Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited May 2017
    Recap R 5/25
    1) Pre-log food and keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Yes, green two days in a row! :smiley:
    2) Pace in office during webinar = 3,926 steps :smiley:
    3) Walk dog after work = Prepped dinner, then walked 3.09 miles on a beautiful evening, and returned to yummy cooking smells. Me happy, dog happy. :sunglasses:
    4) Floss = Day 3 :smiley:

    Just for today F 5/26 - have quiet day at home, but hubby still works 2nd shift tonight :(
    1) Complete > 3 items on to-do list
    2) Walk dog long route
    3) Log all food and keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    4) Floss
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Finally Back! The last few days at work have been insane! Tuesday, I had a discrepancy of 1200 in my teller drawer and our automatic teller vault thing jammed like 4 times while we were trying to feed it money and we thought for sure that it was in there but after two hours of extra work, it wasnt. So Wednesday we had an auditor in who went through every piece of my work from Tuesday and couldnt find it either and that took 3 hrs of my 5 hr shift. And then yesterday, my managers manager spent about an hour trying to figure it out. It has just been a total nightmare! But everyone is talking to me like it's a learning experience. So I dont think I am going to lose my job. And I have gotten loads and loads of advice and a whole bunch of good practices and tips to use from now on. So I think I'll be okay. But because of all of this, my healthy eating, logging food and posting has taken a back seat. But now I'm back!

    So here are my goals for the day!

    1. Log all food and stay in the green
    2. Keep my drawer balanced at work
    3. Make a shopping list for tonight/tomorrow
    4. Make a yummy and delicious dinner when I get home from work
    5. Spend some time on the couch with the DH
    6. Lights off and tablet away by 10:30pm

    So I think those are achievable goals for today. Though, depending on my mood when I get home, we may just have left overs for dinner tonight since I wont get home until about 8pm.

    Well I hope everyone has a great day! I'm definitely going to try!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    1. log all food :) Yes .... even that margarita and chips I had last nite :/
    2. 8+ cups of water :)
    3. lay out gym clothes so tomorrow morning I go to the gym :)
    4. mow grass today, weed flower beds, put down mulch before more rain comes :) Takes me over 2 hrs to mow our lawn, so no weeding of flowers beds
    5. help hubby with business stuff :)
    6. eat only when sitting, and eat slowly :)
    7. read my advantage response cards :)
    8. plan tomorrow's dinner meal :)
    9. concentrate on distinguishing between hunger, cravings, desire :) Had to really work on this, but I did it! After we had our margarita and chips (hubbys idea to stop after we went to Home Depot), I was so hungry. I had a fiber one bar, and was almost going to grab another. Instead, drank more water, told myself that just because they taste "good", I don't really need it (Plus, I have learned the hard way that if I eat more than one of those things, I have tummy problems!)
    10. read success stories on MFP :)

    JFT, Friday

    I am so tired today - was awake until 3 am. I felt like that margarita must have had tons of caffeine in it. and you know how it goes, when you lay awake all nite, you think of all the worse things you can to worry about. So today I am exhausted, so I have to be careful. I tend to want to overeat when I am tired. But ... I still got up and got my gym workout in :)

    1. log all food
    2. eat healthy
    3. drink water
    4. try and work in the yard this afternoon - weed flower beds before the rain comes again
    5. work on business expenses - I am SO far behind on this!
    6. plan the weekends meals

    Hope you all have a great friday!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Thursday, 5/25
    1. Stay in the green :)
    2. Hydrate :)
    3. Complete 1 large task and 2 small tasks :)
    4. Daily Podcasts, plus Half Size Me ;) Good thing these only come out once a week! Gives me 7 days to listen.
    5. Call for MRI on knee :s Called. Now we are talking about probably bilateral knee arthroscopies because BOTH knees have tears. So much for getting steps in after that for a while...
    6. Beck Diet Solution Tasks :smile: @joan6630 I like this book! I just read about Day 1 and writing the advantage cards and why. I'm working on getting Day 1, 2 and 3 assignments right now.
    7. Remember to stand up every 30 minutes for a short walk :D Yup!
    8. Be grateful and smile! Offer encouragement to my colleagues when in the grip of stress. :) Yup! Good thing too, because it was a not-so-terrific day!
    9. Unplug and bed early :( Nope Watched Amazing Race and then couldn't wind down until pretty late.

