
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Me: 11*
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 11
    Me: 0
    LNS: 9

    HyeKarma wrote: »
    Night 11
    Me: 4
    LNS: 7

    New day! Have a great one! :)
  • DancesWithDogz
    DancesWithDogz Posts: 107 Member
    Me: 1
    LNS: 9


  • 135terry
    135terry Posts: 432 Member
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 11
  • 135terry
    135terry Posts: 432 Member
    EDollah wrote: »
    This thread actually made a difference for me last night. At around 10pm I got the bright idea to have just a little bit of a nosh but then I thought "NO! I don't want to report a loss on the thread" So

    Me 3
    LNS 0

    I know what you mean. There have been so many times during this challenge that I have thought about having just one little bite of something, which, I know in my heart will lead to more even though I don't admit it at the time. But knowing I will be reporting here the following morning really helps me stay the course. :)
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    January 11

    Me: 7
    Lns: 4*

    I am counting only logged in, calorie budget snacks.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Me: 8
  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    Me: 2
    LNS: 0
  • itchyheel
    itchyheel Posts: 7 Member
    A late joiner:
    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
  • Love this!
    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
  • BeckiSwim
    BeckiSwim Posts: 2 Member
    This is great!
    Me: 1*
    LNS: 0
  • Kari_Bear78
    Kari_Bear78 Posts: 533 Member
    Me: 12
    LNS: 0

    Streak: 12

    I'm mind of glad I have this cold cause I don't really want to eat at night. I enjoy green tea... nice and warm and makes feel better.

    Everyone is doing great!!! Keep it up!!
  • neander
    neander Posts: 4 Member
    Me: 2
    LNS: 0

    One day/night at a time! Hoping for continued strength and success for all of us:)
  • Mondoweft
    Mondoweft Posts: 49 Member
    Me: 11*
    LNS: 2

    Streak: 3

    Getting back in the groove.
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    OOH this looks like what I need to do lns is my weakness.....its half way through but Ill start now anyway :)
    13/01: me = 1 LNS = 0
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    Night 12
    Me: 4
    LNS: 8
    For the people who are ALL ME's so far. Do you wake up in the middle of the night? If so. Do you fight your minds thoughts against the snacks while half asleep? What are are those thoughts? What is thought process? How do you fight against it? Do you just get mad enough at that subconscience other voice? And you just tell him to go to H E double toothpicks??? So what are your thoughts to fight it?? It just feels like I'm asleep when I do this. And its some other person who gets up and eats.

  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Me: 12*
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 12
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I'm not sure how to classify last night. I bought a few chocolate bars that I thought sounded interesting, all heavy on the cacao. Around 10pm I found myself wondering "what does 100% cacao taste like?" so I broke off a tiny sliver, maybe 50 calories worth. I had a generous calorie surplus from the day too, so to me, it was a total non-issue but for the rules of this thread, I guess it counts as a loss? I'll just take the L.

    Me: 3
    Chocolate bar: 1

    Streak: 0
  • 135terry
    135terry Posts: 432 Member
    Me 12
    LNS 0
    Streak 12
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    HyeKarma wrote: »
    Night 12
    Me: 4
    LNS: 8
    For the people who are ALL ME's so far. Do you wake up in the middle of the night? If so. Do you fight your minds thoughts against the snacks while half asleep? What are are those thoughts? What is thought process? How do you fight against it? Do you just get mad enough at that subconscience other voice? And you just tell him to go to H E double toothpicks??? So what are your thoughts to fight it?? It just feels like I'm asleep when I do this. And its some other person who gets up and eats.

    I just make sure that I have enough calories throughout the day. Then, I plan a snack right before cut off time. When pre-logged foods are done, I'm done. It really just becomes a habit.... I do go to bed early, wake up early which helps. Pretty deep sleeper, never wake-up hungry at night. Exercising and keeping busy all day helps here...

    Few questions to think over: Are you getting enough calories throughout the day? Maybe your cutoff time is too extreme? Pre-plan a snack at night within your calorie goal? It's all about finding what works for you. It might take awhile to figure it out. :)