Should I throw out all my peanut butter



  • Anclote
    Anclote Posts: 43 Member
    Have you tried powdered peanut butter like PB2? It has fewer calories than normal peanut butter, you can't mindlessly binge on it since it needs to be "prepared", and it tastes really, really satisfying. I add 2 tbsps to my morning vegan chocolate protein smoothie regularly.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited January 2017
    Why's everyone so afraid of fat?

    I'm definitely not afraid of fat, i love fat :smiley: The point i was trying to make in my first post, is that if OP is craving Peanut butter than she may be lacking fat in her diet. She should try and up her fat content with something not quite as moreish and hard to control as peanut butter, so as not to go over her calories.
    If there's a jar of peanut butter in my cupboard there's a 100% chance that i'll eventually crack and finish the whole thing off in a day or two and completely blow my deficit.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have trouble moderating peanut butter, but I love the taste.

    I use powdered peanut butter in smoothies for the flavor. It's also good to use in stir fry sauces, or mixed into yogurt (if you're not vegan). I have no trouble moderating this stuff.

    I get the people calling for moderating, and I'm a fan of it. There are some foods I can moderate and some foods I can't. There's nothing saying that people have to be able to exercise iron clad will at every phase of their lives and in all areas. If something is tripping you up, it's okay to find a work around so you can meet your goals.

    I just bought a huge bag of pistachios, for example. I have no problem moderating nuts, but put a jar of nut butter in the house? I can't do it.
  • brdoyle8
    brdoyle8 Posts: 38 Member
    Have you every tried PBFit? Look it up! It's pretty good.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    I can moderate PB just fine, but I have a similar Cheezits and Goldfish cracker problem. If it's in the house, I will eat it. So I don't keep it in the house. I tend to be very serious and reserved, so they think it's hysterical that I turn into the Cookie Monster over cheese crackers.

    I'd give it away and only get the single-serving packs when you're out.
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    Donate it if you feel its too much of a temptation. If its opened..give to a family member. If its closed, a pantry. Or find someone homeless. Better than handing out money in my opinion.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    You could try to exercise some self control?

    Obviously the OP has a problem with that.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    malindak12 wrote: »
    Is all natural peanut butter healthy?

    At home, yes. At school, no. But even if it is healthy it's making me go way over my macro goals for fat

    Then stop buying it. I love PB too, and it is damn hard sometimes to limit myself to a healthy reasonable amount - I can eat it out of the jar - no spoon needed! I'll second the recommendation for PBFit. It does satisfy my craving for the PB taste.
  • AmandaDanceMore
    AmandaDanceMore Posts: 298 Member
    OP, I had to put myself on a PB time out. My addiction got way out of hand and I was eating TONS of it. Way, way, way more than I should have been. I bought a jar the other night, after a few weeks of abstaining. But this one has no extra sugar (and is ONLY peanuts). It taste good, but not so good that I feel the need to eat too much.

    I am the same way with cheese. I basically don't allow cheese in my house because I have zero control with it. I have yet to find a remedy that works like the PB one. So I just don't eat it at home, for the most part.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Cut it out, or find an alternative. I like PB powder because it has WAY less calories. Doesn't taste quite the same, but beggers can't be choosers right?
  • jamieparadis20
    jamieparadis20 Posts: 129 Member
    OP, I had to put myself on a PB time out. My addiction got way out of hand and I was eating TONS of it. Way, way, way more than I should have been. I bought a jar the other night, after a few weeks of abstaining. But this one has no extra sugar (and is ONLY peanuts). It taste good, but not so good that I feel the need to eat too much.

    I am the same way with cheese. I basically don't allow cheese in my house because I have zero control with it. I have yet to find a remedy that works like the PB one. So I just don't eat it at home, for the most part.

    I think I'll put myself on a timeout too. Thanks for the advice! Glad someone else was in a similar position as me...
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    OP, What's hard about getting exactly as much peanut butter as you budgeted in your daily food plan?

    I'm serious. Use a scale, or use a pre-measured retail portion as you say. Nuts are good for you. Have some.