    @slittlemeister I think your perspective on stress and emotional eating is right on! Thanks for the reminder. I have noticed that I feel better after grabbing carbs, but only for a few minutes. Then when my jeans won't zip the next day, I get pissed off! LOL

    @junodog1 I was so excited to watch the finale of Amazing Race last night! then found out it isn't until next week! LOL Great minds... Which team are you rooting for?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Friday, 5/26
    1. Stay in green :)
    2. Hydrate - 80 oz. of decaf tea or water :)
    3. Weed flower beds and thin out the radishes in garden :)
    4. Clean, dust and declutter house :)
    6. Simple Abundance chapter and exercise :)
    7. Beck Diet Solution Tasks :)
    8. Hit my step goal + 1000 :/ Okay. I'm already irritated about this one! I know for a fact that I hit my step goal since I worked from home and had my work computer set up on the breakfast counter and stood all day. I cleaned the house, ran up and down the basements stairs several times, cleaned up "gifts" left by our dog in the yard, weeded and thinned our garden, etc. Yet, my FitBit says 1,715 steps! It was in sleep mode all day! UGH!
    9. Go to bed early tonight and try to rest up. ;) It's not time yet, but I plan to do this!

    1. Pay bills
    2. Go through basement and both garages to get ready for rummage sale next weekend
    3. Run to Dollar Store to pick up stickers and things for rummage sale
    4. Get up early on Saturday and go to the first summer farmer's market downtown this year! Can't wait!
    5. Work on yard
    6. Meal plan for next week
    7. Fill serving size baggies to pack for lunches
    8. Wash and cut up fresh veggies for easy-to-grab snacks
    9. Ride my bicycle over to my son's house to see the grandkids. Healthy and fun all rolled into one.
  • vatances
    vatances Posts: 20 Member
    Today I will confront my fear of success.
    Being overweight is not an embarrassment to my parents or spouse. Losing weight is not an attack on my coworkers who are not losing weight. I do not think I am better or worse than anyone else. I am not responsible for everyone's self esteem. Today I will choose to not eat a pint of ice cream. It is selfish and destructive, a waste of money and health.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all food and stay in the green :s Actually never did any of this. Lol. Worked late and have been so out of the habit of it, I just didnt even think about it
    2. Keep my drawer balanced at work :p
    3. Make a shopping list for tonight/tomorrow :(
    4. Make a yummy and delicious dinner when I get home from work B)
    5. Spend some time on the couch with the DH <3
    6. Lights off and tablet away by 10:30pm :s Probably not going to happen since it's already 10:15pm. Lol

    So the goals for Saturday 5/27:

    1. Actually log food and stay in green!
    2. Keep drawer balanced at work
    3. Go to gym on way home from work while DH is still working
    4. Meet friend for dinner and talk about becoming a youth pastor at my church
    5. Spend some time with the DH in the evening
    6. Do some reading before bed
    7. In bed with lights out and tablet down by 11:30(no work on Sunday)

    Work was actually pretty good today. I got a formal write up for the huge difference I had in my drawer on Tuesday but at least I didnt get fired. I was really worried I was going to get let go. And I really should have been because the severity of the difference, but I got a written warning. So we'll meet again in 2 weeks to see if I did what I was supposed to. I had one minor thing at work that I thought I screwed up on, but it turned out that I didnt so that was really nice. I was pretty worried. Tomorrow is a short day, but will probably be really busy. It's Memorial Day Weekend at the Jersey Shore and the bank I'm at is about two blocks from the beach. The majority of this banks branches are in Northern New Jersey, so a lot of the traffic we'll see this weekend and the rest of the summer will be all the visitors coming from up north. But the weather hasnt been real great and it's not really supposed to improve at all this weekend, so I'm kind of hoping that it keeps everyone away! Lol

    Well I hope everyone has a great day! I'll probably be back tomorrow a few times!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited May 2017

