Hello^-^! I was recently prescribed phentermine...

I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with it- I'm not looking for any judgement. I'm following the Mediterranean diet and keeping at 1400 calories. I would like to hear from other people who have been prescribed this; and hear about what their thoughts & experiences were as well as any tips. I have never had any experience w this. Any responses are appreciated. Thank you :3


  • It is well above 35 unfortunately- I'm short and weigh a lot- thank you for your concern.
  • LazyNightOwl
    LazyNightOwl Posts: 166 Member
    Hey Kitty, from what I've read up on it it's a very goof tool but definitely not to be the only one in your weight loss journey. Healthy eating habits must be set and followed or as soon as the pills stop the bad eating habits will cause the weight to come back. Good luck on your journey.

    P. S. My bff is on the med diet too :) I'm an eat it all'er. The important thing is cico regardless of how you get your food.
  • I completely agree and my doctor is monitoring me- thank you I appreciate your feedback
  • jennjune2014
    jennjune2014 Posts: 23 Member
    No judment here. We are adults. We make our own decisions. You might want to research phen fen.

    It comes down to eating healthy and exercising. You wont be on the medication long term. Once your off of it you will still have to maintain.

    For me it was like being on speed..lol lots of energy. Once i was off of it. The energy was gone. Gained it back.

    Ive tried so many weight loss methods. I no longer believe fad diets and medication.

    Healthy is the goal. Whatever that looks like for you.
  • ddeliciosa
    ddeliciosa Posts: 168 Member
    I haven't been on it, but I did have a friend who was on it shortly. I don't know what her weight was, but she was not morbidly obese. Her blood pressure shot up through the roof (we're talking like 150/90) - which is not good, especially in a 20 something year old. She went off it and is still around the same starting weight.

    From what I know of the drug (it acts similarly to amphetamines; therefore it's a CNS stimulant, at a higher risk of being abused, can cause hypertension, insomnia, etc), I wouldn't personally want to take it. Cutting back calories reasonably and exercising won't cause any adverse effects and can easily transition into a lifestyle.

    Some people do have medical conditions that prevent them from losing weight or they've honestly tried a lifestyle modification and failed, and maybe that's when phentermine could be considered. Whatever your case may be, if a medical doctor prescribed it and thought it was right for you, then that's all that counts. Best of luck!
  • mjon11
    mjon11 Posts: 4 Member
    I absolutely love it but it makes it so I can't sleep at night...and I mean ALL night. There have been several nights where I didn't fall asleep at all and ended up being awake for 30+ hours, which ultimately isn't healthy either, so I stopped.
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    It was the combination of Phentermine with the "fen" part that created a dangerous drug - phentermine alone is regularly prescribed and monitored for a short period, usually up to three months. I have taken it in the past and it helped me somewhat with no bad side effects, but the medication I now take for binge eating disorder, which was my true problem, is helping me far more.

    As far as phentermine, I found it best to start a three month course by taking a half-tablet at first, and as my body got accustomed to it toward the last half of the 12 weeks, I increased to a full tablet. Doing it this way kept me from feeling too weird on it. It did put a bad taste in my mouth, so I kept sugar free mints and gum around. It's not "the ultimate answer", of course, but it can be a helpful tool for some people when used properly, in my opinion.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you stick to 1400 cals you'll lose weight anyway
  • fallingwave
    fallingwave Posts: 108 Member
    I just stopped it after taking it for 4 months. I met with my doctor monthly to ensure that my blood pressure was good and to do a weight check. It really does suppress your appetite... however, you still have to make good food choices, which you mentioned you will be doing.

    As for the shakes, insomnia... I did experience it in I'd say the 2nd and 3rd week -- but it went away and I got to a point where aside from appetite I wouldn't know if I hadn't taken it.

    Since being off of it I have gained about 7 back -- during that time though were New Years and my Birthday (weekend was spent splurging). I would recommend it and I look forward to doing it again if/when my doctor allows it.

