

  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Lisa, you and your sister rock! That's EXACTLY how I felt when I turned 50! It was so freeing. Turning 60, now, that was a different story... :s
    I've finished up my furniture repainting project and love the results. Have already decided how I'm going to repaint the next piece in line. That's going to wait, though; my best friend and her daughter are coming to stay with me next week and we are all going to the Delray Open (tennis tournament). The rest of this week will be taken up with cleaning and fluffing up the house, and finishing up my pillow cover project. Am making covers for 2 lumbar pillows for two living room chairs. I can sew, but I don't really enjoy it much, so I have to really get myself up for it. I spent all yesterday afternoon going over this youtube tutorial on how to make a continuous bias strip to cover cording. Thought I had it all figured out, but when I started cutting what should have been one long strip mine is in separate strips. Grrr. Now I'll have to sew them end to end together, avoiding which was the whole point of the stupid complicated thing to begin with!
    We had lunch today at a Jason's Deli. I had a cup of lobster chowder and one trip to the salad bar. Carefully eyeballed what I think was pretty close to 2 T dressing, and sparingly added feta, black olives and sunflower seeds. Really sparingly. Added it all up when I logged it and my lunch was a whopping 900+ calories! Geesh. Good thing I had a tough workout this morning. No wine for Nancy tonight!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Bianca from South Africa - I LOVED turning 50. We're so attuned to how others think of us for so much of our lives, and told to "be a good girl," and on and on and on... Somehow, 50 freed me up to realize that not everyone in this world has to love me, and I don't really care if someone likes me, either. It does not impact MY life if they don't deal well with me. As my sister puts it - "It took me 50 years to like myself, and I don't have that kind of time to spend on convincing anyone else."
    Got the DH ensconced in the recliner with a couple of pillows to keep his arm up and comfy... went to work to check e-mail quick and talk to the boss, a few more errands, and then went and worked out. That part was important to me, which shows I'm turning one corner. A few more in sight.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas

    This is EXACTLY what happened with me! Came late to the party called My Life!

    in sunny TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did a hour of Tammy Lee Webb's I Want That Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do an extreme cardio DVD

    Re - how frustrating!

    tammy - Part of me is wondering if holding the weights is somehow contributing to the trigger finger. If it is, I don't know what I'll do. Me? Not exercise....perish the thought

    Kate - do they refer to tenderloin as bacon over there? I was trying to imagine how a person would boil the bacon that we have.

    Jess just called to say she was approved for this new apartment. So Mom & Dad Moving, Inc. will be going to VA right after we get back from FL. Not quite sure what this move gives her special

    Exercised, then went to the library to set some help getting audiobooks downloaded to my tablet, then the bank to make a deposit for Newcomers, our bank to make a deposit for us, Bi-Lo to get items on sale, then CVS to get a prescription for Vince. Then made fudge for Vince to have when we get home. I'm trying modifying a recipe that I have. So we shall see how it is.

    Rita - I don't blame you for being upset with your mom and sis. What's the big deal? I can understand what's the big deal for your mom, but not your sis. Older people are less comfortable with the computer. I can't believe your daughters! Don't they have their own lives? Don't they think you deserve a life? Excuse me. Love the name Cuckoo's Nest

    Heather - will Amazon over there ship just one of an item? I know when I order a food item from Amazon, I usually have to get multiples of that item.

    Big welcome to everyone new

    Lenora - after initially making your train, you can play on anyone's train. If someone wasn't able to start their train and you can, you can start a train for them. You can also start a Mexican Train. If there are only 3 people playing, you would have a train for each of the three people and then the Mexican Train. If you have a train on your train, you can only take it off if you can play on your own train but you can still play on anyone else's even tho you have a train on your train (does that make sense? I hope so). You can put a double down on any train and depending on the type of Mexican Train that you are playing will depend on how many times you need to "satisfy" that double. Like when we play Chickenfoot dominoes, you need to satisfy it three times. When we play regular dominoes, it only needs to be satisfied once. If everyone has drawn their tiles and you can't start a train but the others can, you just lose that turn and the next person can start their train. The "keep drawing" question, that depends on the type of Mexican Train that you are playing. Now when we play Chicken Foot, the person who has the highest double starts (so the double can be an 8). Now in "regular" dominoes, you have to have a 12, 11, 10 etc. double and if no one has the 12 or 11 or whatever, you just keep drawing from the pool until someone gets the needed double. You don't "have" to play on your own train. Many times people opt not to and hope no one else plays on their train. Also, some people won't put all their tiles down the first round so that they have some they can put down in subsequent rounds.