    1. log all food :) Yes, and unfortunably, ate almost 1800 in calories! But .... I am giving myself credit for eating healthy most of the day. Its just the DQ ice cream cone, and trail mix that got me into trouble. But tomorrow is a new day.
    2. eat healthy :) Still ate somewhat healthy except for ice cream cone, but, I logged everything.
    3. drink water :)
    4. try and work in the yard this afternoon - weed flower beds before the rain comes again :) Unable to sleep last nite, so very tired. Didn't to any yard work
    5. work on business expenses - I am SO far behind on this! :/ Nope - didn't get this done either
    6. plan the weekends meals :) YES, all planned for the week, and groceries bought

    So posting my goals for tomorrow
    JFT, Saturday, 5/27
    1. log all food
    2. go to zumba in the morning
    3. work in the yard before storms come
    4. finish laundry
    5. clean house
    6. plan out the days meals
    7. eat slowly
    8. drink water
    9. stop before I eat to think: Am I hungry, crave food, or just desire food. Then make the choice as to what to do, and what to eat

  • R2che
    R2che Posts: 189 Member
    Today I will

    Stay within my calories
    DRINK! It's hot in the U.K.
    Make sure I do my 10,000 steps at least.

    But mostly I just want to stay active and enjoy the beautiful (unusual) U.K. Weather :)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    Friday will not be my Free day. I will not spend the rest of next week trying to recovering from eating off plan/mindlessly for 3-4 days. I'm preplanning our meals & activity for the long weekend. My goal is to hit the gym each day!

    Pretracked most meals/snacks.
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600. Yes-this will be a challenge.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me
    Weight lifting-going to ask a FB female lifter I follow for some advice on dealing with muscle soreness. Maybe I'm not stretching enough. I tend to bolt out of the gym when I'm done. Poss cash in my gift certificate for a massage.
    20 min walk with dog in am with DH.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. Still getting closer. Stomach was a little off for about 4 days but totally fine now. Adjusting to increase.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Preplan meals with 1,600 cals.

    NSV-got into a pair of jeans I couldn't fit at Easter!

    If I fail to plan, I plan to fail.

    Just about to head to gym. Down 2 pounds since starting deficit in calories. Ate a high protein breakfast. (Created a recipe on MFP). Changed it up from my usual oatmeal & egg white. I think my carbs are a little too high.

    Today I will walk into the weight area that i normally do not enter. A combination of fear & lack of knowledge holds me back. It's a 50/50 split of women & men in the area so that's not an issue. Time to leave the comfort zone, time to change it up.

    Pretracked most meals/snacks. Already prepped a batch of veggies to be roasted this afternoon.
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600. As long as I can have a protein smoothie, this seems to be attainable.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me
    Weight lifting-going to ask a FB female lifter I follow for some advice on dealing with muscle soreness. Making appt for massage.
    20 min walk with dog in am with DH.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. Still getting closer.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep. I automatically wake up now at about 25 mins. Can't do any longer which I'm happy with.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    My binging has diminished so greatly-I now do two things consistently:
    1. Sit for all meals or snacks w/o distraction.
    2. Ask myself if I would be embarrassed if someone were to see me eating & what I'm eating. If the answer is no, then I'm on track.
    Movies this afternoon with kids. No candy, maybe a small popcorn or a protein bar.

    Going on picnic & kayaking with kids, DH & friends on Sunday. I'll be packing most of the picnic so I'll make sure there are lots of healthy choices. I've already planned for gym on Sunday & Monday early.

    Put yourself on the list!

  • jmolivia
    jmolivia Posts: 43 Member
    Just for today: stay within calorie limit.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,092 Member
    So not really been on here last couple of days
    Not properly anyway
    But I learnt something today

    We went out for the day today up north to Blackpool to go on the beach and on the piers, it was a great day, but I realised I couldn't help but feel self conscious
    And I realised I will always feel this way UNLESS I do something about it

    I need to stop kidding myself that having a "cheat day" is okay because I've gotten to a point where I have more cheat days than good ones!
    And getting ready this morning, I had 5 tops I wanted to wear but can't yet, and had to wear a top i didn't want to wear
    So I'm gonna give myself tomorrow, not to put out but to take time to refocus and carefully plan how I intend to achieve my goals and meal plan,
    Not just this though, I need a schedule for my life!
    I need to start doing my makeup and hair everyday again and really find ways to feel good about myself!

