What's on your mind?



  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited May 2018
    I often wonder how they protect themselves from bacterial and fungal ailments from excrement, and other bodily fluids. I know they do enemas, but there’s still residual bacteria. I feel like most pornstars are on some type of long term antibiotic. Or they have industrial strength immune systems :neutral:

    Have you watched Rocco's documentary? There is a scene where he and his cousin are discussing the casting of three female actresses. The cousin informs him that he had selected 3 women he'd filmed with on previous movies and are somewhat veering on the side of low mileage, as they hadn't worked in 3-4 months with steady boyfriends, presenting him with their blood work.

    The insistence in Los Angeles for film directors to demand IDs & blood work results ++ has necessitated free clinics for sex workers (porn actors) , only that some actors have stated that every 14 days testing isn't enough as some are engaging in dangerous excretory films ( the smut variety).

    We'd flipped a home in Calabasas with a poker pro friend of ours, where it was common knowledge that the previous owner filmed scenes for his porn movies. The home was littered with all manner of bikinis, lingerie, lubes, pain killers, sex paraphernalia and a lot of cannabis. We didn't see any prescription meds or bottles though. We all felt under protected in our clothes, gloves, boots and masks ( needing hazmat suits). We'd immediately hired a professional biohazard cleaning crew.

    A feeling of intense sadness comes over you, when seeing what they may have had to ignore to film scenes. Most of these girls/young men need the money. Something needs to be done to not only protect the individual actors bodies, but also monitoring the conditions they're exposed to whilst filming. These people can monetise one sex actress 1000 times over in under 3 months and make millions, whilst the actress made $50,000 which she'd spent quickly and are left not owning their own bodies online - the porn film makers continue to collect upto $2-3 Million per girl every 6 months. Sickening. Bree Olsen for example doesn't own her own content nor her body if it's to be perceived in a sexual nature. The man who'd discovered her and had her filming all manner of things collects the above-mentioned. She made a lot of money starting out. Nothing sustainable.

    I can't recall the documentary I watched where it focussed on a porn actress dying of AIDS. This was around 2008-09. Long before the "protection laws."

    I missed your post the first time @777Gemma888 I’m going to look up that doc. I agree with you about the industry needing to take better precautions to protect their performers. I don’t really see it happening though, unfortunately. It’s obvious a certain “element” runs the industry and they don’t really give a sh*#! about the health of their stars. Anyone can be replaced and all they care about is the dough. It’s very sad indeed. How do you know so much about the industry?

    I remember watching an in depth interview with a very popular male pornstar, Nacho Vidal. He created his own condom line. He said he contracted gonorrhea and fungal infections over a 100 times throughout his career, and that he didn’t want to be on pills for the rest of his life. The funny thing about that interview is that they showed him performing unprotected oral sex on a female performer. I was like ???????? So what’s the point of even wearing the condom then? lmao. It was strange.
  • Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings
    bojack3 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Even though I love having you all as my imaginary computer friends and I love keeping up with you by conversing and reading your comments and contributions...

    I realize IRL lots of you are the ones who are staring at and fingering the phone during family time including sit down meals, driving and outings...

    But when I see people IRL doing this, I have a hard time condemning them because I realize, oh, that could be so and so on MFP who's so funny or so nice or so smart or who likes to always try and help people.

    It's weird because I don't want to contribute to anyone's deliquency. But we're all a part of this quirky, crazy, fun, bittersweet, addictive MFP computer world because we have such a strong pull towards it. So we're all, like, the same that way.

    No....I disagree with this. It's rationalizing bad, rude, and dangerous behavior because lots of people do it. I don't. My interaction comes in time blocks when I have free moments. I don't text and drive, I never pull my phone out and surf the net while talking with someone, I don't even look at my phone while eating alone let alone with somebody. I don't offer excuses to rude people just because I like interacting on a site.

    100 % this.
  • Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings
    bojack3 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Even though I love having you all as my imaginary computer friends and I love keeping up with you by conversing and reading your comments and contributions...

    I realize IRL lots of you are the ones who are staring at and fingering the phone during family time including sit down meals, driving and outings...

    But when I see people IRL doing this, I have a hard time condemning them because I realize, oh, that could be so and so on MFP who's so funny or so nice or so smart or who likes to always try and help people.

    It's weird because I don't want to contribute to anyone's deliquency. But we're all a part of this quirky, crazy, fun, bittersweet, addictive MFP computer world because we have such a strong pull towards it. So we're all, like, the same that way.

    No....I disagree with this. It's rationalizing bad, rude, and dangerous behavior because lots of people do it. I don't. My interaction comes in time blocks when I have free moments. I don't text and drive, I never pull my phone out and surf the net while talking with someone, I don't even look at my phone while eating alone let alone with somebody. I don't offer excuses to rude people just because I like interacting on a site.

