What was your rock bottom to get heathly?



  • gems74
    gems74 Posts: 107 Member
    Being prescribed blood pressure medication at 41. My high blood pressure was completely due to being overweight. Now I'm off the meds and my last BP was 127/88.
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    gems74 wrote: »
    Being prescribed blood pressure medication at 41. My high blood pressure was completely due to being overweight. Now I'm off the meds and my last BP was 127/88.
    Good job!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    I had just come home from a trip to Europe with several food tours and felt bloated and was too scared and insecure to even think about stepping on the scale. My brother brought me home a huge doughnut from the city and I ate the whole thing even though I wasn't hungry at all. I then found a cookie from a bakery on the trip and ate the whole thing and felt awful about myself. I then found the snack drawer in my house and stuffed my face with everything I could see. Thinking about it after in my room I literally wanted to cry and from that day on took charge and started making healthier decisions. I've come such a long way and even once I stopped eating like THAT I still had bad habits but I've basically overcome them completely. I'm in a much clearer and happier state of mind.

    Well thank goodness for the donut that threw you over. Good job!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    My rock bottom was exactly a week ago. I found out I have NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, basically the next stage of fatty liver). I'm 18. I put on almost 80 pounds from the start of this year. I've always been a little chubby since I was an older kid and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but now I'm obese at 5'4" and 223 lbs, the most I've ever weighed. This has been the worst year of my life. I started out the year by failing out of half of my AP and college classes due to severe depression, anxiety, and spending late nights at the hospital with my grandfather. I stopped exercising and I started overeating which made my depression worse. At one point I stopped showing up to school completely and was unable to graduate on time, all the while being bullied and stalked which I could barely handle under normal circumstances. My grandfather had been in and out of the hospital constantly for about a year and lost his ability to walk after heart surgery. He had his second heart attack (first one not related to the heart surgery and was years ago) two weeks before he passed away in hospice. He was fine (by "fine" I mean he was aware and able to speak and eat with some assistance, usually mine because hospital staff neglected him and let him go hungry... I know that is horrible and yes I did speak to management about it) for about a week, went into hospice then could no longer speak or eat... it seemed to have happened pretty quickly, but apparently his Parkinson's progressed to the final stage. I felt completely powerless watching him die. It was horrifying to watch and spend the nights with him waking up to a death rattle in the middle of the night. I basically stayed there with him to his last breath joined by someone I absolutely hate who played no role whatsoever in helping take care of him, just showed up out of nowhere pretending to be surprised when they heard he was dying. He passed away one month and two days ago today. Trying to grow up and take responsibility for him, taking care of him and advocating for him in hospitals, nursing homes, and finally a hospice was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, and unfortunately I do not have much in the way of support of any kind in my life. Things settled down a little after his memorial service and some family members finally came back into my life and my nightmares about the ordeal were disappearing, so I had a positive outlook for a while until I was diagnosed with NASH a week ago and started making major life changes.
    Within one year I gained almost 80 lbs, barely graduated and ruined my GPA, missed out on college to take care of my grandfather, lost family members (for reasons I won't get into), had someone make a false report to DCFS to get "revenge" on me, had to file a no-contact order for a girl stalking my boyfriend and me, lost several friends, let go of my grandfather who raised me in place of my father, and finally was diagnosed with what I just mentioned.
    At the moment I feel totally lost and scared for my life, and I suppose that's what made me commit like I never have before to losing this weight.

    So... yeah. I joined a few hours ago and I didn't think I would participate in the community but I came across this and felt I had to say something, possibly for therapeutic reasons... I'm not really sure. I apologize for the rambling.

    Wow I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you decided to join and it will help you through the tough times. Although it doesn't seem like it just yet this event will make you stronger one day. Thank you.
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    ashcky wrote: »
    I was getting physically I'll after every meal I ate. I felt like I was never full even when I stuffed myself. Now that I changed my diet and I have started becoming active I don't have that happen anymore.

    Is amazing what happens when we treat our bodies right!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    My blood pressure was frightening high (on 2 medications) and my weight had crept up to 184. (I'm 5'2"). I'm down 26 pounds and off of one of the meds

    Good job on the weight loss!
  • NancyYale
    NancyYale Posts: 171 Member
    It was the pain in my knees and feet that made walking more and more difficult. And when I started having trouble sleeping because I felt like the pressure from the weight was choking me, that did it.
    120 down!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    NancyYale wrote: »
    It was the pain in my knees and feet that made walking more and more difficult. And when I started having trouble sleeping because I felt like the pressure from the weight was choking me, that did it.
    120 down!

