Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just had an AMAZING idea

    For those with index cards with reasons why they want to lose weight..
    Take a picture of it on your phone
    Save it as your wallpaper/screensaver
    And boom. You've read it multiple times a day!!

    I LOVE this idea! In fact, I just did it! Lol! I wrote them out, all nice and pretty, took a picture of it and made it the wall paper for my home screen and my lock screen. I also created a blank screen that has no icons on it, so that I can fully read them!

    Thank you @Bex953172 for the wonderful idea!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    As for my goals for Monday, 5/29

    1. Log all food and stay in the green :)
    2. Go to the gym B)Went for a walk instead because the gym was closed
    3. Do laundry :)
    4. Do some reading :/
    5. Drink 64oz of water :)
    6. Make a healthy dinner :)
    7. Finish food shopping tonight :(
    8. Watch the Stanley Cup Final!!! :)WOOT WOOT GO PENS!!!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Did two loads of laundry at the parents house, had a good chatch up session with dad, which was nice. Took my walk between the raindrops(brought an umbrella just in case) and stayed within my goals food wise. Fighting not to eat something before bed. I think I'll just drink a glass of water instead. Think I'm gonna go hit the hay soon though. I have work tomorrow and I really want to go to the gym andb finish food shopping before hand.

    So here are my goals for tomorrow,

    1. Get up when my alarm goes off, dont hit the snooze button
    2. Log all food and stay in the green
    3. Finish food shopping
    4. Gym in the AM before work
    5. Keep my drawer balanced
    6. Make a yummy dinner
    7. Lights out and tablet down by 10pm

    Signing off for the night! Have a great night!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,522 Member
    Recap M Memorial Day 5/29 - Another sedentary day, in car round trip 5 1/2 hours. :o
    Family reunion / picnic...try to make decent choices, and remember how I felt after overdoing on Sunday.
    1) Eat in moderation, not just because the food is there = ate so-so, kept portions small and didn't pile my plate full of everything, had small portion of dessert, and one adult beverage. At least I don't feel bloated tonight. Guessed / logged food the best I could, totals in the red again, but special events are over and I'll be back on track on Tues.
    2) Walk dog if get up in time before road trip...no promises = Sleep and hubby time more important, no dog walk.

    Just for T 5/30 - have one last personal day at home
    1) Back to eating "normal", keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    2) Walk dog long route
    3) Must dig up tea roses for co-workers
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off, plan to walk dog W a.m. before returning to work
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,358 Member
    Just for Monday, 5/29
    1. Stay in the green. :)
    2. Week 1 of Kick *kitten* and Take Names challenge. I'm on Team Black! :)
    3. Challenge of the Week / Week 1: If you Bite It, Write It. :)
    4. Continue to declutter: Throw, donate, rummage sale piles. :)
    5. Grocery shop & veggie prep for week. :)
    6. Bike ride :/ Ran out of time!
    7. Write out Advantage Response Cards and place copies strategically. :)
    8. List 5 things I'm grateful for tonight, and journal. :)

    Just for Tuesday
    1. Stay in the green and hydrate
    2. Stick to pre-logged meals and snacks tomorrow
    3. Get up early when alarm goes off. Make this a new habit
    4. Make a priority task list for work and complete top three items
    5. No carbs/fruit after 3:00 p.m.
    6. Take short walks throughout the day & listen to Optimal Living Daily and Half Size Me podcasts.
    7. Beat step goal by 500
    8. Unplug one hour before bed. Journal 5 things I'm grateful for today, read for a bit.

    Have a great Tuesday!!!
  • vishalb08
    vishalb08 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning people.
    I get up today morning, stand on the scale & behold......... 94.6 kg.
    Some how magically I gained 0.6 kg in a day.
    Even though:
    1. I had cycled 5 km in the morning.
    2. Drank 3.5 liters of water the whole day.
    3. Stuck to my calorie count (went over by about 70 cal)

    I was devastated..........just wanted to climb back into my bed.
    But I heard my mother's voice from downstairs.
    In a moment I realized all the sacrifices she was making for me at the age of 52.
    1. Get up @ 0445 hrs to prepare green tea for me.
    2. Wake me up and motivate me to go out and workout.
    3. Wait by the gate when I leave home for cycling.
    4. Always be @ door when I returned home from cycling.
    My mother is a working mother. She works from 1000 hrs till 1800 hrs, then takes care of the family too.

    I realized that least I could do is give it my all, every single day.

    So I freshened up, changed into my cycling gear & left home.
    Yesterday I rode for 5 km.
    Today I just upped the anti.
    I rode 13.04 km in 35 min, burning 455 cal.

    My point is that we search for motivation & reasons everywhere, but always its around us.
    Maybe your parents, siblings, spouses or children.
    The reason is right there in front of you.
    What bigger motivation & reason do we need than our loved ones & most importantly OURSELVES.

    I can read that we all face setback daily, we struggle, but then we rise again.
    To all who have lived through this cycle, my big salute.
    I know how devastating negative results are, but its all part of the journey.

    I know this was a bit long, but just wanted to pour my heart out.