    Wish me luck ladies

    Anyone have any tips on how to refocus the mind?
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    @junodog1 I was so excited to watch the finale of Amazing Race last night! then found out it isn't until next week! LOL Great minds... Which team are you rooting for?

    Anyone but Brooke & Scott. :#
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @Joan6630: Congratulations! I am finally out of the 200's!! Weight this morning was 199.6!! My goal weight is 178 (I am very tall, 5'11"), so that is about 22 more pounds, and since the 1st of the year I have lost almost 18. So ... I am halfway there -- no stopping me now!

    I know that feeling. I also am tall--5' 8.5" and am trying to get below 160--but hey, I was really close to 170, so right now 160 looks good! I can't believe that I once weighed 128 pounds--just a bride then. My doctor actually recommended losing 5-10 pounds.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,506 Member
    Recap F 5/26
    1) Complete > 3 items on to-do list = Yes, made a dent in the list, but then added things I'd forgotten about :wink:
    2) Walk dog long route = 3.56 miles B)
    3) Log all food and keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Yes 4 days running! :smiley:
    4) Floss = Day 4 :smiley:

    Sat. 5/27 didn't log until evening, so recap
    1) Went to first farmers market of season (go earlier next week) - had the asparagus for supper, so good! :smile:
    2) Walked dog 3.65 miles B)
    3) Yardwork and to-do list, really stayed active again today :smile:
    4) Net calories w/i 100 of green = 5 days running :smiley:
    5) Floss...not yet, not bedtime

    Just for Sunday 5/28 - will be sedentary day, church service in a.m., then 2 1/2 hours round trip in car, watch niece's H.S. graduation ceremony...so proud of my goddaughter!
    1) Log all food
    2) Walk dog if time between rain showers
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    So the goals for Saturday 5/27:

    1. Actually log food and stay in green! :)Did this and even logged the food I had at McD's. My fat count was exactly at 0 when everything was said and done!
    2. Keep drawer balanced at work B)I think I'm starting to get good at this, but definitely not about to get complacent. That's what did me in in the first place
    3. Go to gym on way home from work while DH is still working :sForgot my gym clothes at home, was gonna go after a nap, slept two hours longer than I meant to, forgot that the gym closes at 7pm on the weekends. So that was a great big NO!
    4. Meet friend for dinner and talk about becoming a youth pastor at my church <3Had a really really good talk with him and his wife. They've known me for more than 15 years. They saw me through my really dark teenage/young adult years. But we are both really excited!
    5. Spend some time with the DH in the evening :/Not so much. The meeting mentioned above was about 2.5 hours and he had a video game group outing set up for an hour after I got home.
    6. Do some reading before bed o:)Might do some bible reading after I sign off
    7. In bed with lights out and tablet down by 11:30(no work on Sunday) :)This could go either way. It's just 11pm now.

    Well work was really really slow today! For the four hours we were open, we probably only saw about 15-20 customers. I managed to completely redo my budget layout and get it all pretty and streamlined. And still had a bunch of time left over. Had a great meeting with the youth pastors of my church, who I have known forever(see #4 above). It was a really good talk. We sat at the McDonalds we met at for about 2.5 hours and just talked about life, God, our pasts and so many other things. It was the first time we'd been able to sit down and talk like that in probably 2+ years. It was so refreshing.

