Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss?



  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Does anyone know if hypothyroidism will affect TDEE calculations? I wonder if it would change the final TDEE estimate? Thanks for any input!z
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    fittocycle wrote: »
    Does anyone know if hypothyroidism will affect TDEE calculations? I wonder if it would change the final TDEE estimate? Thanks for any input!z

    I have found mine seems to be a little lower but not substantial
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @SaraLynnFiske You're diary is inaccurate and you're eating more than you think, plain and simple!

    When i first started on here I thought that weighing every thing i ate was crazy and obsessive, but i eventually came around. My diary in those first few months, before i started weighing, is laughably inaccurate! I was eating way more than i thought, but i thought my guesstimating was perfect...
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    fittocycle wrote: »
    Does anyone know if hypothyroidism will affect TDEE calculations? I wonder if it would change the final TDEE estimate? Thanks for any input!z

    BMR maybe, TDEE, depends on activity.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    fittocycle wrote: »
    Does anyone know if hypothyroidism will affect TDEE calculations? I wonder if it would change the final TDEE estimate? Thanks for any input!z

    I have found I lose faster than MFP suggests/average the same weight (say 1 lbs per week) loss but on higher calories. Basically my TDEE is actually higher than the estimate I'm given.
    Of course it's only an estimate, even people without hypo are going to find that it is not always spot on. (It's hard to judge "spot on" anyway. Too many variances.) and like @GottaBurnEmAll said, depends on activity. Maybe some of the variance comes down to selecting the appropriate activity level.

    I also think a lot of people are not consistent enough with their calorie goal/logging to really determine how close the estimate is. (Example - a few months ago I *thought* I was eating 2000 calories a day, and I didn't lose any weight that month. Then I thought back to all the untracked days that month, my calorie average was definitely way more than 2000. Of course I didn't lose as predicted.)
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    fittocycle wrote: »
    Does anyone know if hypothyroidism will affect TDEE calculations? I wonder if it would change the final TDEE estimate? Thanks for any input!z

    BMR maybe, TDEE, depends on activity.

    My TDEE is approximately 200-400 cals less a day than it should be based on calculators for a 37 year old woman who does Insanity 5 days a week and averages 8k steps a day. I have to work longer and harder to burn what a healthy woman my age would. On the bright side I've never been one to shy away from hard work and enjoy the process
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll if you actually read anything i said you would know thats not true. I add extra things so it looks like i eat more. I always choose things based off what im actually eating. Im not choosing the lowest calorie options. Idk if youre all from a different country, but nobody around here has a food scale. Not one person. So im not sure who these "everybody" people are but i guess everyone around here doesnt count. And its the fact that a limited few people here are actually listening and responding to what im actually saying. Theres like a ton of people bitching about a scale. But oh not the fact that i need my meds adjusted still. Not the fact that i eat very little and only once a day. Not the fact that i have digestive problems and acid reflux and hypothyroidism. Not the fact that ive suffered with an eating disorder. Not the fact that this is only my second week eating right and that i have just starte back on my thyroid meds a week ago. Oh but when my nutritionist tells me im not eating enough shes just a big fat liar because she didnt shove a food scale up my *kitten*. Im sure all my problems are because im not using a *kitten* scale so my entries are just slightly inaccurate. Kk. Ill remember not to ask for help on this site because its full of *kitten* who want to not listen and not care.

    Do you realize that anyone can call themselves a Nutritionist?

    If it's real nutritional advice you're looking for, you need to see a Registered Dietician. They have the schooling and the knowledge and the training and the degree to back them up. :)
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I got down to "You may need to investigate further" :/ The only things wrong with me, digestion and food related are : Hypothyroidism, Acid Reflux Disease, Caffeine intolerance, and a general intolerance of most water based foods like lettuce, watermelon, and celery...

    While skipping over "weigh your food"... :/

    Well, I can see in the quotes what I missed, even though her posts were edited.

    Good luck OP, you'll need it.

    You're eating more than you think, that's why you're not losing weight. You're choosing entries to give you lower calorie counts than what you're really eating, it's as simple as that.

    People in this thread have tried to show you how to be accurate so that you'll actually lose weight, but you seem to think this is disordered behavior. It's not, it's measuring things properly and using the system correctly.

    If you make something yourself, you measure each ingredient, enter it in the recipe builder, and work from there. You don't search the data base for something you think might be close because you have no idea what went into making that.

    What you're doing isn't working. When you're ready, at least you've read what has worked for people who have had success.