    I’m with you on this. I was raised to pay attention to the person in front of you. Electronics were never allowed at our dinner table and they aren’t allowed at mine now. Yes, occasionally I take a pic of my food and then my phone goes away. I am there to be in the company of the person I am with. I never text and drive and if I must I pull over. I nearly got into an accident just recently after a picture was sent to me and that was from just glancing at my phone. If I am with people and being texted I will respond when I can but I won’t take time from those I am with to respond unless I know something important is coming in, in which I will let the person know. Unless it’s very close friends or family, they are over ALL the time and I treat that like I would any day. We spend too much time on our phones and now enough time acknowledging those we are with.

    Very well said. Im with you here... I enjoy and interact with those in front of me when we are together. I went out with a friend a few months ago and he was constantly on his phone... it was so rude and disrespectful.
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Even though I love having you all as my imaginary computer friends and I love keeping up with you by conversing and reading your comments and contributions...

    I realize IRL lots of you are the ones who are staring at and fingering the phone during family time including sit down meals, driving and outings...

    But when I see people IRL doing this, I have a hard time condemning them because I realize, oh, that could be so and so on MFP who's so funny or so nice or so smart or who likes to always try and help people.

    It's weird because I don't want to contribute to anyone's deliquency. But we're all a part of this quirky, crazy, fun, bittersweet, addictive MFP computer world because we have such a strong pull towards it. So we're all, like, the same that way.

    No....I disagree with this. It's rationalizing bad, rude, and dangerous behavior because lots of people do it. I don't. My interaction comes in time blocks when I have free moments. I don't text and drive, I never pull my phone out and surf the net while talking with someone, I don't even look at my phone while eating alone let alone with somebody. I don't offer excuses to rude people just because I like interacting on a site.

    Yes you and I are child-free, independent types with very different lifestyles compared to people with husband/wife/child responsibilities.

    I also don't do any of these things and you're right. They are rude things to do and potentially dangerous if driving or the supervision of little kids is involved.

    I'm just saying when I see people doing this stuff, as much as I'm tempted to mentally dismiss them as *kittens*, I'm reminded that it could easily be one of my imaginary MFP friends. (Not that I'm expecting anyone to admit to doing any of this stuff, but we all know millions of people do it.)

    I'm just saying I soften my stance a bit and refrain from openly glaring or rolling my eyes, that's all.

    I get what you're saying. I still dislike it, but I will admit I think it's become so common sometimes I don't even notice anymore.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    How i need to clean but not really feeling it
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    I wanna go for a walk but it’s hot as a really hot thing
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    How i need to clean but not really feeling it

    i was supposed to do that today. all i did was clear the table...and tossed all the junk into my storage room, which will need to be cleared out as well...

    i have 3 more hours though

    Well..i guess i could at least put the dirty clothes in the laundry bin...maybe
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    I know we talked about batgroot some time ago but I found this
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Food...most likely soup...is it weird to crave lipton noodle soup?
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited May 2018
    I missed your post the first time @777Gemma888 I’m going to look up that doc. I agree with you about the industry needing to take better precautions to protect their performers. I don’t really see it happening though, unfortunately. It’s obvious a certain “element” runs the industry and they don’t really give a sh*#! about the health of their stars. Anyone can be replaced and all they care about is the dough. It’s very sad indeed. How do you know so much about the industry?

    How do you know so much about the industry?

    My sister, our brother and I all have legal background (UK), minoring in Sex & Gender Laws. As some of you may know, we’re Islanders, with entrenched Anglican, Catholic and Methodist background. When an American film-maker approaches one’s parent to fund local productions highlighting facets of one’s natural heritage and happens to be an acclaimed Director, Producer in his specialised field of films, what one wouldn’t have had the slightest interest in becomes a curiosity. Life and its prurient ways you know?! Naturally, we’d looked him up at the Directors Guild and did not find him there. We didn’t immediately think him a liar and we’d thought - maybe he is an Indie Film-maker. Upon asking my sister’s ex at the time, who loans money to professional poker players, he’d mentioned that it’s a familiar name in the porn industry and had we tried googling him. We did and all his productions were listed, which we’d viewed, only that we immediately thought - Not Mum - Dad and us - yes. Oh Gawd - Mum - she can not. She didn’t even watch one movie back then lol She’s typically Methodist - the puritanical lines of exposure - conservative. Any and all manner of what is worldly were introduced by our late father lol

    So - long story short, we got the investment package to mull over. As a happenstance we like to do our due diligence. From the basement to the penthouse and the rooftop - How does every corner of this industry (its economy) make money? Strangely enough, after being introduced to a woman in Chatsworth who is a maven in the industry, she’d vocalised that the Skid Row level of the industry (ie the guerilla companies) were minting more profit than the traditional houses. What eventuated - we’d asked for an in - to bear witness to guerilla film-making in this industry at every facet. If we were going to make money, we’d wanted to see how to make it happen with the least amount of funds. Bear in mind, that by this point, we’d already had much experience and immersion in the proper filming industry - mainstream.