    Since it's a holiday weekend in the summer in a shore town, the grocery stores are packed quick and late. So I'm gonna try and get up at 6am so I can get there and get out. Not really looking forward to it, but there is almost NO food in my house. We've been hitting the bare bones. I really want to wait until Tuesday, but I know it just wont do us any good that way. We'll just start eating out with the money I would be using for groceries for the next two weeks and would just be all sorts of badness. So I'm gonna hit the hay now!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited May 2017
    JFT, Saturday, 5/27
    1. log all food :) almost 1900 calories! Yikes!
    2. go to zumba in the morning :)
    3. work in the yard before storms come :)
    4. finish laundry :)
    5. clean house :)
    6. plan out the days meals :)
    7. eat slowly :/
    8. drink water :/
    9. stop before I eat to think: Am I hungry, crave food, or just desire food. Then make the choice as to what to do, and what to eat :/

    This is what happens whenever I am so busy, and don't sit down and eat my lunch. Grabbed a protein bar on the way out the door - they gave into snacking/grazing the rest of the afternoon. But ... I did log everything.

    My beck Diet Solution task for Day 12 was practice hunger intolerance to see how it feels, to know that feeling of actually being hungry. Tomorrow I am going to do that, and try to eat few calories since I was SO over for today. I made it out of the 200s, I don't want to go backwards. If I can keep my calories around 1000-1200, I should be OK.

    SO JFT, Sunday
    5. stop before I eat to think: Am I hungry, crave food, or just desire food. Then make the choice as to what to do, and what to eat
    6. Try and either get to the gym in the morning, but if I don't get out for a walk in the afternoon.
    7. work in the yard some weeding flower beds
    8. finish baby quilt for my great niece
    9. carry my water bottle with me and sip on water all day
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited May 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    And I realised I will always feel this way UNLESS I do something about it

    I need to stop kidding myself that having a "cheat day" is okay because I've gotten to a point where I have more cheat days than good ones!

    Anyone have any tips on how to refocus the mind?

    I know you can do this. Sometimes it takes something like this to remind us why we want to not only get healthy, but look great. Try reading those response cards - I know for me, those have helped me (well, except for my day today :/ ).
    You have two little ones, so I know you are getting plenty of exercise. But if you can just concentrate on healthy eating, I know you will do great. And you already are doing great - just getting on here everyday!
    We're all here for you, and were all in this together!! Just remember how great you can look at the end of the year. Today is the first day...... And wear that pretty halter top you wore the other day! Don't let anyone ruin that feeling you had in it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Wish me luck ladies

    Anyone have any tips on how to refocus the mind?

    I found a couple of articles with lots of good advice. But the thing that I am trying to do, is to THINK like a thin person. A thin person eats healthy meals, knows when they are hungry, and knows the difference between emotional eating, craving, desire. It is a real eye opener for me, but very hard for me to stop eating, and think about those things. Today I didn't do so well, but I know it is one day at a time.

    Here's just a little of what I found that. I know for me this might help, and hoping it will help you as well.

    The time to start thinking -- and living -- as a thinner, healthier person is right now.

    Too often, people hold on to the belief that they can't think or act like a thin person until they reach their goal weight. But staying trapped in your old, unhealthy mindset can sabotage the very behaviors you're trying so hard to change. People who are trying to lose weight need to build an image of how they would not only look, but also how they would act and feel when they are thin.

    If you are a visual person, for example, hang a favorite outfit where you can see it every day, then picture how well the outfit is going to fit you. If you're a movement-oriented person, picture how it would "feel" to slide easily past the empty seats in the theater row, or imagine the ease of fastening a seat belt in an airplane.

    Pretend you are thin and live as if that's true. When we pretend something is true, a new pattern of behavior will eventually evolve. Acting as if you have a skill or a feeling eventually contributes to it coming true.

    Good Luck -- we'll all here for you! And I agree so much with what you said about putting on makeup, fixing your hair, etc. This helps me everyday to do this. When I was home alone, I used to even tuck in my blouse - which reminded me to eat healthy. But now since hubby is home all day - I won't do that yet!

    But here are the articles I found that might be helpful to you:



  • R2che
    R2che Posts: 189 Member
    Surpassed all my goals yesterday. Managed to walk over 16,000 steps including a little run :)

    Today is Sunday, 28,5

    I will stay within my calories
    Walk over 10,000 steps
    Do week 2, day 1 of C25K
    Ease off the carbs a little today. Was very bloated and felt heavy in my tummy yesterday. Eat lots of veg!

    Keep busy!