    No one can help you if you won't accept help from the experienced. Just sayin'.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    [quote This year I've been stuck at 230, with no real changes to my weight, even though I'm eating 10x better than I was, and eating under my caloric goals each day. I didn't take my thyroid medications until like..2 weeks ago, I'm not sure when the medications kick in. But I assume that's a factor in all this too. I also didn't start tracking calories or thinking about what I'm eating until 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure how long you should wait for results. I assumed 2 weeks was long enough for my pills to kick in and weight loss to be noticed?[/quote]

    I've seen 3 drs about my hypothyroidism, I've only been diagnosed for a year. I also have Hashimotos. The first dr didnt really diagnose me, I went to her specifically for the testing. She did it only because I asked for it. Then had to do follow up testing as she didnt run the full testing the first time (because she had expected normal results). What was considered normal TSH varied greatly between drs. The first said I wasnt high enough for medication, the second put me on a low dose but accepted a much higher number as normal. The 3rd has changed my medication 3 times until I finally get into the normal range.

    I had to take medication for 6 weeks before restesting (with all 3 drs). So it may take a little while before you get the right dosage.

    2 weeks isnt long enough for medication to fully take effect, nor to really see a change in weight. In hindsight I was quite depressed just before I got diagnosed. At the time I was doing a really strict weight loss program and was religiously weighing out food and exercising for 1hr a day. I didnt cheat once for 10 weeks but I also didnt see results as good as I expected. I was killing myself for 1pd a week weight loss. It has taken quite some time to move on from my depression, the tiredness that plagued me. I am actually back to where I was weight wise but I am still not as tired and depressed as I was before. My husband has agreed to a new food program in the new year as we both need to lose weight and it is easier if he's on board with me. So 2017 is about weight focus after 2016 was just about getting myself back to normal.

    Its a long ramble but the point is try not to stress about your weight if its not going down, as long as its not going up. I am sure you will feel a lot better when your hormone levels get to normal and you might find you can tackle the weight loss better. While you can enjoy weight loss success without weighing food as you lose weight you will probably find you do need to weigh as the margin for error is smaller when you are smaller. It is painful to begin with, I never quite got the knack of it but is does get easier.

    Good luck with it all.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @thunder1982 thank you for your answer. Really means a lot that other people with hypothyroidism understand and know information about this.
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    + Of course I'm going to be mad. Not a single person around here uses a food scale and I'm being told I eat too much even though I eat one small meal a day and a small drink. but okay.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    + Of course I'm going to be mad. Not a single person around here uses a food scale and I'm being told I eat too much even though I eat one small meal a day and a small drink. but okay.

    What do you mean "around here", where's here?
    I dont know anyone personally who uses a food scale either, or maybe they do for all i know and just don't go around telling people... Why would they? Nobody in my family/friends circle knows that i weigh what i eat, it's never actually come up in conversation :wink:
  • SaraLynnFiske
    SaraLynnFiske Posts: 38 Member
    @Christine_72 Around here is Massachusetts, USA. I've never heard anyone talk about food scales. And if nobody is talking about food scales, or doing anything like that, in at least one conversation at one point, it's a pretty uncommon thing. They don't even really sell them around here. So I'm not sure what the hell everyone is shoving food scales up my butt for, but it's really getting on my last nerve. Tonight I entered in exactly what I ate, weighed it and everything (with a general-use gram scale my grandfather has), and would you look at that, still under my calorie goals for the day! But no, it's all because I need a food scale.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    When someone isnt losing weight, food logging accuracy is the first and most simple place to start.
  • jbb86
    jbb86 Posts: 39 Member
    birdtobe wrote: »
    I know a lot of people here might not agree with me, but I think cutting carbs will make a huge difference. I also have hypothyroidism--have for 12 years--and struggle to lose. 5 weeks ago I cut out sugar and carbs and have lots 14 pounds so far. I know it sounds very difficult (believe me, I was the word's biggest sugar fiend) but once you don't eat it, you stop craving it. There's a lot of research out there about what carbs do to your insulin levels and I found it compelling enough to give it a try. Might be worth it a try?

    I agree, I had stalled for 2 weeks up until today with a stubborn 5 pounds no matter the calorie deficit or how much I was working out. After 3 days of eating fairly low carbs (I have to take baby steps.. lol) My scale finally went down almost 2 pounds even though I cut about 40 minutes (usually 90 min. workout) from my workout. So I say all of that to say I would definitely try the low/no carb diet. Ruled.me has really good recipes.

  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited December 2016
    @Christine_72 Around here is Massachusetts, USA. I've never heard anyone talk about food scales. And if nobody is talking about food scales, or doing anything like that, in at least one conversation at one point, it's a pretty uncommon thing. They don't even really sell them around here. So I'm not sure what the hell everyone is shoving food scales up my butt for, but it's really getting on my last nerve. Tonight I entered in exactly what I ate, weighed it and everything (with a general-use gram scale my grandfather has), and would you look at that, still under my calorie goals for the day! But no, it's all because I need a food scale.

    Are you using legitimate entries to go with those gram values this time though? Because as pointed out earlier at least some of the entries you were using (the large quantity of cheese for oddly low cals, etc.) are very likely wrong and having accurate gram weights against incorrect macronutrient values isn't going to help you any more than not weighing would. Cross checking generic entries against databases like the USDA is a good accuracy fail-safe imo.

    Knowledge is power OP, make the most of all that has been made available to you here and I'm sure you'll become successful.