Effect of 1 cheat day every couple weeks?



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    My advice would be to eat enough to sustain it ALL THE TIME. So eat a deficit, but one that is more sustainable for you. Trying to save calories for a cheat day is something i wouldn't recommend as it supports a deprivation/binge mind-set.

    I agree that saving calories to binge is not a good idea. I, however, do well with looking at calories as a weekly thing rather than a daily thing in the case of holidays or special occasions. So in some ways I save calories (if I know of excess calories in my future) or burn extra calories afterward (if the extra calories were unexpected). For me it's part of learning to maintain. I figure there are always going to be instances where eating more high calorie (not necessarily eating on purpose to over-fill yourself) foods or say drinking a few high calorie drinks or beers may happen. Learning to deal with that by an extra calorie burn before or after makes sense to me. But the word 'cheat' day is a planned day to over-eat or binge.. and I'd have to agree that's a bad habit that should be broken. I never used cheat days, and never intend to, but I know I won't always be within my daily goal.

    yes, i actually do this as well. but these are changes i've made to my routine that i've maintained for over 5 years now. it's certainly not something i would have been capable of doing only 2 weeks in and when i still had a significant amount to lose.

    i'm not saying not to look at things as an average over time, i just want to emphasize that the mindset that came across in the original post did not seem healthy.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited November 2016
    I've lost 16 pounds in that 2 weeks from 295 6'3. Since I'm deployed overseas I've been hitting it hard 1-2 hours a day of cardio burning 700-1400+(HR monitor not BS machine numbers). Im trying to eat at a significant deficit to "save" some calories for a cheat day.

    If you've lost 16 lbs in 2 weeks, you're in too much of a deficit already, including the cheat days. I'm with you on the 'saving' of calories for a larger meal, but 16 lbs in two weeks is still WAY too much. The most you should be losing on average is 2 lbs a week, maybe a hair more if there's water weight being shed at first, but 16 lbs means something is either inaccurate somewhere or you're starving yourself.

    Adjust your calories to lose no more than 2 lbs a week and maybe you won't need the 'cheat' days. Practice flexible dieting and there's really no need for them. it sounds like you exercise so you should be able to get enough in a single day at a normal deficit eating the things you like in moderation. For holiday meals, I generally will increase my deficit for a couple of days prior, and then a few days after to adjust for the influx of calories, so I completely understand that part of what you wrote. But seriously, look up IIFYM (If it fits your macros) and consider flexible dieting which means eat what you like/want, just stay within your calorie goals.

    Keep in mind that the first few weeks are going to have large losses for a variety of factors, largely related to modification of calories (less calories = less weight), alterations in sodium content and possible reductions in carbs (glycogen and water). So one really shouldn't base their results off the first few weeks.

    What I have found, it is much easier to have a cheat meal when you are large and have lot of leniency, and very difficult while I am lean.

    Although, I am going to tear it up on Thanksgiving. I think I can eat a whole lamb.
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    shredcamps wrote: »
    i worked on not needing any "cheat days" i changed my diet, i think by volume i now eat a lot more than i did, so my belly feels full when i want it to feel that way. but i now eat healthier and lower fat/cal
    my biggest issue over summer has actually been getting enough calories in after a hard days excersise.
    i was eating massive meals, and still being in defecit

    I now run into that issue at times as well. Right now I'm toying with reducing the exercise or moving back up to some higher fat items in my diet. Or a combination of both.

    winter will reduce my excersise level as my main outlet is mountain biking
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I push harder in the winter I think. I spend more time on my machine and push harder during my indoor workouts (cross training/body weight training). I think it worries me that I'll slip and get behind on the endurance I've worked so hard to build so I bust my *kitten* lol.
  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    Lots of more useful insight. I appreciate it!

    The whole cheat day obviously is not the way to go from you smart and experienced people are telling me. Off setting calories a little before and after a weekend or holiday sounds more realistic. I am a admitted foodie, when I am home in the states I tend to make up for lost time and make this or that or step outside of my box for things I was lacking while away.