    Heather - I'm with you. I can barely remember turning 50! (Isn't that sad?) Thanks for telling us about Penny

    Toni - wow, water aerobics. I don't know about you, but I can't get over how much water I drink when I'm in the water.

    Nancy - I love Jason's Deli. They may not be super cheap but they aren't super expensive , either. They do have good choices, tho

    Michele in NC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I think my age hit me this year when I turned 68. 10 yrs since I retired. I'm realizing that I am probably in the third part of my life and want to be healthy during this time.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Had a lovely day with my friend.. had a aspargus and swiss omelette and a cup of tea, got my haircut which I love... and Patty gave me to teapots and a friend of hers made me a beautiful tea cozy. will try and post a picture,,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Hey everyone:
    Bianca I approached 50 with much trepidation. I started a blog called sheez50 and I posted everyday from age 49 until I turned 50. It really helped. Now that I am 55, I can honestly say that the fifties have been the best for me. I feel so much more empowered, in fact you hear me say almost everyday "I'm over 50 I can do what I want" I think it is the lead up that is scary but once you are on the other side, it is like every other birthday. At least that is my experience for what it is worth.

    So holy crap on a cracker was this day stressful. Lots of very serious crises at work. I almost emailed my DH and said "bring me pizza and fries" but my friends, I didn't and I just finished making a very healthy broccoli stir fry with tofu and I already feel better. This is what I am really mindful of; staying on track even when stressed. At one point, I almost posted a "help me" post. Knowing you are all here and working so hard despite what is going on in your lives gave me that extra strength to handle things on my own. Thank you for being here and doing what you are doing. It matters and makes a difference. It did for me today <3

    A very grateful <3 Sarah from Ontario :)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MICHELLE - think tenderloin is a cut of any meat can be pork bacon or beef.

    HEATHER - I have problems with wax too, a nurse told me that I have the narrowest ear canals she had ever seen.

    SARAH Ontario - I. enjoyed the Lumowell vid as well

    Kate UK <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. This will just be a quick hello because we are going to dinner at some friends' house tonight. I am really trying to get back in the habit of being here everyday even if it has to be short.

    TN Toni: hubby is hanging in there. He is on an anti-depressant and is seeing a psychologist plus will be starting group therapy next week. I just want all this to be over. I started an anti-depressant too. I'm too anxious and it's making me sick.

    Bianca: welcome to you!

    Hugs to all of you especially those with some challenges. Meg from Omaha where not only is it sexy, it's nearly 70 degrees today!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello, Healthy Honeys!

    Ah, the Heck is officially over.... I made it to PT, early, and got in a good nearly two hour session – which even included cardio! Hurray!

    And who needs a Personal Trainer, when you have a Physical Therapist? My body feels the work from the waist down...

    The best news is, I shouldn’t have any more majorly crazy weeks... ONE extra appointment in a week, I can handle... three was just madness.

    Of course, work is revving up – so I may not be able to do much excitement next week, as I try to stay on top of things here – but, I will check in.

    As a side note – my apologies to all of the teachers and former teachers out there, who must have their faces in their hands – despairing for the fate of our nation, when educated women misuse Waive and Wave.... I don’t know where my brain was, no doubt fried from sleep deprivation – but, I do realize that WAVE is what you do to greet someone – and Waive is what you do when you are giving up your rights. I will claim sleep deprivation combined with too many years in the mortgage industry – where we use Waive most frequently.

    Mary – *Curtsies to the Kettlebell Queen*

    Karen/VA – So happy that you got to hold Olivia! Sorry you couldn’t stay. Hopefully her little kidneys will begin to improve, as well. ((Hugs!!))

    Cheri – I had an e-mail from her a couple of days ago – but, I haven’t seen her since then. I will check in with her, tonight.


    SueBDew – Wow... Thanks! I am educational, now? Gosh... Entertaining, I have gotten before – but Educational might be a first for me. Good luck with getting in some more exercise! You know I feel exercise if the most important part of this process – so I am always behind getting a little more – unless you work out like PIP, already! :D

    Pip – As always, I am in awe of your calorie burn.

    Rori – I hope you aren’t having too hard a time with the Jell-O and clear liquids... Only 24 more hours.... ((Hugs!!))

