Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss?



  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Another thing I've picked up on: You eat a lot of meals out. I see a large amount of Taco Bell, KFC, Burger King, Whataburger, etc. Nothing wrong with eating out in general, of course, but the calorie estimates given by restaurants can often be waaaaaay off. Like, off by 500 calories kind of off. That can definitely put a kink into your weight loss plans!
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @Susieq_1994 The taco bell ones are because I made my own tacos and thought the taco bell ones are similar enough. Same with KFC, at work I had some potato wedges and didn't know how to enter it correctly. + I don't have a Whataburger around here, I had some fries at work.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2016
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2016
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2016
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Here's one example from your food diary:


    How many grams are in a medium apple? What exactly is a medium apple to you? "Medium" is a very subjective term. Won't say anything about the carrots, because carrots aren't so high in calories that they'd be off by too much... But that 1.4 pyrex is a completely useless entry. What was in the potatoes? How much did you have? How many grams is 1.4 of a Pyrex?

    The red beans and rice is similar. A whole lot of cooked rice can be stuffed into a cup. It's probably more accurate than the potatoes, but how much rice was really in there? No way to know. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @Susieq_1994 When I put in the exacts of what I've eaten, the calories actually generally went down, so that makes this whole thing a bit MORE confusing unfortunately.

    So I went and had a gander, but I gotta say it only confirmed my original statement, which is that most of your food is measured in cups. 0.25 cup, 0.6 cup, 1 cup of cooked pasta... Let me tell you, I can shove A LOT of pasta into a cup! ;) I don't mean to be unkind or to doubt you, but I can't put any faith in a "0.6 cup" of this or that. It can mean just about anything. @quiksylver296 Could you post that video about cups vs. grams that I saw you post in another thread? Pretty please? It would be very informative here. :)

    My advice to you would be to really tighten up your logging, weigh everything raw on a food scale, in grams. Confirm your entries against USDA data (if you Google "calories in -insert food here-" the USDA info for that food will come up). Don't snack at work, try not to eat out if you can possibly eat at home. Create your own recipes for foods you cook that contains exactly what you put in them. Do that for a few weeks and then re-evaluate. If you still don't lose any weight, it may be time to go back to the doctor and evaluate your thyroid levels and whether your medicine dosage is correct.

    Yes, ma'am!

    Thanks a million! :smiley:

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited December 2016
    I just want some of that cheese! A half-cup for 121 calories?!? I freaking wish.


    You really need to measure in grams, OP.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2016
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I cut up a small apple and ate 3 slices of it. so I just put a medium apple so that I had enough calories for the day.. 3 slices of an apple I assumed would be okay to put as a medium apple cuz im going over the actual calories not under. Same with the party potatoes, I had about 10 squares. Like, homefries. + with "cups" I always loosely pack my cups or half cups, etc. I don't stuff things in. + I never finish the plates of food I have, so I assume rounding up is better than rounding down, if that makes sense. I've been told by my therapist and my nutritionist that I don't eat nearly enough and that I should be eating more, but I don't want to eat more because I will gain weight.

    Only thing I know is that I've had my medication adjusted 3 times with no change to my thyroid level. So I'm not sure if my thyroid level is still *kitten* or not, but I do need another test in the next two weeks (I'm due for one)

    You are not having success doing what you are doing. Why are you so resistant to try the easiest solution and see if that works? Buy a food scale. They are literally like $8. Religiously weigh and log everything for 8 weeks. If that doesn't work, you can tell all of us, "I told you so."

  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2016
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited December 2016
    Yikes. Never mind.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    edited December 2016
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Please, oh please, find yourself a better doctor, a functional one if at all possible or someone who actually keeps up with the current science related to the thyroid. Levo is great for some but can often leave others browbeating themselves because what ever they do they can't shift a gram because they are hypo.

    Its ok being told you are hypo but are you also hashimotos? I doubt very much you have been tested. The main stream treatment for both is the same but it completely misses the point that with hashi one has antibodies which are causing the thyroid symptoms and weight gain is simply not all its about. Its about regaining health and all that goes with it. More accurate measurements could increase your frustration because of a reduced metabolism.

    To relieve the effects of those antibodies you need guidance to discover what is causing them. Also you probably need digestive support, as one's metabolism diminishes so can one's digestive acid. Then living at a deficit reduces the metabolism as does being hypo, its not a club anyone in their right mind would want to join. The tragedy is that you are so very young not to be getting the right treatment.

    I doubt very much that you have been advised to take any supplements, often many of us who are hypo do better if we have selenium, zink, and other vitamins and minerals to facilitate conversion of the t4 in levo or other t4 products into the active t3. I strongly advise you to read up on all things thyroid. There are several sites Hypothyroid mom, is one she is good. Many people do not like Stop the Thyroid Madness because they consider it pushes the use of Natural thyroid products but for many with hashi this is needed because we are short of t3 and our t3 levels are hardly ever tested. It can also help to ensure your digestive tract is healthy. Taking probiotics to repopulate your digestive biome will help too. There is so much to help out there if only you can find the right way for you. You may have a national support site they can be very helpful also. Do you know there are 300 symptoms related to thyroid health, not many people do, or even care.

    Many think being hypo is an excuse for weight gain, every person who is hypo will have their own causes and the health system does not have the integrity to sort everyone's issues out properly. Don't just take what is dished out read and read and understand and keep pushing for proper support. This is not a one size fits all situation.

    Good Luck I fear you are going to need it.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I too am Hypothyroid and take synthroid daily. I have lost 70 pounds and I am 60 years old. Having said that I confess I lose pretty slow. My average weight loss over almost a year is 1.3 pounds/week but right now it is grindingly slow. One thing that seems to help is getting up and moving more often. I think those of us with compromised metabolisms need to kick start the body from time to time during the day. I try to take a couple walks a day when I am at work. I just use what would normally be a coffee break. Also drink lots of water it seems to help. My calories are at 1200 and I eat back about half my step calories (I use a Garmin Vivofit 2). It can be done and believe me you will be glad you stuck it out but be patient.