    Just for today (30/05/17, Tuesday)
    1. Stay in the green (I was advised not to say limit cos it sounds a bit negative, advise taken)
    2. 2 liters of water during office hours, 3.5 liters in total
    3. Log everything that enters the tummy
    4. Walk for 15 min after dinner

    Thank you guys for all the motivation.
    Have a great day.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Back from my weekend in Sweden. I was intending to log whilst there... however I realised pretty quickly that I wasn't going to bother, I had no idea what was in the food my friend was making and quite frankly I don't think she did either (she was pouring olive oil all over it liberally...)

    I think it's probably a bit ambitious to expect to log when away. I've got a few weekends away this month, so think perhaps I will:
    - write down what I eat (and how healthy I think it is) so I'm conscious of it
    - set guidelines for myself to follow (e.g. no snacking, max alcohol units per day, etc) and focus on adhering to those

    Feeling a bit rubbish today - not sure why but think it's a combination of asthma playing up, boyfriend being away, potential work stress today and weather being depressing! Need to be careful that I don't turn to food to make myself feel better. Will use happy music instead!

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except one ryvita if hungry
    - Choose something healthy at lunch
    - Exercise class after work
    - Be in the green with at least 100 deficit
    - No alcohol

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Get outside at lunch and walk
    - Listen to happy music!
    - If getting stressed, make a cup of tea or meditate rather than eating
    - Don't procrastinate - get something done! (Either one big thing or several small things)
    - Focus on key priorities rather than getting distracted by non-urgent emails or other issues
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    edited May 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    :anguished: my partner is eating my favourite pizza

    I shall resist.
    I shall resist.
    I shall resist.
    I shall resist.
    I shall resist.

    You go, Girl! I am SO proud of you!

    Pizza is my downfall EVERY time! My favorite food, no doubt.

    It was awful! I had to first go buy it, then cook it (by this point I was practically drooling!) but I stayed out the room whilst he ate it! And thankfully he ate the whole thing!
    I did indulge in a jaffa cake later on but A) I was actually hungry and B.) it fit in my calories and kept me in the green and C) (I actually had 2!)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    Rowanana wrote: »
    Excellent! Thanks guys for being so welcoming!

    @Bex953172: I do have a scale but I'm not always going to be using it. I have a somewhat decent idea of portions because I was really strict about tracking for a year or two when I lived alone, so that helps. And using the scale is a hurdle that keeps me from tracking at all sometimes, hence "habit first perfectionism later." I also live with 3 housemates and 2 of 3 have a very negative view of food tracking so doing something obvious like weighing my food can cause more hassle than it's worth. They think any attempt to track calories is bad and promotes ED, and get on me because "I'm not fat enough to worry about that." It's kind of frustrating but I can deal. Weigh food when I can, estimate the rest of the time.

    Ah I can see how you get put off by using the scales, it must be hard having housemates who aren't supportive because you will want to keep the peace whereas if it was someone random you could just tell them to do one.
    As long as you have a pretty good idea then that's good. I do have a better idea now myself but always weigh because it's easier for me

    Don't let your housemates get you down!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    Feeling a bit rubbish today - not sure why but think it's a combination of asthma playing up, boyfriend being away, potential work stress today and weather being depressing! Need to be careful that I don't turn to food to make myself feel better. Will use happy music instead!

    Do not turn to food. I t will make you feel better in that moment but later on when you're in the red you will feel worse! And you can't take it back
    Listen to happy music
    Give yourself a pamper!
    Get the legs shaved, eyebrows plucked, nails painted, makeup on!

    If its the one thing I've learnt about being a new mum is to take time to take care of yourself!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have no idea why the heck I am up so early! I went to bed around 10:30 and usually sleep until I've reset my alarm about three times. But today I am awake about 2 1/2 hours beforehand! So I made a cup of coffee, had some oatmeal and am gonna hit the gym after I do a devotional. It's just so weird. And it was the morning after I decided that I wasn't going to hit the snooze button anymore! But why my body would tell me to get up at 5:30 am, I have no idea! Lol. But I did put in my JFT list that I was going to hit the gym before work, so now I can do that. Especially since work isn't until 11 am!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @vishalb08 Your advice about who motivates you really struck home for me! My DH motivates me. He works so hard and it takes a toll on his body. So he cant really work out like I can, and he suffers from low blood sugar so he has to be careful what he eats(even though he still eats like rubbish Lol). But one of my reasons for losing weight, that I wrote on my card, is that I want to be as beautiful as he deserves. I know he thinks I'm beautiful the way I am. But I want him to take pride in me when we go places. I dont know, maybe that seems self-centered, but it is a completely genuine feeling that I have. He's such a great man and an excellent provider that this is something I want to do as a blessing to him. Lol
  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    Way to go @HGSmith0920 !
    I wake up at 4:30 just to get in my alone time. I have also noticed that I put off exercising if I wait until I'm exhausted T the end of the day.
    *But I'm a teacher, so I would have to be up at 5:30 anyways- way early for some folks!!

