Does it matter that I am eating little?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    khelmann wrote: »
    I have been wondering the same thing, I am a 5'6" 152lb female, some days I eat 800 to 900 cals and other days I meet my 1200cal goal. I never feel hungry, stomach never growls when under my calorie goal. I just feel like if I'm not hungry, I'm not going to eat (Eating when not hungry is how I gained weight in the first place)

    The feelz have jack to do with whether something is healthy or not...part of being healthy and proper nutrition is taking in adequate calories...a calorie is a unit of energy...everything your body does requires energy...when you don't provide your body with adequate energy, it takes energy from other our lean mass (which includes your organs) and will ultimately slow or shut down "non essential" functions like growing hair, nails, menstrual cycle, etc.

    You don't feelz hungry because you've crashed your diet and your hormones are responding accordingly...hormones are what control hunger of the first symptoms of under eating is jacking with those hormones and not feeling hungry...most anorexics claim to not be hungry...and it's legit...because they *kitten* up their hormones.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    khelmann wrote: »
    I have been wondering the same thing, I am a 5'6" 152lb female, some days I eat 800 to 900 cals and other days I meet my 1200cal goal. I never feel hungry, stomach never growls when under my calorie goal. I just feel like if I'm not hungry, I'm not going to eat (Eating when not hungry is how I gained weight in the first place)

    The feelz have jack to do with whether something is healthy or not...part of being healthy and proper nutrition is taking in adequate calories...a calorie is a unit of energy...everything your body does requires energy...when you don't provide your body with adequate energy, it takes energy from other our lean mass (which includes your organs) and will ultimately slow or shut down "non essential" functions like growing hair, nails, menstrual cycle, etc.

    You don't feelz hungry because you've crashed your diet and your hormones are responding accordingly...hormones are what control hunger of the first symptoms of under eating is jacking with those hormones and not feeling hungry...most anorexics claim to not be hungry...and it's legit...because they *kitten* up their hormones.

    I didn't feel hungry eating 500 calories and exercising 2 hours a day when I was actively anorexic but for sure I was starving