    Smoking meat, brewing beer, multiple parties, crown vanilla which I got to try right before I left which is so amazing, food trucks, and dam food network I need to learn to balance and not "eat my emotions" of the things I lacked while away. I admit I go overboard here and there when home due to a multitude of reasons, something I need to work on

    I utilize my trips away from home as a reset or a "detox" from alcohol and bad eating habits, I struggle with a balanced healthy lifestyle that will sustain a healthy body, I am brainstorming ideas for ways to overcome this habitual routine.

    If I can implement what all you pro's say in my normal day to day life I think that is the key to success in the long term. I admit I am hitting it hard, trying to get the biggest jump start while away to get closer to the results I need.

    I do tend to eat at a deficit, yesterday was the first time I got the warning for eating below 1200 calories however between being busy and missing chow at the end of the day I wasn't hungry for anything and didn't want to blow my 2 hours of cardio for junk food. Every little thing that tempts me I look at the calories and associate minutes of cardio and decide it's not worth it. Could I eat bacon, whole eggs, candy bars, etc and be within my calories due to exercise of course but that's not going to maximize my results in the few months time I have away. Hence my question about 1 "indulgence" day ever couple weeks.

    Obviously I need to find a happy medium but to me if Im going to eat healthy, exercise I want to see the maximum benefit of both diet and exercise combine towards a smaller me. I will work on planning my meals(not the easiest thing out here) to ensure a good amount of healthy calories(1200+) a day as obviously thats not sustainable.

    Sorry for the novel and a big thank you to everyone for your advice and experience! I'll go back to lurking....
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Look at the bigger picture. One "cheat" meal is unlikely to have a large impact in respect to 6 months weight loss however 1 a week might do.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Another thing to consider, if you want to have one day that is higher in calories, or even have one higher calorie meal, you can lower calories during the week or skip breakfast for that one day. I tend to only eat 2 meals on the weekends and they tend to be larger in calories.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Another thing to consider, if you want to have one day that is higher in calories, or even have one higher calorie meal, you can lower calories during the week or skip breakfast for that one day. I tend to only eat 2 meals on the weekends and they tend to be larger in calories.

    I do something similar, for example if i know i'm going to a restaurant on a friday or saturday night i will eat a very small breakfast (~200 calories) or i will fast for that day. Changing my habits to include this allows me to eat out guilt-free.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    You see, it depends on the situation and on what you mean by "cheat meal". It's a problematic phrase because it means different things to different people. Some people mean a whole day left unlogged eating deep fried lard sandwiches and pizza crunch suppers, whereas others mean a day where they dare to eat something which isn't kale.

    I have days when I eat less and days when I eat more, aiming for a weekly average. Then I have days when I eat more than I meant to, and those are not intentional.

    Then again, I have days when I throw caution to the winds and eat what I like - I call those "4k days" because I know from experience that if left to my own debauched devices I will eat about 4000 calories. So I quick-add 4000 calories to the diary and have at it. It damages the deficit for that week, or perhaps puts me at maintenance, but it's worth it. The thing I want to make clear is that 4k days are NOT a frequent occurrence. My birthday is a 4k day. Other people's birthdays are not, unless they involve a trip to a favourite, seldom-visited restaurant AND I haven't had another 4k day recently. If I were American, Thanksgiving would be a 4k day. Christmas is more like a 6k day.

    2 weeks would be far too frequent for this kind of dietary hooliganism. A month is the closest I would space them, usually more like 2 or 3 months. And the 4k is always logged. You need to be accountable in some way; you need to be aware of the impact of your eating. Mindless binging is a thing of the past. Whatever you do now, you do it with your eyes open.
  • ockie0407
    ockie0407 Posts: 1 Member
    Have a listen to this podcast. There is some research that has found taking a break from your weight loss (ie: cheat day) can actually be beneficial. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/cut-the-fat-podcast/id323397049?mt=2&i=366894983