    mjon11 -- did you try cutting back the dose by taking 1/2 a pill? that helped me tremendously and then I was able to ramp back up to a whole one.
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    edited February 2017
    It had no effect on me. I was 259# and Rx'd the 37.5 pill. I took it for a month before throwing it into the back of my cupboard. I had no dry mouth, no increased heart rate, no thirst, nothing, and no added energy in fact it made me rather tired. I even tried taking it on an empty stomach a few hours before bed and I could tell it was taking effect because I would feel like I was -less- buzzed and slept like a baby. But it really did nothing for me at all, it was like having a cup of coffee which likewise does not give me any buzz: I drink coffee at night because it relaxes me, like a cup of tea or warm milk-- but yeah, no weight loss or anything. It was kind of disappointing.
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    It had no effect on me. I was 259# and Rx'd the 37.5 pill. I took it for a month before throwing it into the back of my cupboard. I had no dry mouth, no increased heart rate, no thirst, nothing, and no added energy in fact it made me rather tired. I even tried taking it on an empty stomach a few hours before bed and I could tell it was taking effect because I would feel like I was -less- buzzed and slept like a baby. But it really did nothing for me at all, it was like having a cup of coffee which likewise does not give me any buzz: I drink coffee at night because it relaxes me, like a cup of tea or warm milk-- but yeah, no weight loss or anything. It was kind of disappointing.

    It didn't give me any energy or buzz either, it just made me feel kinda weird - sort of foggy and with the yucky taste in my mouth. But it did reduce my appetite for about 8-10 hours or so.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I did actually take this drug about 10 years ago. I did lose a good deal of weight due to almost not eating. I had zero appetite and had to force myself to eat soup to get any calories in. This drug and lack of calories caused fainting for me so I strongly advise that you track your calories to be certain that you are eating enough.

    I regained the weight because I did not learn good eating behaviors.
  • Thank you so much for your input. I'm re-learning my eating habits and am really using the pill as a tool. My weight is going to be a life long battle for me. If I'm not moving- I gain weight. And with a desk job it's tough, I took half a pill yesterday and it gave me enough energy to workout and meal prep. Hopefully I'll learn good habits and not have to take medication.
  • lizzyrose418
    lizzyrose418 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm currently on 37.5. I previously had a great experience with it, though I HATE the side effects. It's helped me learn to manage my eating better and it does give me a boost of energy.
    The downside is if I take it every day, I start to get tired and foggy. I have to detox off of it every so often, which is a major crash and all you want to do is sleep.
    I gained all of my weight back after not taking it for about a year because I was eating terribly and not working out.
  • FoxyMars25
    FoxyMars25 Posts: 112 Member
    I was on it about 10 or 11 years ago. I lost a lot of weight and it worked very well for me, however, I did not learn good eating habits so after I stopped taking it, I gained most of the weight back. A few years ago, my co-worker went on it and the same thing happened to her-she lost a lot of weight just to gain it all back once she stopped taking it. Just be sure to eat healthy and exercise now and keep it up even once you are not on it anymore. When I was on phentermine, the weight just fell off so I was like, wow, this weight loss thing is not hard at all. When in reality, it is a lot harder without the help of it. Use it as a tool to jump start your weight loss and to get motivated but keep in mind the real hard work will start once you are not on it anymore.
  • GingersnapMI
    GingersnapMI Posts: 8 Member
    I have a total of 80lb to lose. I have lost significant weight in the past but gained it back. My doctor prescribed phentermine 37.5 for me this time and I have been using it for a little over a month. It really helps! I have very little appetite which, of course, makes it much easier to make good food choices. I lost 18lb in my first month. I do NOT feel buzzed or energetic but I DO deal with dry mouth and constipation (hello, prunes!). My doctor told me he would only prescribe it for 3 months, to give me a successful start that would hopefully give me motivation to continue on my own. I plan to cut the last month's pills in half and take them over two months.
    DO NOT worry about the scary stories concerning Phen-Fen... it was the combination of the two drugs that caused the issues.
    Good luck!
  • natesmomma82
    natesmomma82 Posts: 1 Member
    I've taken phentermine and it worked great but has side effects. Once you are off of it it's very hard to maintain that weight you lost. So be careful on what you eat stay low calorie. I've ballooned up to 255, before phentermine I was 215.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I took it years ago and it helped me control my appetite. I didn't have any side affects. My problem was I didn't really learn a "new way" of eating so I went back to my old habits when I stopped taking it. I think using it as a tool, Like you say in the beginning is good. As I learned though knowing your "allotted calories" and sticking to it and logging is a lifetime commitment if you want to maintain your loss. Good luck on your journey.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    I took it when it was phen-phen. One doc said I have a valve leakage and the newest doc said I don't. There was a thread a few days back and people wrote they take a diet drug. I called the pharmacist and the drug they were taking is a narcotics and not allowed in my state. I did ask him about phentermine and he said it is a stimulant and if you have high blood pressure, you should check with your cardiologist first. He also said it was short-term usage. I did lose taking phen-phen but I believe I knew I was on it so I just ate healthy and in the right proportions.