    Michele – I think the time change should just be abolished – it messes with all of us when the clock changes – in either direction! And taking leftovers to the soup kitchen is a far better solution than mine. Alas, there will never come a day when I don’t love a good brownie – but, fortunately, I don’t generally have them lying around – and I don’t bake – so, unless I intentionally go out to obtain a brownie – it is unlikely that one will cross my path. Generally, what happens with the Fitbit is, I take it off and plug it into the charger while I am sitting on the couch (next to the charger) and I pick it up before I wander off... but, occasionally, I fall asleep on the couch... so, when I get up and stagger off to bed, I am not properly functioning... that happened last night. It’s not life threatening if the thing fails to log a few steps and some sleep hours.

    Barbie – Me too! Of course, my PT includes wall squats, clamshells and some particular stretches – but, the most important part for me to do at home is the stretch part... that takes time and repetition to have maximum effect. Muscle strengthening actually goes much faster.


    Marni – Whoot! Go, Marni, Go! 1.7 lbs is awesome.

    Jackie – Really, we are a chatty bunch... If you want the latest – just read back a page or two – that will generally get you up to speed. Good luck with reaching your goal!


    Becca – Cheers to light clothing! I weigh at the gym... so, yeah, my weight includes some clothing, too. Gratz on getting rid of 7 pounds since December!

    Tammy – LOL – no worries. My craving for Cicely’s is never far from the surface. DH and I have been talking about going there, soon. Since I generally only eat one meal on the weekends, I can have my Italian... Hurray!

    Katla – Trust me, the office will hear about it – however it is POSSIBLE that the parts in question – unique to the males of all mammals – were intended to be the target of the ultrasound – however we were UNAWARE of that – and that would be an issue, also. So, when DH has sufficiently calmed down he will call and find out WTF happened, there and whether he really needs and ultrasound on his naughty bits. :p Sorry it’s soggy enough to impact your activities!

    Kate – Plankriffic! You are rocking the exercise! Is the bacon that you boil cured and smoked? What we have here is strips of belly meat that have been cured and smoked and sliced into thin strips. For Americans, Boiling bacon would not be an effective cooking method... lol.

    Allie – I feel you on the cost of the Ultrasound. It’s just plain ridiculous. Hope you will post a picture of the new hair...

    Sarah – Well, I have been known to throw diced Poblano peppers and grated carrot into the beans with the onions... if you are not up for chicken base – you could use a vegetable one, or just salt – but don’t put that in until the beans are well cooked – it makes the hulls tough. Water for the dried beans is about a 3 to 1 ratio... 3 times the water... Beans expand a lot. Let them cook a long time... mine generally go for at least ten hours – and they seldom cause any of the problems associated with beans. ;) So glad you were able to resist the urge to call out for pizza! I was so there, yesterday and the day before... but, I managed to avoid it, too – mostly cause I didn’t have time to STOP long enough to eat anything bad... LOL.

    Lisa – I am thinking good thoughts for Corey sleeping a LOT during his exceptionally speedy recovery... LOL. I remember how Rusty was when he got his surgery... cranky, cranky, cranky. ((Hugs!)) The workout really helps, doesn’t it? I was so glad to pedal away my stress these last two or three days.

    Janet – ((Hugs!))

    Lanette – Love the funny!

    Leigh – it took a few tries for me, too – but, here is the clue that I got from the forums... go into fitbit – remove your approval to share with MFP... do the same in MFP – and start over. That worked. ((Hugs!))


    Rita/Pip Jr. – 121 squats! Ohhhhh. If my knee weren’t so messed up I would be jumping up and down with happiness for you! ~I am so sorry your Mom and your Sister are so lame. What is there to be “comfortable” about? It’s mail – not live ammo. Sheesh! The kids – well, I kinda understand their uncertainty – I mean, having your Mom go gypsy on you might be a little disconcerting. One hopes they will get used to the idea and move on with their own lives, accordingly. Love the name for the RV!

    Margaret – You will have to tell me if the gratitude journal helps... Some days, you need SOMETHING...

    Heather – Good luck with your ear! I got a pair of swimming ear plugs to keep the water out of mine. I used to get awful swimmers ear when I was a kid. Thanks for letting us know about Penny!

    Yvonne – I always stock up on Andouille, too. I am not sure why it seems to be a rarity here... Of course, I tend to use it in Italian food more than anything else. I like my sauce with a little kick. OUCH... your deductible is tough! Hope you feel better, soon!

    Ginger – If you can figure it out, that will go a long way toward stopping the next binge... anything happening at work? With your family? Is something bothering you below the surface? That’s when I lose it... I had some serious Holiday blues, this year. No specific anxiety – no drama – just underlying “stuff” that I haven’t fully even realized, yet. I at more chocolate in December than I have all year. Hope you can get a handle on it. Yeah, I expect you will have to work your way up to 14 minutes on the bowflex... I know the first few times I did the elliptical, I was gasping and panting after about three minutes... I did finally get to the point where I could do 30 and more. I am sure you will, too.

