10,000 Steps really??????

I have a general question about fitness. I am steadily losing from 2-2.65 pounds a week apprx. So I am losing, I am working out a minimum of 40 minutes a day. I am trying to build on that a little each week as well. I am fairly sedentary ( I think). I am a stay at home Mom of a five year old, the other kids are in various stages of education up to college. I also own my own business and work from home, much of what I do is on the computer.

My question is... Is 10,000 steps really the end all of how fit you are? When I worked at the hospital I did that and more. Now, I find it really hard to rack up the steps. My activity tracker goes off every 15 minutes and I am thinking, I am SMACK in the middle of a design UGH! I feel like in between sitting at the computer for work, then packing orders, house work, laundry, shopping, picking up kids I am constantly going from the moment I open my eyes until I collapse in the bed late night. My overall goal is to lose the excess weight and be fit. I want to be able to go on runs etc. Can an hour a day of working out get me there? :/


  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    My goal is 7500. ~2500 on the treadmill each morning, ~2500 throughout the day and 2500 either walking the dogs or more treadmill time. I hit it most days and some I go way over, but the 10K for me was not a daily achievable goal.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    10K steps is fitter than 9K which is fitter than 5k...and so on. Any moving is better than none and there's not one definition of "fit" for everyone. I would kill for my wife to do 10K step daily. If she did that she would be fitter than 80% of people I know. I don't care for walking. I can walk all day and it doesn't seem to have much impact on my wt and fitness. What seems to make a difference for me is 5-10 hours/week of 1-on-1 competitive tennis with peers of my age and level.

  • RAinWA wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I have a general question about fitness. I am steadily losing from 2-2.65 pounds a week apprx. So I am losing, I am working out a minimum of 40 minutes a day. I am trying to build on that a little each week as well. I am fairly sedentary ( I think). I am a stay at home Mom of a five year old, the other kids are in various stages of education up to college. I also own my own business and work from home, much of what I do is on the computer.

    My question is... Is 10,000 steps really the end all of how fit you are? When I worked at the hospital I did that and more. Now, I find it really hard to rack up the steps. My activity tracker goes off every 15 minutes and I am thinking, I am SMACK in the middle of a design UGH! I feel like in between sitting at the computer for work, then packing orders, house work, laundry, shopping, picking up kids I am constantly going from the moment I open my eyes until I collapse in the bed late night. My overall goal is to lose the excess weight and be fit. I want to be able to go on runs etc. Can an hour a day of working out get me there? :/

    No, it's a completely arbitrary guideline and has jack to do with how fit you are...someone in Japan or something pretty much literally pulled that number out of their *kitten*...

    I don't get in 10K steps most days and I'm more fit than many people I know who do...I can go knock out 50 miles on my bike no problem, my buddy who obsesses about steps can't even come close...

    All this is true, but if you are like me and have a sedentary job and really can't do much exercise, hitting a step goal is at least moving. I aim for 12k steps a day. I'm under no illusion that it makes me fit, but any movement is good for me. Outside of some very controlled rehab work I can't do much else right now. Someday....

    For sure movement is good if not just for the circulation alone. My day is something like work on the computer 30 min to an hour, get up and make food for my daughter, run downstairs start laundry, vacuum, back to the computer and repeat. Housework taking care of her, letting dogs in and out etc. On the upside I have a two story house with a split level. Downstairs is laundry room and door to the backyard for the dogs. The second story is the bedrooms. So lots of stairs happening for me no matter the task. :D

  • mph323 wrote: »
    Great points and I can totally rack up "miles" spinning that my tracker doesn't even acknowledge. :/ I guess I am getting to caught up in the numbers. I think I will turn off the move reminder, I mean I am up and down all day everyday between the family and fur family LOL! Thanks for all your input!!!

    Lord yes, I turned off the reminder. I'm way too susceptible to guilt, even when coming from a machine :-(

    Right? Ugh the tracker is taunting me, the 10,000 steps lingering in my head as what's "healthy." I am happy to know not everyone gets in the 10k steps and admits it ROFL!