How to figure out my calories



  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    In my experience, when you are on a tight budget frozen food helps a lot! It's hard to get fresh fruits and veggies each week, so I like to go to Walmart and get the biggest no name brand bags of frozen fruits and veggies I can find. The price for the quantity is great and it will last throughout the month too.

    Think about the different food groups you need and prepare yourself a grocery list/menu around what you know is cheap and filling. Here's a couple of ideas:

    * Canned tuna
    * Eggs (also a good source of healthy fat)
    * Chicken breasts
    * Ground beef
    * Plain Greek yogurt
    * Cottage cheese
    * Protein powder

    * Oats
    * Rice
    * Potatoes
    * Popcorn
    * Rice cakes
    * Frozen veggies
    * Frozen fruits
    * Spinach
    * Bananas
    * Onions

    * Almonds
    * Peanut butter
    * Coconut oil (fairly expensive, but will last you very long)
    * Extra-virgin olive oil

    For flavor
    * Cocoa powder
    * Truvia
    * Vanilla extract
    * Herbs and spices (I like oregano, cumin, garlic salt, salt and pepper, cinnamon and more)

    Meal ideas
    - Oats and frozen mixed berries
    - Eggs and oatmeal
    - Spinach omelette with onions
    - Smoothie with frozen banana, spinach and PB and/or protein powder
    - Spinach salad with chicken, onions and olive oil
    - Chicken/ground beef, frozen veggies and potatoes/rice
    - Celery sticks and PB
    - Greek yogurt/cottage cheese with truvia, vanilla extract, PB and cocoa powder or protein powder
    - Rice cakes
    - Protein shake
    - Popcorn
    - Frozen banana dipped in melted peanut butter

    You should REALLY check out Nicole Collet's YouTube channel... Her husband and herself lost 130lbs EACH! They are such an inspiration. They do take the cheat meals to another level, but keep in mind that they didn't do this when they started out, only once they had lost a big amount of weight and started working at a high intensity. I like watching their grocery haul, meal preps and ''what I eat in a day'' videos. They eat really clean throughout the week.

    I hope this helps and give you some ideas. It's all about finding a way of eating that satisfies you mentally and physically. I think getting into a ''routine'' of eating the same things always helps me. You figure out your favourite go-to meals and then it becomes really easy to maintain.

    Good luck oxoxox
  • Kaysteroni
    Kaysteroni Posts: 43 Member
    I just took a look at their channel. Really big help with meal prep. Will be using their tip with ground beef.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    for me, I have several foods that I rotate. If i eat something different it does give me an appitite