    "what's hard" is that she has strong cravings which she struggles to control. Did you even READ the original post?
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Why's everyone so afraid of fat?

    I'm definitely not afraid of fat, i love fat :smiley: The point i was trying to make in my first post, is that if OP is craving Peanut butter than she may be lacking fat in her diet. She should try and up her fat content with something not quite as moreish and hard to control as peanut butter, so as not to go over her calories.
    If there's a jar of peanut butter in my cupboard there's a 100% chance that i'll eventually crack and finish the whole thing off in a day or two and completely blow my deficit.

    That totally wasn't directed at you, or anyone in particular, to be honest. I've just seen a lot of people around lately who seem averse to all fats, and I made an ill-placed comment in reaction to that.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    I had to stop buying it back about 20 years ago when I discovered that peanuts and peanut butter and peas made me feel extremely, painfully bloated and crampy and sick.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Why's everyone so afraid of fat?

    I'm definitely not afraid of fat, i love fat :smiley: The point i was trying to make in my first post, is that if OP is craving Peanut butter than she may be lacking fat in her diet. She should try and up her fat content with something not quite as moreish and hard to control as peanut butter, so as not to go over her calories.
    If there's a jar of peanut butter in my cupboard there's a 100% chance that i'll eventually crack and finish the whole thing off in a day or two and completely blow my deficit.

    That totally wasn't directed at you, or anyone in particular, to be honest. I've just seen a lot of people around lately who seem averse to all fats, and I made an ill-placed comment in reaction to that.

    Ah ok, no worries :smile: Yes, fat does sometimes get a bad rap and the mindset of eating fat makes you fat..

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I am the same way with cheese. I basically don't allow cheese in my house because I have zero control with it. I have yet to find a remedy that works like the PB one. So I just don't eat it at home, for the most part.

    Cheese is a no-no for me too.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Why's everyone so afraid of fat?

    Because it has 9 calories per gram and is extremely easy to put you over your daily caloric intake. That aside, there is nothing wrong with dietary fat and is actually required for hormonal functions.

    Exactly what I was getting at (sorry, I often forget that tone is very hard to read in text). There's nothing wrong with it, especially if you're getting it from nuts and seeds. People on here just always seem so quick to tell people to cut out ALL the fat.

    I literally never see anyone telling people to cut out all the fat.

    And those who do are swiftly corrected by the old-timers in the community.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    portion control is VERY hard and i have the same issue with peanut butter, PB2 and sugar. i find its just easier not to have it in the house as i lack self control. i have also measured and planned it out to fit in my macro's, but i can honestly go thru a tub of peanut butter in one setting! Im all about the good fats, but eating the entire jar in a few days which is what happens to me is not so good! (i've even tried to hide it from myself!)...doesnt work:( Good luck...
  • jessicagreen1828
    jessicagreen1828 Posts: 133 Member
    edited January 2017
    Don't throw it out! Nuts are one of natures best sources of antioxidants. Eating nuts is linked to longevity! Try to fill up on fiber before digging into the peanut butter? Don't eat the stuff with hydrogenated oils, get the kind that naturally separates into oil on the top layer.

    "Worried that eating nuts might make you fat, since they’re high in fat? In fact, frequent nut eaters were less likely to gain weigh in this and other studies. “Nuts are high in protein and fiber, which delays absorption and decreases hunger,” said Dr. Hu, adding that nuts contain mostly unsaturated healthy fats."
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited January 2017
    The best way I've found to portion out a tempting food without eating it all;

    1. Put peppermint chewing gum in your mouth. This will help prevent you from eating as you're portioning.
    2. Portion out ALL the food at once. Get lots of little containers.
    3. Divide the food into the little containers.
    4. Put them all away in a place that requires extra work to get to. For me the sweets are now all downstairs so i have to go downstairs, find the stepstool, and reach into the topmost, furthest back cabinet. The bread is sliced and put in the freezer so that i have to toast it before i can eat it.
    5. When you go to grab some, it'll be much easier to stop at one portion if they're already portioned out beforehand.

    Also, with a sudden change in cravings, I'd wonder about my micronutrient status. You might want to get blood work to be sure you are getting all your micronutrients.