Why such negativity ?



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    It's ****ty because it seems to me that when writing posts on here you have to throw out some disclaimers like "I'm not looking for attention" or "this thread isn't me fishing for compliments" I mean, the fact that we have to do that is just sad. Why can't we just say what we feel without ignorant, rude, and mean people replying to it. I'm almost twenty years old and when I have a crappy day I'll shoot my mom a phone call and vent to her....maybe that young lady doesn't have someone to confide in and were all she has...what a great support system MFP, claps to you.

    I agree with you on what you have said, 100%.... yet people don't look further than the post. they just see the post and initially react to it. They don't think of the possibilities behind it, only that the standing post might look like some attention seeking ploy.

    As it seems on many of the threads here, "they" don't care. It's enough to dump this entire application and do this motivation on my own. If this is the type of motivation that the people of MFP are giving, I'm not buying. I have less drama on Facebook.

    If you're looking to complete strangers for motivation to change yourself...you're doing it wrong. Your motivation should come within you...not people behind a keyboard. Keep the app...log your calories...just stay off the forums if you can't handle personalities and opinions that differ from your own.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm warning you now that this thread is going to end up just like the other one did...probably worse... :/

    While I agree with you and I felt sorry for the girl in the other thread...I'm only allowed to get in one internet argument per day.

    So with that being said:


    LOVE IT!!!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I know I said I wasn't going to say anything but it's my day off and I don't know how to put my soap box away. I just wanted to share a story.
    When I was in high school, one of my best friends had posted on myspace (cuz myspace was cool back then) about how she had an awful day. The details of her day didn't seem TOO awful so people began to gang up on her, leaving comments calling her a "big baby" and a "drama queen" and saying things like"Grow up"and "No one cares!!!" I saw those comments and didn't say anything because I didn't think it was a big deal. After all, she wasn't physically being harmed and it's not like they were making fun of how she looked or anything. 8 years later I still can't forgive myself for it because that same day she killed herself. To this day I wonder if maybe I had said something, maybe if I had told people to leave her alone, maybe she'd be alive today. I'm sure those people thought that their comments weren't that bad or just "tough love" but the fact of the matter is, you don't know what someone is going through in their life. Not everyone has a strong support system to hear them out when they need to vent. That's why it really bothers me when I see people poking fun at people when they are upset, regardless of how the situation may seem silly to others. I don't think it's ok to demean people who are already in a low place, especially when they have already stated that they have emotional issues. It's one thing to say "You shouldn't let idiots get you down. Hold your head up and move on." it's ANOTHER thing to say "You're an attention *kitten*. Go away." I realize that this is the internet and a lot of people wouldn't even care if their comments pushed a stranger over the edge. HOWEVER, I hope this at least makes ONE person think. Is your funny sarcastic comment really worth someone's life?
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    They are adults? Should they go home and cry to their parents at 19 or 21 years old that someone was mean to them. No wonder they can't handle the real world and people in it...


    Are you serious? As an adult you've never just had to have a good cry to your mum or dad about something? All this does is make me feel a little sorry for you

    I actuallycan not think of a time I have ever cried to my mom about anything past the age of 11 or so.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Also, didn't we just do, "Why is everyone so mean here yesterday?" Shouldn't today be, "If I lift will I get bulky?"

    Where did I put my schedule?
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    now this is bull****. just because you can speak doesn't mean you shouldn't try to speak kindly despite the 'i'm blunt' argument. you can be blunt without being rude.... http://www.emilypost.com/
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Also, didn't we just do, "Why is everyone so mean here yesterday?" Shouldn't today be, "If I lift will I get bulky?"

    Where did I put my schedule?

    M- Lifting = Bulky
    T - When is water water
    W - Clean vs. Dirty
    Th - Why is everyone so mean
    Fri - Boobs
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    They are adults? Should they go home and cry to their parents at 19 or 21 years old that someone was mean to them. No wonder they can't handle the real world and people in it...


