... I would do things like buy a big bag of apples and nuts and really good yoghurts wouldn't cost a lot, and then work around what your folks are already eating, just supplement your diet with fresh fruit. take the fruit yogurt etc... to work. You could also try out new recipes with your family if they like eating fried foods, fries etc... you could make your own homemade sweet potatoes ships, fries, baked in olive oil see if they like them (they prob will), influence things gently.

    ^ This post is just full of silly extremes.

    Of course most people would not feed a young baby a cookie ( although I personally might give an older baby, say, 12 months, one) but we are assuming in our answer on MFP that we are talking about the diets of adults.
    We are also assuming, unless stated otherwise, that the person doesnt have allergies or medical conditions - so, if OP had coeliac disease we probably wouldnt suggest having a small burger. Common sense.

    and yes, people may well choose to spend their money at a local family store rather than Mcdonalds - but that is an ethical decision, nothing to do with nutrition - and particularly irrelevant to OP since her question is about how to do this when when she works at Mcdonalds.

    Our cancer rates are higher than in the past due to one main reason - people are living longer than in the past and therefore living long enough to get cancer
    and other big causes of death such as vaccine preventable diseases and antibiotic treatable infections have plummetted - thus cancer proportionately kills more people.
    Of course we can control our cancer risk too - dont smoke, get skin changes checked etc - but eating processed food in moderation - No not a risk and no reason they cant be part of people's diet.

    So, yes, there are those of us who bang on about all food is ok - because it is.

    Of course in moderation and as part of a balanced diet and and in appropriate portion sizes

    Diagnostics have improved too.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited November 2016
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Setting aside the "slob" stuff, the things I wished I'd done as a teen to help with being healthier are (1) learn about weights and strength training; (2) gotten into a more regular running schedule rather than just running a lot when I felt like it and then not running much for ages; (3) learning to cook well; and (4) really made eating vegetables a priority (I did eat them a decent amount anyway, since for my parents they were a normal part of eating a meal, but reading good vegetable cookbooks and getting excited about preparing them might have made my 20s more healthy).

    Those are things I'd recommend.

    As for McD's, if OP works there and has reason to eat there (which seems like it might be the case due to time there and free food or deep discounts), explore the salad and grilled chicken and egg mcmuffin type options, as others have said. I don't like McD's and wouldn't find it tempting even without having to be there all the time (everyone I know who worked at a restaurant or food place found they went off the food after a while -- I remember friends who worked at BR who said they couldn't stand the thought of eating ice cream anymore), but there certainly are healthful options. Beyond that, the main problem (at least from my POV) of eating a McDonald's meal regularly, if you control calories, is that they tend to lack veg and the fries are really high cal for the nutrition. A burger or grilled chicken with salad (or with veg brought from home) is probably a reasonably balanced meal.

    Understanding your personal goals matters, too. I'm not sure why OP thinks she is not healthy, but if she does, she can focus on making healthier choices related to those things.

    I am also wondering just how old OP actually is.

    I like these points. They are also things I wish I'd learned when I was younger. I think for me, though, another part of the issue was self esteem. Schools don't really seem to teach much about nutrition, so I didn't understand it. I just assumed I was always going to be fat and ugly (poor self esteem) no matter how I ate, so I didn't care.
    I also worked in fast food as a teen..I think a lot of people did. We also received the discounted meals, and people would constantly grab snacks here and there because it was available and right there in front of them. I gained weight, but it wasn't specifically from the fast food job. How many teens spend 40 hours or more a week at work, especially while in school? Probably not that many. At most, I was there maybe 20-25 hours each week, so it wasn't just the job affecting me. My overall diet and lifestyle was horrible outside of work. I think the people who are blaming the job are only looking at a small part of the story. What goes on outside of the restaurant is important, too.
    I don't know about OP''s job, but at my job, we were also allowed to leave the restaurant during meal breaks. We didn't always have to eat the food there if we didn't want to. Which was good because, yes, you do get sick of it. I can't actually pinpoint the last time I ate at that restaurant after I quit, and that was 15 years ago..
    Or maybe bringing meals from home is an option?
    This problem doesn't necessarily go away after working in a job with food, though. How many posts do we see on here where people complain about the constant availability of high calorie foods at the office, etc? If anything, this is a great learning opportunity for OP to figure out ways to cope with that issue...
    Ironically enough, though, it was that fast food job that made me realize I enjoyed cooking, and it made me want to learn more about it, so it wasn't all bad...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited November 2016
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Setting aside the "slob" stuff, the things I wished I'd done as a teen to help with being healthier are (1) learn about weights and strength training; (2) gotten into a more regular running schedule rather than just running a lot when I felt like it and then not running much for ages; (3) learning to cook well; and (4) really made eating vegetables a priority (I did eat them a decent amount anyway, since for my parents they were a normal part of eating a meal, but reading good vegetable cookbooks and getting excited about preparing them might have made my 20s more healthy).

    Those are things I'd recommend.

    As for McD's, if OP works there and has reason to eat there (which seems like it might be the case due to time there and free food or deep discounts), explore the salad and grilled chicken and egg mcmuffin type options, as others have said. I don't like McD's and wouldn't find it tempting even without having to be there all the time (everyone I know who worked at a restaurant or food place found they went off the food after a while -- I remember friends who worked at BR who said they couldn't stand the thought of eating ice cream anymore), but there certainly are healthful options. Beyond that, the main problem (at least from my POV) of eating a McDonald's meal regularly, if you control calories, is that they tend to lack veg and the fries are really high cal for the nutrition. A burger or grilled chicken with salad (or with veg brought from home) is probably a reasonably balanced meal.

    Understanding your personal goals matters, too. I'm not sure why OP thinks she is not healthy, but if she does, she can focus on making healthier choices related to those things.

    I am also wondering just how old OP actually is.

    I like these points. They are also things I wish I'd learned when I was younger. I think for me, though, another part of the issue was self esteem. Schools don't really seem to teach much about nutrition, so I didn't understand it. I just assumed I was always going to be fat and ugly (poor self esteem) no matter how I ate, so I didn't care.

    Yes -- I wasn't overweight (kind of like OP), but disliked my body and also assumed I had no real control over my body, it just was what it was unless I fad dieted and was willing to be miserable, which I was not. That's one reason why I wish I'd learned about strength training, but understanding nutrition and weight loss might have been helpful too. (I was lucky that my parents ate pretty much normal, healthy meals so I understood what one would look like even though I knew nothing specific about nutrition or even what a "carb" was and "protein" (other than it's in meat) and so on until much later.

    Then again, when I did get into something as a teen I could be an insufferable know-it-all and overly all or nothing, so maybe for the best my food and nutrition obsessions developed a little later. ;-)