Working out makes me gain weight.



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Water weight. Expect fluctuations up when you do a new workout. Your muscles hold on to water for repair.
  • Khloris
    Khloris Posts: 117 Member
    Also keep in mind what time of month it is. Right before and during your period, you will probably retain water like crazy and see a jump on the scale.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Lolbit wrote: »
    Wow, thanks for all the replies, never expected that much feedback. I guess it is water, then. I feel sore as hell all over my body so that would explain it. :) I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Also, maybe anyone got some tips for muscle soreness? ;) I keep massaging it and cooling it from time to time.

    Along with the other advice, I had a sports injury doctor tell me to take Arnica for muscle soreness/ repair. You can get it in cream forms etc but he suggested taking it orally. You can get it at your local health store. It apparently helps with muscle repair and healing . My husband even took it after having surgery and he noticed a difference in how he felt on days he took it vs not.

    I've also heard people suggest warm bath with Epson salts for sore muscles? I've never tried it myself for post workout soreness.

    Oh and make sure you stretch lots. I'm always way more sore if I don't stretch and cool down properly (because of the lactic acid build up I think?)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    jelleigh wrote: »
    Lolbit wrote: »
    Wow, thanks for all the replies, never expected that much feedback. I guess it is water, then. I feel sore as hell all over my body so that would explain it. :) I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Also, maybe anyone got some tips for muscle soreness? ;) I keep massaging it and cooling it from time to time.

    Along with the other advice, I had a sports injury doctor tell me to take Arnica for muscle soreness/ repair. You can get it in cream forms etc but he suggested taking it orally. You can get it at your local health store. It apparently helps with muscle repair and healing . My husband even took it after having surgery and he noticed a difference in how he felt on days he took it vs not.

    I've also heard people suggest warm bath with Epson salts for sore muscles? I've never tried it myself for post workout soreness.

    Oh and make sure you stretch lots. I'm always way more sore if I don't stretch and cool down properly (because of the lactic acid build up I think?)

    A herbal supplement will not help with muscle repair. That is down to nutrition.
  • chaniess
    chaniess Posts: 10 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    chaniess wrote: »
    Interestingly enough, just had a discussion about this at hospital at my check up with the dietitian, she said to aim to eat 90% protein, and to work with weights on your legs and your arm muscle, she explained that as you gain muscle you will start losing the fat. She also said that in the beginning you will put on weight, but then when it starts working for you the weight will come off and produce a leaner you. Hope all she said was true and encouraging for you.

    90%? Wow, that's the most I've ever seen recommended anywhere. Is there any chance she may've said 90 grams? That would be in the normal range for a mid-sized woman, perhaps a little on the higher side of normal.
    I'm sorry about that mistake, she said to aim for 90 grams. It sure got you all on the hop. 90% of protien is terrible for kidney function.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    chaniess wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    chaniess wrote: »
    Interestingly enough, just had a discussion about this at hospital at my check up with the dietitian, she said to aim to eat 90% protein, and to work with weights on your legs and your arm muscle, she explained that as you gain muscle you will start losing the fat. She also said that in the beginning you will put on weight, but then when it starts working for you the weight will come off and produce a leaner you. Hope all she said was true and encouraging for you.

    90%? Wow, that's the most I've ever seen recommended anywhere. Is there any chance she may've said 90 grams? That would be in the normal range for a mid-sized woman, perhaps a little on the higher side of normal.
    I'm sorry about that mistake, she said to aim for 90 grams. It sure got you all on the hop. 90% of protien is terrible for kidney function.

    I thought it was likely just some kind of minor memory or typing glitch. Thanks for clarifying! :)