    Yesterday was BAD!!!! I ate a serving of potato chips, had some sugar free candy, and didn't work out at all. (I cleaned the whole house, counts for something?) I felt like wallowing on the couch and eating everything.
    Ladies, anyone else find that hormones drive your hunger up, willpower down, and moods nuts??? I've been doing well for 5-6 weeks now, but yesterday my mind and body both said screw it!

    But... Just for today, I will own whatever happens on the scale. I will extend forgiveness to myself. I will get back up!
  • jmolivia
    jmolivia Posts: 43 Member
    Scale is up--so just for today, keep a clear head about things and just let it go.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Eat what I prelogged
    Close two items at work
    10,000 steps
    Bed by 10:30
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Kayaking was terrific yesterday. It gives me great joy to introduce this activity to newbies. You get a workout loading/carrying equipment & paddling.

    Will walk dog for thirty mins (possibly at beach if low tide & not storming or elsewhere).
    Aiming for 150g of protein. This is still difficult, I will try to set up my meals with protein in mind.

    My binging is under control! Such a big challenge. Drink protein smoothie if necessary.

    I have only kayaked a few times up in Minnesota at my dad's. He lives on a lake and I loved it! Not only is it a good workout, but water is what refreshes me, so it was also almost meditative to be out on the water kayaking by myself. Good for you!

    I also think it is awesome that you live close enough to a beach on the ocean to take walks on! That's would be a dream come true for me!

    I'm also trying to get my protein intake up, and this very well could be the answer to my late night binging. I cannot believe I did not think of it sooner! I am stuck in a rut, obviously!

    I love this group. Always someone with knowledge or ideas that I find so helpful!

    So funny, my dream is to live on a lake! I love freshwater over salt but my DH is from here. We live south of Boston, MA and can drive to a few beaches. Yes, love drifting along hearing the paddle cut into the water...sigh. I would like to try surfing this summer....at 47! LOL
    RE: the bingeing, I learned more about how protein can help on the webinars "Half Size Me". I had already listened to all of the free podcasts & thought, why not join the community. It cost less than my WW membership and I wasn't even inspired by my WW meetings (tried many) so I had stopped attending. This group along with the HSM Community have been so helpful and supportive for me the last few months. Helping me stay on track for sure!

    You'll get unstuck. Try something new. There seems to be a strong connection with those who track food & weightloss. I sometimes Pretrack 2-3 proteins snacks in my daily food log and if I don't eat them, I then delete them. I learned that you should aim for 1g of protein per pound at goal weight which would make my goal 150g and although I'm trying, I'm not there yet. I don't seem to have the craving spikes I had with eating high sugar, processed carbs. I also insist I sit down for every meal and if it's something unhealthy (potentially a binge), I put it on a plate & sit at the kitchen table....it doesn't taste as good as when I'm standing over the sink, wolfing it down & praying my neighbor can't see me!! ;)

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good Morning All!!

    Pretracked most meals/snacks.
    Hit the weights & floor at gym. Increased my leg press by another 5 lbs. Torn miniscus doesn't bother me a bit now that I've strengthened all the muscles around it. Thought the only answer was weightloss & surgery....not so.
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600. Over a bit yesterday.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me this afternoon. New podcast was posted.
    Will walk dog for 30 mins in neighborhood.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. This is still difficult, I will try to set up my meals with protein in mind.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    My bingeing is under control! Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Sit for all meals/snacks. Eat protein bar in car, but not while driving so I will savor it and be aware that I actually ate it.

    You'll never know what you're capable of until you challenge yourself.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Saragirl2 You're advice about prelogging meals is really good and is hitting home with me. I think I'm going to start trying it. I'm gonna start by adding a protein bar at work and maybe a banana, but nothing else. I only work between 4-6 hours a day so I dont really need a full meal but I usually crash right around the middle of my shift. Instead of coffee, I usually drink a cup of tea and have a snack. Until recently it's been a handful of almonds, but they're really high in fat so I think I am going to try a small protein bar instead. I plan my dinners for the week ahead of time, but sometimes I deviate from the plan. They're usually still pretty healthy but definitely not what I had planned. Lol. And I have a terrible time sticking to portions. I usually have big portions. I think the main reason is that the website I get a lot of my recipes from tell me how many servings are in a meal, but not how big each serving is so I usually guess and end up eating way too much. So that's something I have to figure out too. Lol. But thanks for all of your advice. It has been really helpful!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @mmecraine I got my quiet time in this morning too! It's usually hard to carve out time to just be. To spend some time in the Bible and actually eat breakfast. Usually I sleep late so it's hard to get up and going. And I actually did it by myself today too! DH is off today and is asleep in the other room and I've been able to do all sorts of things! It's been really nice! I think this will be my routine. I'm really enjoying this morning. I already hit the gym, took a shower, ran an errands and am waiting for the grocery store to open so that I can finish my food shopping for the week! Lol. Now I just have to keep busy before work at 11 and not convince myself that it's okay to go back to sleep. I think I may go up to the parents house up the road and have a cup of coffee. Lol
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I have started listening to some HSM podcasts while walking. I'm quite enjoying the uplifting spirit she has. Thanks for the tip.