    120! You rock!
  • Nicole_kayy
    Nicole_kayy Posts: 88 Member
    For me, it was being diagnosed with PCOS and realizing losing weight was the only way to subside the symptoms.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    My rock bottom was exactly a week ago. I found out I have NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, basically the next stage of fatty liver). I'm 18. I put on almost 80 pounds from the start of this year. I've always been a little chubby since I was an older kid and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but now I'm obese at 5'4" and 223 lbs, the most I've ever weighed. This has been the worst year of my life. I started out the year by failing out of half of my AP and college classes due to severe depression, anxiety, and spending late nights at the hospital with my grandfather. I stopped exercising and I started overeating which made my depression worse. At one point I stopped showing up to school completely and was unable to graduate on time, all the while being bullied and stalked which I could barely handle under normal circumstances. My grandfather had been in and out of the hospital constantly for about a year and lost his ability to walk after heart surgery. He had his second heart attack (first one not related to the heart surgery and was years ago) two weeks before he passed away in hospice. He was fine (by "fine" I mean he was aware and able to speak and eat with some assistance, usually mine because hospital staff neglected him and let him go hungry... I know that is horrible and yes I did speak to management about it) for about a week, went into hospice then could no longer speak or eat... it seemed to have happened pretty quickly, but apparently his Parkinson's progressed to the final stage. I felt completely powerless watching him die. It was horrifying to watch and spend the nights with him waking up to a death rattle in the middle of the night. I basically stayed there with him to his last breath joined by someone I absolutely hate who played no role whatsoever in helping take care of him, just showed up out of nowhere pretending to be surprised when they heard he was dying. He passed away one month and two days ago today. Trying to grow up and take responsibility for him, taking care of him and advocating for him in hospitals, nursing homes, and finally a hospice was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, and unfortunately I do not have much in the way of support of any kind in my life. Things settled down a little after his memorial service and some family members finally came back into my life and my nightmares about the ordeal were disappearing, so I had a positive outlook for a while until I was diagnosed with NASH a week ago and started making major life changes.
    Within one year I gained almost 80 lbs, barely graduated and ruined my GPA, missed out on college to take care of my grandfather, lost family members (for reasons I won't get into), had someone make a false report to DCFS to get "revenge" on me, had to file a no-contact order for a girl stalking my boyfriend and me, lost several friends, let go of my grandfather who raised me in place of my father, and finally was diagnosed with what I just mentioned.
    At the moment I feel totally lost and scared for my life, and I suppose that's what made me commit like I never have before to losing this weight.

    So... yeah. I joined a few hours ago and I didn't think I would participate in the community but I came across this and felt I had to say something, possibly for therapeutic reasons... I'm not really sure. I apologize for the rambling.

    So sorry about your loss. 2016 seems to have been a rough year for a lot of us.

    I'm an inch taller than you and when I started a month ago I was at 211 lbs. My all time highest weight was near yours.

    I just want to tell you that you can do this and things will get better. Just sort things out a day at a time one thing at a time.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Many things happened:

    Fibromyalgia, prediabetes, a doctor telling me to either glue my lips shut at 208 lbs or gain more weight so I could qualify for gastric bypass, my Dad coming home from a Middle East deployment to what he thought was a suprise pregnancy- nope it was just an obese daughter, broke his heart. Getting too fat to dress like a lady- that profile picture on the left in the peach was maternity clothes but my son was 5. Other than that I wore hubby's clothes. I was constantly angry at everyone else about my weight because I was giving so much to them and didn't care what I ate and let my exercise slide (survival mode I called it). After a night in a cardiac unit (false alarm, just anxiety) I joined Weight Watchers, started exercise and self care again, and here I am. Total 65 down, discussing with dr soon to see how much more left to go.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Although I did not do an immediate Hollywood-turnaround complete with Rocky Balboa music and fix my every last overeating habit on the spot, what really got to me, stuck with me, and ultimately was my rock-bottom moment and then my motivator was my son asking me, "Mom, why are you so fat?" and then starting to ask me here or there whether I "should" be eating this or that.

    I'm sure a lot of people will think, "Wow, what a snot" or "that kid should mind his own biznidge" but it really struck me. Yes, it IS my body and not his and no, a child CAN'T tell a parent what to do but imagine being the child of the fat parent? My child was. (Or, two of my children were.) I'm sure he was not only embarrassed, but afraid. It was obvious I was not healthy like that. What a burden for a child to carry.
  • Bentforkx
    Bentforkx Posts: 69 Member
    As a Fire Performer, not fitting into my custom leather costume pants was a big deal.... I worked around it by leaving the top buttons undone and a belt holding them up..... then wearing a long shirt to cover it up.....

    The straw that broke the camels back though, was a visit to a new General Practitioner Doctor, for a sore shoulder..... left the office feeling 50 years older..... early arthritis in the shoulder, border line high blood pressure and border line high cholesterol.....


    Time to make some life style changes while I could..... Currently down 15 pounds of my 25 pound goal, having started a gym program and diet... and currently waiting on my blood chemistry to see if I'm going in the right direction there....

    I've currently plateau'd at 170 lbs, I think my fat removed weight is being hidden by my muscle gain weight... I've just invested in fat calipers and body composition monitor so I don't have to rely on a weight scale alone for program validation.