    Are you serious? As an adult you've never just had to have a good cry to your mum or dad about something? All this does is make me feel a little sorry for you

    I've had exactly one good cry to my mum since I moved out at 18 and that was because I thought my marriage was crumbling (turned out it wasn't). Would I ever cry to her that someone yelled something out the window to me? No. Why? Because I'm an adult and ain't no one got time for that, me or my mom.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    My point is, surely we all created our accounts for the same reasons: to seek advice, offer and receive support, ask for motivation as well as motivating others etc etc. I think "cyber bullying" is a bit of a strong term and thrown about too freely but I do get the impression that a lot of people like to sit behind their keyboard making negative comments and don't stop to think of the consequences.
    There are consequences to every comment you make, whether in real life or via the wonder of the internet. Even in RL you will get myriad responses to a cry for help/attention/comfort/whatever, but it is how you choose to deal with those comments that dictate whether you bounce back or crumble.
    I'm afraid if some slack-jawed-blokey-type hollering at you from a van is enough to make you crumble, the rest of your life ain't going to be a picnic.
    Sometimes people do need to be told to toughen up, not in an unpleasant or rude way, but it still needs to be said. Unfortunately, some people don't have the words to phrase it pleasantly, sometimes it's their intention to be harsh, and sometimes they just say the first thing that pops into their head because they're either stupid or don't give a rat's *kitten*.
    So many possibilities.
    But please don't tar everyone with the same brush. Life WILL throw more **** at that young lady than having somebody yell at her, and someone saying 'get over it' to her might just know what they're talking about. :flowerforyou:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member

  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    It's sad that a lot of society nowadays feel it's within their right to make horrible comments/remarks.I don't know what type of kick they get out of hurting people, and to think that these people are or will be breeding a new class of society. I shiver at the thought of how THEY will be. This madness has got to stop.


    The gal (as you have mentioned), needs to understand that. She needs to understand that there ARE people out there that will be horrible and nasty towards her, about her, just becaue they can. Just because they think it's fun or they gain some type of power over the her or those reading it. SHE gives them the power or DENIES that power over her and her feelings. SHE needs to rethink how she posts, as to not leave herself open for such comments, but understand that she could even put out "It's such a beautiful day" and still get the snide remarks.

    Welcome to 2013. It's not right, but it is what it is and until we start pointing it out as a group, against these people, it will never stop...never stop here, never stop in society. Only when we say "enough" will it stop.

    I would suggest that she (as well as your daughter) pick up a few self-help books on self-esteem and overcoming your own emotional obstacles. It has done me wonders. I couldn't afford a shrink so I empowered myself to be better. I learned the techniques and here I am today. I'm not perfect or "healed" but you bet yer cupcake that I'm on a better level within myself than before.

    Good luck to that gal (and to your daughter) in finding the center within and empowerment from then on.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: This is so great!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Also, didn't we just do, "Why is everyone so mean here yesterday?" Shouldn't today be, "If I lift will I get bulky?"

    Where did I put my schedule?

    M- Lifting = Bulky
    T - When is water water
    W - Clean vs. Dirty
    Th - Why is everyone so mean
    Fri - Boobs

    I vote that all days be Friday.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Welcome to 2013. It's not right, but it is what it is and until we start pointing it out as a group, against these people, it will never stop...never stop here, never stop in society. Only when we say "enough" will it stop.
    You're going to stop people from thinking/feeling how you don't want them to think/feel? That's not "welcome to 2013," that's, "welcome to 1984."

    Fixed it!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member

    I'm having a little trouble reconciling the fact you think this is OK but your profile says, "do good." I'm probably guilty right now of posting without thinking enough
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    I love how this OP sent me a PM basically with what she said in this post because I told that woman not to be so sensitive.

    So OP where do you get off trying to tell me how to talk on the Internet?

