What's on your mind?



  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    Mistake #1. Watching the office instead of sleeping

    Mistake #2. I dunno it's still early
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member

    what would anyone do with this much coconut oil

    Is that at Costco? How much? I’m actually out of it and going this week.

    i’m already home but they had these too


    More like tiny chocopenises :o
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Since this is the food thread:

    S’mores Cake

  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    There IS a food thread,

    Some handsome devil made it
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    There IS a food thread,

    Some handsome devil made it

    I know this one, but I don't remember what the OP looks like.
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    There IS a food thread,

    Some handsome devil made it

    I know this one, but I don't remember what the OP looks like.

  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Mr_L33 wrote: »
    I stepped out of the chit chat and fun and games forums to some of the more" serious" threads. wanted to bang my head on the wall seeing how argumentative some people are. like why?

    LOL. You masochist. Those forums are like the places where the light doesn't touch in The Lion King.

    Love this

    Sometimes its informative and positive out there. But, sometimes not so much :neutral:
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Started watching This Is Us, and I have not cried yet. I am feeling let down.
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    Started watching This Is Us, and I have not cried yet. I am feeling let down.

    I cried every episode
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,571 Member
    Someone I care about
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Mr_L33 wrote: »
    ugh/ no no no! I hope its good news..
    My oldest dog. Noticed the side of his face was really swollen and he wouldn't eat. I thought that maybe he was digging around and got bit by something, but that was unlikely because it's still winter. Gave him some benadryl last night to see if it was an allergic reaction to something. This morning it was still bad. Took him in to the vet. His face is swollen from an infected tooth. They were going to do surgery to remove the tooth, but discovered he has a heart murmur and is too big of an anesthesia risk. Now they are doing a chest x-ray and some blood work.

    Oh no. Poor little guy. Just had to get my dog an atropine challenge test and ekg because they thought he had arrhythmia and couldn’t be put under for his neutering.
    Mr_L33 wrote: »
    :( poor dog.

    I just got a message from my wife. "So...No blood work, something has come up. I'll call you in a few minutes."

    2018 can suck my *kitten* *kitten* already

    Ugh. Keep us posted.

    So...during the x-ray, they found a softball sized tumor near his spleen. He last had x-ray done less than a year ago and was given a clean bill. They also see a spot on his heart that they are concerned about.

    He's 12 years old. With every surgery he would need, it's a huge risk already. We're also concerned about when his condition gets worse, how scared he may get. We're going to try and treat the infection with antibiotics and something to reduce the pain and swelling. Say our goodbyes over the next few days or so, if he's able to eat, and let him cross. He's the 2nd to last animal we have that's older than any of my kids. We have a cat that's older than the 13 year old. We're trying to figure out when to tell the girls. We start family counseling tonight for the loss of their sister. This sucks.

    I'm sorry.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Started watching This Is Us, and I have not cried yet. I am feeling let down.

    I cried every episode

    Maybe I am a heartless *kitten* afterall.....interesting....
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    @4legsRbetterthan2 Do you just have a spreadsheet of helpful links that you copy and paste? If newbies aren't looking for friends, I don't even bother, but you're all over it.
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    SurfyPants wrote: »
    I know I am forgetting something I have to do, some place I've got to be????..........

    Someone to kill? People really don't quote Demolition Man enough.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    SurfyPants wrote: »
    I know I am forgetting something I have to do, some place I've got to be????..........

    Cant believe you forgot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Again !
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Going home and cooking dinner... going to have seafood.
    Have not had seafood in so long. I'm hungry...... :s
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I'm reading up on articles about how to get your *kitten* together at 40+ and found an inspiring article some woman wrote. I'm all positive reading it then the kicker. "Oh, I decided to keep my nanny who works every day from 8:30-5:30 for my three children so I can still work on me time". Well lady, how wonderful for you. Now how do AVERAGE people get their *kitten* together at 40+ with five kids who can't effing afford a nanny? I'm so glad you got your *kitten* together with full time help. Go home.

    Look it’s easy. If you don’t have a nanny just have some of your other staff pick up the slack. Surely your personal chef isn’t cheffing all day, he can get some laundry done. If there’s no nanny to drive the kids to their activities, just hire a driver, this is a no-brainer. Sometimes I even ask my chambermaid to watch the kids while I go to yoga and massage daily. It’s all about creative solutions. YOU CAN DO THIS!

    Right? There should always be someone on the grounds to help pick up the slack.

    If not my driver, maybe someone from the security detail can help out. I keep our chef pretty busy but my strength and fitness coach usually has some free time in his schedule.

    I mean seriously, why even have kids if you don't have a support staff to help out?
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    I can't wait until I'm old enough to pretend I can't hear.