    Good luck to you all

  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    edited November 2016
    My rock bottom was when my doctor told me that I needed to lose weight or I was going to have a heart attack...Also, after having gone through menopause, I weighed more than I EVER had in my life...It was time for a change...I lost forty pounds a couple of years ago and gained it all back...I am in the process of trying to get down there, again, and I am ten pounds down, right now...Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    Many things happened:

    Fibromyalgia, prediabetes, a doctor telling me to either glue my lips shut at 208 lbs or gain more weight so I could qualify for gastric bypass, my Dad coming home from a Middle East deployment to what he thought was a suprise pregnancy- nope it was just an obese daughter, broke his heart. Getting too fat to dress like a lady- that profile picture on the left in the peach was maternity clothes but my son was 5. Other than that I wore hubby's clothes. I was constantly angry at everyone else about my weight because I was giving so much to them and didn't care what I ate and let my exercise slide (survival mode I called it). After a night in a cardiac unit (false alarm, just anxiety) I joined Weight Watchers, started exercise and self care again, and here I am. Total 65 down, discussing with dr soon to see how much more left to go.

    Wow so a series of events got you. 65 down is mega!

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited November 2016
    Many things happened:

    Fibromyalgia, prediabetes, a doctor telling me to either glue my lips shut at 208 lbs or gain more weight so I could qualify for gastric bypass, my Dad coming home from a Middle East deployment to what he thought was a suprise pregnancy- nope it was just an obese daughter, broke his heart. Getting too fat to dress like a lady- that profile picture on the left in the peach was maternity clothes but my son was 5. Other than that I wore hubby's clothes. I was constantly angry at everyone else about my weight because I was giving so much to them and didn't care what I ate and let my exercise slide (survival mode I called it). After a night in a cardiac unit (false alarm, just anxiety) I joined Weight Watchers, started exercise and self care again, and here I am. Total 65 down, discussing with dr soon to see how much more left to go.

    Wow, I didn't see this but I did have a moment where I realized I was just barely a candidate for gastric bypass. That was SCARY. And the maternity clothes...I can't believe somebody else did this...I thought I was the only one. I literally was in maternity pants. My "baby" was nine years old.

    Not trying to minimize the rest of your troubles. My heart ached reading this but WOW, 65 down? Hot kitten. Nice work.

  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    For me, it was being diagnosed with PCOS and realizing losing weight was the only way to subside the symptoms.

    So did it? I've had PCOS since teenage years. I've lost about 60 lbs before but it is so much harder now that I'm a bit older. I had a hysterectomy about a year ago but kept my overies and oddly gained about 10 lbs since then. Doc sent me to a nutritionist now for help.
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    Naaer wrote: »
    My rock bottom was when my doctor told me that I needed to lose weight or I was going to have a heart attack...Also, after having gone through menopause, I weighed more than I EVER had in my life...It was time for a change...I lost forty pounds a couple of years ago and gained it all back...I am in the process of trying to get down there, again, and I am ten pounds down, right now...Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

    Good luck and good start at 10 down already!
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Many things happened:

    Fibromyalgia, prediabetes, a doctor telling me to either glue my lips shut at 208 lbs or gain more weight so I could qualify for gastric bypass, my Dad coming home from a Middle East deployment to what he thought was a suprise pregnancy- nope it was just an obese daughter, broke his heart. Getting too fat to dress like a lady- that profile picture on the left in the peach was maternity clothes but my son was 5. Other than that I wore hubby's clothes. I was constantly angry at everyone else about my weight because I was giving so much to them and didn't care what I ate and let my exercise slide (survival mode I called it). After a night in a cardiac unit (false alarm, just anxiety) I joined Weight Watchers, started exercise and self care again, and here I am. Total 65 down, discussing with dr soon to see how much more left to go.

    Wow, I didn't see this but I did have a moment where I realized I was just barely a candidate for gastric bypass. That was SCARY. And the maternity clothes...I can't believe somebody else did this...I thought I was the only one. I literally was in maternity pants. My "baby" was nine years old.

    Not trying to minimize the rest of your troubles. My heart ached reading this but WOW, 65 down? Hot kitten. Nice work.

    Thanks! Yeah, I seriously just lost myself and "found" the weight. It wasn't me. I was so glad to get rid of that maternity stuff, and I love love love getting dolled up now!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    Bentforkx wrote: »
    As a Fire Performer, not fitting into my custom leather costume pants was a big deal.... I worked around it by leaving the top buttons undone and a belt holding them up..... then wearing a long shirt to cover it up.....

    The straw that broke the camels back though, was a visit to a new General Practitioner Doctor, for a sore shoulder..... left the office feeling 50 years older..... early arthritis in the shoulder, border line high blood pressure and border line high cholesterol.....


    Time to make some life style changes while I could..... Currently down 15 pounds of my 25 pound goal, having started a gym program and diet... and currently waiting on my blood chemistry to see if I'm going in the right direction there....

    I've currently plateau'd at 170 lbs, I think my fat removed weight is being hidden by my muscle gain weight... I've just invested in fat calipers and body composition monitor so I don't have to rely on a weight scale alone for program validation.

    Good luck to you all

    Sometimes all it takes is words from someone else to shock us. Good luck on your journey!