    Lenora – LOL – She didn’t use those exact words – but that was the gist of the conversation. I, also, would have gotten the person’s name, when they told me that. However, DH doesn’t think in terms of documentation... I guess a legal secretary and a mortgage processor would think in those terms a bit more easily. :D And I am sure that we are ALL hoping you don’t have any seizures, Sugar. <3

    TNToni – LOVING the pool... really, really loving it. It works my entire body – every bit of me feels stretched and worked when I get out.... right down to my lungs. It’s awesome. BP looks great...

    Yinka*Waves* We are all just posting fools... Have fun with This is Us!

    NancyD – See what I mean about salad? It’s crazy... all those little bits add up. I had a shrimp salad, today... 700 calories – but, I pre-logged – and had 6 ounces of shrimp. Mmmm.

    Meg – OMG! Sexy AND HOT? What are we going to do with you?

    NEW Gals: Charlie, Bianca, – Welcome... Turning 50? I swear I didn’t grow up until I turned 50... but, it was just another birthday for me... I have been mourning my youth for some time, now... LOL. But, it is what it is and aging beats the alternative.

    Well, as it turns out, I didn’t put the pot of beans on, this morning... The icing on the cake of this day is that my Darling decided that he would cook, tonight... I didn’t’ even have to chop and prep everything for him. I think I am loving him walking in the pool... he is just more comfortable standing for longer, now... guess I will have to keep taking him.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Sending hugs and prayers to those who need.

    Paula Y
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited February 2017
    We don't have any information on husband's back. Waiting on MRI report. We were told after his September surgery, that he had a 50% chance of vertebrae destabilizing ... Thank you for the good thoughts and prayers.

    Sue ... in the morning, husband was unable to stand or walk. By the time we got the MRI scheduled in the afternoon he was able to move like a toddler learning to cruise furniture for the first time. Today he was worse. Unable to work. His boss brought his computer crap to the house so he can work from his chair.

    Karen NY ... have a wonderful trip ... post pics like Heather if you can!

    Karen in Virginia ... I'm so happy you have had a good visit with Olivia. Continued prayers for her complete healing.

    Turning 50 ... it was liberating ... I stopped worrying about stupid stuff, focused on what was important and initially lost 72 pounds (still had more to go). Life has a way of intruding and I put some of that back on, but my attitude has not changed. I smile a lot. My focus is on my family. I make a point of having no regrets. 50 is fabulous!

    Because life isn't "exciting" enough right now, received news that my son's primary care aide is quitting. She works 40 hours a week for him and I have no one in the pipeline to replace her. Why is she leaving? She wants to become a dog groomer. That struck me as funny somehow ... but that could be hysteria ...

    Have a good one ladies!
    Beth near Buffalo
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Turning 50!- Like Lisa and some of the others, it was like a bright light at the end of the tunnel for me. My self awakening happened about mid forties, as my kids found lives of their own in college, careers, and marriage and my hubby was diagnosed with RA and I found my inner "superwoman" and started doing a lot of the stuff he normally did. It was empowering! I still think each year is going to be better than the last. I remain ever hopeful that I will rid myself of the excess "mortal shell" and become the healthier version of myself, so I can keep enjoying birthdays. There is a lot that I want to do in this world and I plan to do it! I want to fly! 51 is only ten months away!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    I did something funny tonight as I logged my food. I actually lied about the amount of food I ate; EXCEPT instead of not logging what I ate, I logged food I didn't eat, because when I logged all of my meals, I was grossly under my calorie count. You know, the place where the MFP Gods yell at you for not consuming enough calories?! I hate that! So...I recorded chocolate. I guess I could eat it, but then I wouldn't have any for tomorrow!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    Turning50 didn't faze me bit
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I loved turning 50 A good friend of mine gave me a gift card for a massage.

    After reading 3 pages, I had so much to say but then my sister's husband called. I got a message on answering machine earlier saying she was in ER. He had called her from work and she was confused, very weak and couldn't remember if she had lunch or not. So he left work and took her to ER. So he has just called back. She has pneumonia and sepsis and is being admitted to ER. I think it was about 6 weeks ago she had a 2nd knee replacement but ahd done extremely well with PT and had been OK's to drive and go to the Y but not to get in the pool yet. I feel bad that I had not called her this week and had seen she was feeling bad. I messaged my girls but I have no idea if DBIL has notified the rest of the family. I think he ahs notified their two kids but I don't know. What to do.

    Joyce, Indiana