Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss?



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I got down to "You may need to investigate further" :/ The only things wrong with me, digestion and food related are : Hypothyroidism, Acid Reflux Disease, Caffeine intolerance, and a general intolerance of most water based foods like lettuce, watermelon, and celery...

    While skipping over "weigh your food"... :/
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Also should mention I did cut my carbs back as I found I craved less and felt better with less carb. I don't know if it helped me lose but I've lost more weight this year than I ever have my entire life. Give it a shot.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    OP, if it's only been two weeks you need to be patient, whether you decide to tighten up your logging or not.
    I'll make one more mention of my situation. I've not found my metabolism or ability to lose fat to be special or any different from the average person. I've help my mother (also hypothyroid) lose over 20 lbs herself. It all comes down to accurate logging.
    We've even found that we lose much faster than this sites calculator predicts. Our metabolisms are fine.
    I spent many years thinking I was a special snow flake because of my thyroid.
    It wasn't until I simply started taking my meds and forgetting anything was "wrong with me" that I started to truly succeed at gaining control of my weight.
    Maybe that's harsh, it took me a long time to come to terms with it. But that's really what it boiled down to for me and many others.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @Fuzzipeg Thanks for the actually insightful answer. I'm not actually sure if I have hashimotos or not, I know I have hypothyroidism though. I would assume that I do have Hashimotos though because both my birth mom and sister have hypothyroidism. I don't blame my thyroid entirely for the weight gain, but I do know that it does make weight gain easier. I gained weight due to a food addiction that I have been battling for 9 years. I became addicted to junk foods back when I was 12, because I was having a LOT of family problems (Which I don't really want to get into..) but it continued from there and I was eating 3 bowls of chips a day, a full bottle of mountain dew (the ones at the store, not the single serving ones), and gained about 100 pounds in those 8 years. It got worse April 1st of 2015 because my sister committed suicide, and I was an emotional eater. Last year I gained another 30 pounds. This year I've been stuck at 230, with no real changes to my weight, even though I'm eating 10x better than I was, and eating under my caloric goals each day. I didn't take my thyroid medications until like..2 weeks ago, I'm not sure when the medications kick in. But I assume that's a factor in all this too. I also didn't start tracking calories or thinking about what I'm eating until 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure how long you should wait for results. I assumed 2 weeks was long enough for my pills to kick in and weight loss to be noticed?
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    OP you made a curious comment about "water based food". I don't know if this would be of any use at all to you but I couldn't eat apples for years. Every time I did I was doubled over. I take meds for acid reflux too but Doc couldn't find anything else. Several years later they discovered I had the bacteria that causes ulcers (Helicobacter pylori). After treatment (and it was yucky) I can eat apples again. Might be totally unrelated but I understand they can now do a breath test for that bacteria. Might be worth checking into.........
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @TresaAswegan Sorry for getting bitter, it's just that weighing my food seems ridiculous. I know what I'm eating and how much I'm eating. The thing I really think it might be is that I only eat late at night. I eat at 10pm every day and that's the only time I eat every day. I do inaccurately log my food, but it's that I'm putting extra food in that I don't actually eat, and I log breakfast times so I don't look like I under-eat. I don't want to be told that I under-eat, but MyFitnessPal keeps telling me every day that I am eating under my recommended and that it is unsafe for me to be losing weight like that, so I'll log extra stuff to look better.... Sounds wrong, but at least I'm not over my calories?
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @cheryldumais thanks for letting me know! I really do need to get my stomach checked out. I throw up most the food I eat, it does not want to stay down. I assume that's a problem..but I never really thought much about it. I assumed it was acid reflux related.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Me too and boy was I surprised when they found that bacteria, they were testing for something else altogether. I feel so much better now but you will definately need Probiotics once you finish the treatment. It kills all the good stuff as well as the bad. The antibiotics they use are foul but it was worth it in the end.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Time of eating makes no difference. I eat the majority of my food late at night too.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @cheryldumais thank you <3 I'll ask them about it!
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @TresaAswegan the reason I think the time of eating is a problem is because I'll eat, and then go sleep. I'll just be laying there after eating all my calories for the day. I don't know really how it works, but I've seen on many different sites that you can gain weight if you eat a lot at night?
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    @TresaAswegan the reason I think the time of eating is a problem is because I'll eat, and then go sleep. I'll just be laying there after eating all my calories for the day. I don't know really how it works, but I've seen on many different sites that you can gain weight if you eat a lot at night?

