Can not lose weight



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Just to add my ten cents, I'm 5ft 2 also and 47, when I started here on 2012 I was 154lbs. I set MFP to lose 1lb a week but I felt I couldn't stick to 1200 plus exercise calories so changed that setting quite quickly to lose 0.5lb a week. Ok it did take me the best part of a year back then to lose but I got there, but I kept it off, which to me was the main thing. After years of constantly yoyo-ing its finally great to be maintaining effortlessly.

    To lose I consistently/accurately logged all my food. The weeks I didn't lose, I had been more slack at logging and obviously ate more than I thought.

    To lose I did so eating from 1600-1800 cals a day.

    I doubt you are eating 1000 calories a day or you would be losing, as others have already said, time for more accurate logging.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    ericwhitt wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    ericwhitt wrote: »
    @singingflutelady I didn't really say anyone was, just adding my 2 cents to the debate. Since so many people just say CICO and nothing else, it really needs to be expanded to a balanced diet CICO.

    No one says eat "eat junk" though.

    When all you say is "CICO is all that matters" you're inferring they can eat just junk if they really want to. No, no one is advocating it, but the fact is so many people just lazily respond with CICO and expect people to go do their own research, we're a lazy society and there's still a portion of the people who are going to infer they can eat nothing but junk and lose weight and be healthy. Since the biggest perception of health in this culture is based purely on weight. You see a fat person, you assume they are unhealthy. You see a normal body weight and assume they are healthy. Where in reality that fat person could be eating loads of good nutritional food, and the skinny person eating proper amounts of bad nutritional foods.

    I'm just saying for how helpful this community is, there's a lot of lazy responses that just say "CICO" and never expand on it. I know it gets tiring with how many of the same topics come up on a daily basis, but I'd rather see a carbon copy generic but detailed response than the flock of people saying eat less than you burn.

    To be fair, if someone is complaining that they can't lose weight, CICO in fact IS all that matters for losing weight. This response is often given to posters who say - I cut out bread and pasta, I don't eat after 7PM, and all of my meat is organic, why aren't I losing weight? CICO.

    Also to be fair, a "fat" person who eats a lot of good nutritional food is still most likely unhealthy if they are overweight. Being overweight in and of itself is one of the major contributors to a host of health issues plaguing society today, including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. I am no expert, but I think you could make a factually based case that a person who is a healthy weight but eats lots of junk has a lower risk of disease and early death than a person who is overweight but eats only nutritious whole foods.

    Also to be fair, we are all just regular people here volunteering our time and advice. It's not our responsibility to spell out every single possible fact associated with diet when we respond to a short post. If we were "lazy", we wouldn't be here at all. And I've never seen a thread where none of the responses included something more than "CICO". Never.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    So the idea that you can eat toxic crap makes you feel better? (cookies, ice cream etc). More power to you. That's absolutely your choice. For those who want to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight I suggest you challenge what people have claimed works (clearly many people arent seing any results by the posts we see daily) Try to cleanse and reset your body and you will see results. Do you realize there is pounds of undigested waste that sits in your system? We eat so much meat at a rate our body can't keep up. We ingest so much toxins and that never gets eliminated and that prevent our body from functioning properly. This is why water and waste elimination is important and this is the first thing you will notice will change when you're on the right track.

    What are these toxins you speak of? Do they have chemicals in them? I hear these are bad.

    There are no massive deposits of toxins in your body unless you have a serious intestinal blockage, near death, or dead.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    First time posting here and first time ever posting anything!!! I am wondering if there is anyone else out there that feels like there bia truly something wrong because no matter what I just can't lose weight! I have made my diary public and have posted for 50 days. Please feel free to have a look. However, I have been struggling my whole life with this. I am 45 yrs old 5'2". You name a diet I bet I tried it!! But this past year I have been seeing this as a life style and working hard on calorie counting and exercise. Dealt with Thyroid issues finally got my levels somewhat normal. Thyroid issue explains why I didn't lose over the summer with all my hard work. However since Sept still no results. For the past 3 weeks i have been aiming for 1000 calories a day and track very well. Some days I go over but I still track. I stopped eating my exercise calories I do 40 60 mins cardio 5 to 6 times a week +1/2 hour of weights 5 to 6 times a week I have an office job so sit 8 hrs a day.
    I am so frustrated!!! There are weeks I have been perfect and can not lose!!! I know myself when I don't deserve to see results but I have been doing so well for awhile now


    First of all how much are you planning on losing? 2 lbs a week is a very aggressive goal and not realistic for most people.

    Do not let thyroid problems become an excuse. Know your full thyroid panel - TSH, fT3, fT4, and rT3. If your endocrinologist is only running TSH you need to insist upon a full panel. The new normal for TSH is between 0.2 and 2.0 and if you are not feeling well insist on further investigation.

    As many (including yourself it seems) have pointed out you are eating more than you think. If you are not in a caloric deficit you will not lose weight. If you are not losing weight you are not in a caloric deficit. Thyroid issues have very little impact on this and can only cause approximately 10 lbs increase in weight.

    The other important thing to note about thyroid disorders and all hormonal disorders is that it is nearly impossible to hold any sort of hormone balance and be overweight. Hormones are free cycling and simply being overweight will cause clinical indications of hypothyroidism. The best course of action is safe weight loss.

    Set your goals to 1 lb/week and greatly enhance your accuracy. Find a routine and stick to this. You are not making changes to hit some magic number on a scale, but implementing small changes to your life which will have dramatic impact.
  • RemarkablyUnremarkable
    I have Hashimotos and I am Hypothyroid, Similar stats to you and a shorty as well LOL! I switched to the AIP diet, basically eliminating gluten sugar, dairy, anything really processed and the foods that slow our thyroid down. Working with my endo on my diet, making sure to take my meds on empty stomach. I take them at night. I log and measure every single bite that goes in my mouth. (Don't depend on the listings here, check your labels) I don't use the calories given to me with my exercise as I assume they are off anyways. I typically do HIIT on my bike and walk but just log light biking. I am losing 2+ depending each week. It can be done :) Do your body a favor and ditch anything processed, IMO this is the most important for us! Good Luck to you, I know it can be frustrating and having this disease can really slow us down making it harder, but you can do it!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I have Hashimotos and I am Hypothyroid, Similar stats to you and a shorty as well LOL! I switched to the AIP diet, basically eliminating gluten sugar, dairy, anything really processed and the foods that slow our thyroid down. Working with my endo on my diet, making sure to take my meds on empty stomach. I take them at night. I log and measure every single bite that goes in my mouth. (Don't depend on the listings here, check your labels) I don't use the calories given to me with my exercise as I assume they are off anyways. I typically do HIIT on my bike and walk but just log light biking. I am losing 2+ depending each week. It can be done :) Do your body a favor and ditch anything processed, IMO this is the most important for us! Good Luck to you, I know it can be frustrating and having this disease can really slow us down making it harder, but you can do it!

    where do you get that certain foods slow your thyroid down? if that were the case wouldnt everyone that eat these foods have slow thyroids?
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    edited November 2016
    Op, I thought the same as you. That I was doing everything right but the weight still wasn't coming off. Then I started using my digital kitchen scale for everything...and finally lost the 40lbs I gained in pregnancy. I had my second baby 9 months ago (gained 40lbs again) and am currently 13lbs away from preprego weight. Weigh everything you eat (aside from some liquids) and see in a month if you finally have results.