    I already replied with some nice choice of words so please check your PM :D
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member

    I'm having a little trouble reconciling the fact you think this is OK but your profile says, "do good." I'm probably guilty right now of posting without thinking enough
    I think that people tend to be straightforward and blunt, especially on the internet, which will offend those who are "easily offended". And I just think Jenna Marbles is funny; so sue me.

    Also, the "Do good" on my profile is part of a quote from Boy Meets World, so you might want to hop down from that high horse before you fall off and get hurt.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    I'm having a little trouble reconciling the fact you think this is OK but your profile says, "do good." I'm probably guilty right now of posting without thinking enough
    I think that people tend to be straightforward and blunt, especially on the internet, which will offend those who are "easily offended". And I just think Jenna Marbles is funny; so sue me.

    Also, the "Do good" on my profile is part of a quote from Boy Meets World, so you might want to hop down from that high horse before you fall off and get hurt.

  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I know I said I wasn't going to say anything but it's my day off and I don't know how to put my soap box away. I just wanted to share a story.
    When I was in high school, one of my best friends had posted on myspace (cuz myspace was cool back then) about how she had an awful day. The details of her day didn't seem TOO awful so people began to gang up on her, leaving comments calling her a "big baby" and a "drama queen" and saying things like"Grow up"and "No one cares!!!" I saw those comments and didn't say anything because I didn't think it was a big deal. After all, she wasn't physically being harmed and it's not like they were making fun of how she looked or anything. 8 years later I still can't forgive myself for it because that same day she killed herself. To this day I wonder if maybe I had said something, maybe if I had told people to leave her alone, maybe she'd be alive today. I'm sure those people thought that their comments weren't that bad or just "tough love" but the fact of the matter is, you don't know what someone is going through in their life. Not everyone has a strong support system to hear them out when they need to vent. That's why it really bothers me when I see people poking fun at people when they are upset, regardless of how the situation may seem silly to others. I don't think it's ok to demean people who are already in a low place, especially when they have already stated that they have emotional issues. It's one thing to say "You shouldn't let idiots get you down. Hold your head up and move on." it's ANOTHER thing to say "You're an attention *kitten*. Go away." I realize that this is the internet and a lot of people wouldn't even care if their comments pushed a stranger over the edge. HOWEVER, I hope this at least makes ONE person think. Is your funny sarcastic comment really worth someone's life?

    I haven't read past this comment so I have no idea if or how anyone else responded, and I prefer it that way actually.

    I hear you loud and clear... that being said, many people are still where you were when you didn't bother saying anything, and still more people are where the others were who basically told the girl to suck it up and deal with it. I don't know if anyone was strong enough to go against the tide on myspace and actually hear her out. It sounds like no one did. That's rough. And her decision was obviously not solely based on that incident; I'm sure it was the final straw in a whole ton of straws.

    That being said, the opposite happened here on MFP. A bunch of people did offer support to this girl. Some didn't say anything and some posted things that might have made her feel worse, and now more people are jumping to her defense and this will continue until the end of the work day, most likely. And then tomorrow this can start all over again with some other post. Because no matter what happens or what gets said, no one is going to get shamed into changing the way they feel about the kind of post that girl put up here. It's not personal to her, honestly. It's how they feel about that kind of post. And while I respect that you're trying to show the possible consequences, I just think it's mostly going to fall on deaf ears because people are either the type to think of the other person's feelings before posting or they're not; beyond that, people tend to learn from their own experience rather than someone else's.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I love how this OP sent me a PM basically with what she said in this post because I told that woman not to be so sensitive.

    So OP where do you get off trying to tell me how to talk on the Internet?

    I already replied with some nice choice of words so please check your PM :D

    Yes and you have been reported

    In most forums, saying you've been reported actually is against the rules because it is said to incite even more drama overall. I'm surprised MFP doesn't do this. It's kind of ridiculous in a discussion to be honest. You want to report someone, just do it. No need to make a spectacle of it.