    No, meal timing makes NO difference.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    @TresaAswegan the reason I think the time of eating is a problem is because I'll eat, and then go sleep. I'll just be laying there after eating all my calories for the day. I don't know really how it works, but I've seen on many different sites that you can gain weight if you eat a lot at night?

    No, meal timing makes NO difference.


    And yes, you will find a lot of sites that tell you not to eat late (or whatever else they feel like telling you to increase their eyeballs) but it is a load of crap. Timing of eating is not an issue.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    @TresaAswegan the reason I think the time of eating is a problem is because I'll eat, and then go sleep. I'll just be laying there after eating all my calories for the day. I don't know really how it works, but I've seen on many different sites that you can gain weight if you eat a lot at night?

    I eat right before bed every night. It matters not one bit.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    edited December 2016
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    Please, oh please, find yourself a better doctor, a functional one if at all possible or someone who actually keeps up with the current science related to the thyroid. Levo is great for some but can often leave others browbeating themselves because what ever they do they can't shift a gram because they are hypo.

    Its ok being told you are hypo but are you also hashimotos? I doubt very much you have been tested. The main stream treatment for both is the same but it completely misses the point that with hashi one has antibodies which are causing the thyroid symptoms and weight gain is simply not all its about. Its about regaining health and all that goes with it. More accurate measurements could increase your frustration because of a reduced metabolism.

    To relieve the effects of those antibodies you need guidance to discover what is causing them. Also you probably need digestive support, as one's metabolism diminishes so can one's digestive acid. Then living at a deficit reduces the metabolism as does being hypo, its not a club anyone in their right mind would want to join. The tragedy is that you are so very young not to be getting the right treatment.

    I doubt very much that you have been advised to take any supplements, often many of us who are hypo do better if we have selenium, zink, and other vitamins and minerals to facilitate conversion of the t4 in levo or other t4 products into the active t3. I strongly advise you to read up on all things thyroid. There are several sites Hypothyroid mom, is one she is good. Many people do not like Stop the Thyroid Madness because they consider it pushes the use of Natural thyroid products but for many with hashi this is needed because we are short of t3 and our t3 levels are hardly ever tested. It can also help to ensure your digestive tract is healthy. Taking probiotics to repopulate your digestive biome will help too. There is so much to help out there if only you can find the right way for you. You may have a national support site they can be very helpful also. Do you know there are 300 symptoms related to thyroid health, not many people do, or even care.

    Many think being hypo is an excuse for weight gain, every person who is hypo will have their own causes and the health system does not have the integrity to sort everyone's issues out properly. Don't just take what is dished out read and read and understand and keep pushing for proper support. This is not a one size fits all situation.

    Good Luck I fear you are going to need it.

    Such great advice!! Yes to all of this. My hashis is managed by a doctor but I also have to be active, have to limit simple carbs, and take selenium. It's a careful balancing act finding what works and it takes patience and time. I know I found that I have to work out. That wont be the case for everyone possibly. For me selenium was a game changer for my energy level and hair thinning. Levo stopped my symptoms from progressing but alone it did nothing to get me better.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll if you actually read anything i said you would know thats not true. I add extra things so it looks like i eat more. I always choose things based off what im actually eating. Im not choosing the lowest calorie options. Idk if youre all from a different country, but nobody around here has a food scale. Not one person. So im not sure who these "everybody" people are but i guess everyone around here doesnt count. And its the fact that a limited few people here are actually listening and responding to what im actually saying. Theres like a ton of people bitching about a scale. But oh not the fact that i need my meds adjusted still. Not the fact that i eat very little and only once a day. Not the fact that i have digestive problems and acid reflux and hypothyroidism. Not the fact that ive suffered with an eating disorder. Not the fact that this is only my second week eating right and that i have just starte back on my thyroid meds a week ago. Oh but when my nutritionist tells me im not eating enough shes just a big fat liar because she didnt shove a food scale up my *kitten*. Im sure all my problems are because im not using a *kitten* scale so my entries are just slightly inaccurate. Kk. Ill remember not to ask for help on this site because its full of *kitten* who want to not listen and not care.