

  • vaporhockey83
    vaporhockey83 Posts: 84 Member
    The link to cancers in diet sodas has been debunked slightly. Where aspartame was shown to cause brain tumors and cancer, they found that brain cancer cases had increased prior to the FDA's approval of aspartame . They pump mice with the human equivalent of thousands of cans of soda a day with artificial sweeteners. Of course that's going to cause issues. The FDA's recommendation for maximum amounts of artificial sweetener consumption is fairly high at this point because they really don't have all the facts (15-22 cans a day). It's in my opinion that, as with anything, to use in moderation. Anything artificial probably isn't good for you, that's a given. The story below explains how it confuses your body. That all said, I switched over to diet and it's helped (in my opinion) to shave off a few pounds. I try to only have about one or two diet sodas a day (more if I'm mixing it with rum). I definitely wouldn't be drinking it like water.

    Here's an article on it all:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    IIRC, Research examining hormonal effects (hunger signaling) has turned up mixed. Fortunately, people monitoring calorie intake can readily keep track of whether or not diet soda contributes to overeating.

    For many people, diet soda is satiating.
  • hbbeth
    hbbeth Posts: 13
    I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke, but osteoporosis runs in my family and I've just been told I have osteopenia (just a step up from osteoporosis) so I've cut it out. Instead I drink a lot of Perrier. The bubbles are my thing so Perrier works well for me.

  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I think the most recent study that was released talks about stimulating certain pleasure centers in the brain when something sweet is eaten, but the study I saw before that talks more specifically about activating an insulin release when certain artifical sweeteners were introduced into the mouth and not swallowed. I think the implication is that it is related to stimulation of the taste buds and receptors in the mouth and signals are sent to the brain as a result. The abstract for the article is here:

    There is also some evidence that "sweetness" is detected in the digestive system also and that detection of certain artificial sweeteners being broken down in the digestive system can trigger insulin release (, however it is fair to point out that the size of this study was small.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The link to cancers in diet sodas has been debunked slightly. Where aspartame was shown to cause brain tumors and cancer, they found that brain cancer cases had increased prior to the FDA's approval of aspartame . They pump mice with the human equivalent of thousands of cans of soda a day with artificial sweeteners. Of course that's going to cause issues. The FDA's recommendation for maximum amounts of artificial sweetener consumption is fairly high at this point because they really don't have all the facts (15-22 cans a day). It's in my opinion that, as with anything, to use in moderation. Anything artificial probably isn't good for you, that's a given. The story below explains how it confuses your body. That all said, I switched over to diet and it's helped (in my opinion) to shave off a few pounds. I try to only have about one or two diet sodas a day (more if I'm mixing it with rum). I definitely wouldn't be drinking it like water.

    Here's an article on it all:

    Thank you for this link! Not because the article itself was especially helpful, but because it had a link to the original article, which was an academic review of multiple previous studies, and it answered my earlier question.

    It clearly states that consuming artificial sweeteners, whether directly into the stomach or orally, does NOT cause insulin reactions. Consuming them with a meal does not change the insulin level from if the meal was eaten without the sweeteners. There is still some speculation (not hard data yet, only inconclusive results) that other, smaller-level hormones may be affected - these are the ones that respond to the sweet taste. The article calls it a "Pavlovian response".

    So all the claims that it messes with your insulin levels seem to be unfounded.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Diet Dr. Pepper, nearly every day. Losing weight and haven't grown a third arm or anything! :-D

    This is me as well.
  • kosuke081
    kosuke081 Posts: 69
    As long as I get my 2 liters of water in I won't kill myself over drinking a diet or a regular soda, but I usually prefer to stay away from them.

    Water first, tho.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    If I drink soda (which is rare, I hardly ever buy the stuff) I go for the real deal... For me it's either the calories or a migraine. The aspartame in diet sodas gives me horrible headaches and I don't want to deal with that. I generally stick with water.
  • Doxeydoxie
    Doxeydoxie Posts: 75
    Diet Coke every single day! I would not even consider going without it!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    To the op, I don't drink any traditional soda. I found that what I really used to like about the soda was the carbonated water. So now I drink super fizzy carbonated water (actually just bought a sodastream) and sometimes I add lemon or a little juice of my choice. Recently found soju strawberry and have been putting that in. I like very little (like 2 tablespoons) but someone could use more.

    If I was still going to drink soda, I'd prefer it with sugar. No hfcs. And no artificial sweetners. My preference! My opinion. No articles to cite. :wink:
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    It has been four months since I have had soda and I feel so much better (and my teeth thank me). Stay away from diet soda, recent science tests have shown that it actually makes you eat more.

    I agree with this. I am not totally soda free, I have about one a week. But when I do all I want is sweet stuff and I want to eat all the time. I am so much better without it.
  • katbirdinpa
    katbirdinpa Posts: 105
    I drink water it flushes salt. I like dasanti
  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    I was a one-time Diet Coke junkie who lived with her 44 ounce refill bottle by her side. Happy to report that I have not drank any kind of soda since June 13, 2008. I've now started my 6th year being soda free!

    Congratulations! WTG!
  • Dechant63
    Dechant63 Posts: 59
    I very very rarely drink soda. But when I do it's usually diet. But I might drink it 3-5 times a year. If that.
  • mjones6599
    mjones6599 Posts: 129
    i don't always drink soda, but when I do - i prefer the real stuff, Coca Cola. Stay Thirsty my friends.