    It’s obvious a certain “element” runs the industry and they don’t really give a sh*#! about the health of their stars

    When you’re in our capacity in this industry - they refer to you as - an investor-spy. Strangely enough, it is the very same term they’d give you, if you were to privy productions in the mainstream. What is refreshing about this sub-category within this industry is that they are more openbook with their books and how much money one still photo can generate, for example. So if you were to imagine how many times they can break up a 5 mins film … Money! It proves how we women are infinite as a resource, proven via the continuing ask …. It never stops and its an upward trend. Eg young, white, blonde, light-eyed, slim. That’s the base-ask at entry level. It redefines what beauty is. It is saturated by this ask, however when new talent is introduced, the banked money uptick can overload the system. Nothing else has changed. Same set, same costumes, slight tweaks, same angles, same actor. She makes more money than her almost clone-ish double from the day before. She’s fresh off the farm, unsullied, the most endangered and the primed for exploit product. Every producer wants her. Every director wants to film her. Every Booker is asking for her name. She'll be booked within 3 months, to be filmed from California to London. Turnaround for her at best is around US$150K. Her expiration date is within 3 months IF she was not astute enough to have gone into partnership with any one of “the elements” who can book all her shoots within a day, where she would have the minimum of 25% of content rights. They don’t get royalties like actors/singers do. They are not like Uber/Lyft, where company cars are required to go in for servicing after x number of miles and the wheels need to be turned. The industry believes that they are compensated enough for 10 mins of work for $1,500. This is entry level. This is akin to being signed by a big modeling agency. These are your pictures, but they are just demo reels. They give this to the big film makers of this industry … <Enter> Director/Producer, the likes of whom approached our Mum for funding.

    As coloured women in America, we didn't favour being stigmatised as the financial backers to the unraveling and demoralisation of white American women, barring any health complications as a result of their sacrifice. We advised our Mum, "No!" Unfortunately, the targeted girls are usually from America's Bible belt or areas saturated with poverty ... The targeted employment area touted to EB5 investors.

    Eta: fix quote
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    Why @caco_ethes forgot about me with her 3 question analysis.....:(
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    Why @caco_ethes forgot about me with her 3 question analysis.....:(

    Some people are easily forgotten. It's MFP after all :D

    Who dis?
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    bojack3 wrote: »
    Why @caco_ethes forgot about me with her 3 question analysis.....:(

    I haven’t forgotten, I’m just a bad human
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    I am intrigued by this....but I think it's best I not paricipate ;)

    Are you sure?

    I’m interested in this “oh wise one”

    1. What is your first coherent thought in the morning usually about?

    2. Do you want more kids?

    3. What is your dream job?

    1: I rotate shifts so I have two wake up times. Either 4am or 12 noon. Usually would have to be starting bfast and coffee.

    2: No!! I love every second of the 4 I have but nope.

    3: Dream Job in current situation would be to own and operate a large successful gym.

    Dream job if I didn’t have a Fam would be government contractor work overseas.

    1. You are not a fan of big game hunting. You don’t hunt and kinda think it’s a pointless sport.

    2. You rarely get hit on in real life.

    3. You secretly love Peeps
  • The_Canadian_Apex
    The_Canadian_Apex Posts: 572 Member
    I know we talked about batgroot some time ago but I found this

    Haha. This is awesome :D
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    bojack3 wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    I know they are lining up for your questions now, but I'll do it whenever you get the chance

    1. How many languages do you speak?

    2. How many times have you raped and pillaged? Kidding :smirk: the real question: were you raised in a divided home?

    3. What must you have done before you can fall asleep at night?

    1. Two fluently, I try others but not good enough to count them....yet.

    2. Yes

    3. Return phone calls and answer all emails I got that day

    1. You have always been more neat and organized than whoever you are dating.

    2. You crave adventure physically but socially you feel off kilter when things are unpredictable.

    3. You absolutely love dogs
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    I know they are lining up for your questions now, but I'll do it whenever you get the chance

    1. How many languages do you speak?

    2. How many times have you raped and pillaged? Kidding :smirk: the real question: were you raised in a divided home?

    3. What must you have done before you can fall asleep at night?

    1. Two fluently, I try others but not good enough to count them....yet.

    2. Yes

    3. Return phone calls and answer all emails I got that day

    1. You have always been more neat and organized than whoever you are dating.

    2. You crave adventure physically but socially you feel off kilter when things are unpredictable.

    3. You absolutely love dogs

    Yes.....very good :)