Beautiful Behaviors - February 2017



  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    well, all the pizza and the ice cream is gone, and i'm very proud of myself at how little i ate of it and how slowly. i would usually have eaten it all in one sitting, and it lasted for three, so that's a plus. and i have no cravings for more of it, so i really think i'll be able to get right back on today. i'm going to journal it sometime today so i can look back if i want to and know why i didn't lose this week. :(
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    @woznube7 I live in Indianapolis IN! Lowe's Corporate is always hiring for customer service, project coordinators and supervisors. Goodluck :smiley:

    Awesome!!! I'll look into that!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Hello all! Hope it's a wonderful weekend. <3

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    It's game day, isn't it? USA football?
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Completed 62 minutes of Lee Labrada Back, Biceps and Cardio and now I'm meal prepping for the week. Planning for the week ahead is a recipe for success!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    It's game day, isn't it? USA football?

  • kittens_info
    kittens_info Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone. I am Cheryl. I'm glad I found this post. I need the support. :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @kittens_info - welcome!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, Cheryl @kittens_info, welcome!

    @HappySheri wow! what a workout! kudos!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Note on food awareness---
    I love the convenience of canned foods, but every time I eat, even a healthy canned food, I'm hungry an hour later!!
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Over did it with some dip last night, but resisted against a binge today.

    Even though I had a small slip up , it is not going to cause me to get off track completely. I'm making new habits and adjusting how I deal with overeating. Perfection doesn't exist, and I don't have to waste my time and energy trying to achieve the impossible anymore!!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    great attitude, @fruitydelicious!

    Lea, LOVE it!

    Dear Food,

    I know I keep taking you back, but I'm stronger now and I don't hold on to you the way I used to. I might slip and indulge occasionally but it is NOT a downslide and it will NOT be my downfall.
  • SpicyGorilla
    SpicyGorilla Posts: 6 Member
    I had a one pound weight loss Friday after my first week. Then I ate terribly all weekend
  • SpicyGorilla
    SpicyGorilla Posts: 6 Member
    Where did the rest of my post go? Darnit! I'm not retyping it now
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Friends:

    My behaviors haven't been so beautiful. In fact, the weekend was pretty damn ugly.

    Chinese takeout, loads of fluffy jasmine rice. Wings, chili, sandwich fare on gooey gluten free rolls, hard ciders and other Super Bowl debauchery.

    Not logging in. Not journaling. Reading while eating.

    And today...only coffee and not a morsel of food until 5pm. I don't have to tell you what happened. I binged. With a book. Awful awful awful. Not a downslide, or a downhill but a regular avalanche.

    Self care? Out the window. Menopausal weepy nonsense made itself comfortable.

    I know I have to regroup. I did a grocery order, packed some salads, filled my water bottle and I am resolving to start anew tomorrow.

    I took a hot Epsom salt bath and put on my comfiest pjs. My stomach feels horrific, but that will take a few days.

    Anyway...I'm still here. Hoping to catch up this week.


  • DarkSinestra
    DarkSinestra Posts: 45 Member
    @jessiquoi I quit back in 2014. I have an arthritic hip and would like to be walking in my 80s if I'm lucky to get there! I started in 2008, was out through 2010 because of non-derby related injuries and then back in again. It is a rough sport, full contact, but we were doing women's flat track derby, not the banked track bouts that were often televised. It's a really popular sport now. Our team got its WFTDA certification in 2013. It was a hard climb to get there, and it put us in competition with really skilled teams. We all learned so much!

    It sounds like a lot of us had rough weekends. It's all right, ladies. You're aware. You're not making mindless mistakes without realization, and you're determined not to quit. That counts for a lot! I have to keep reminding myself, too, that this isn't a sprint. It isn't even a marathon. This is every day, and not every "training day" is going to be a win. If you learned something, then it's worth the experience.

    @happysherri Love your attitude! It's always inspiring. Thank you for sharing that enthusiasm.

    @kittens_info Welcome! I hope you get the inspiration you're looking for.

    I went 6 miles today! And I didn't beat myself up over yesterday's much needed rest day. (Probably why I made it the 6 miles.) Muscles were burning on the hills; joints were NOT painful. I will whup muscles all day long. I don't abuse joints anymore. And saw a loss over the weekend. For so many years, despite success with it at one point, I was so resistant to calorie counting. WHHHYYYYY? It works. It's not fast. It's not glamorous or easy. Days often go by with nothing and then a whoosh. But dang it, it works. I really don't ever want to forget that again or ever have to do this again. I don't care if I'm counting until the end of my days. If that's what it takes to maintain, then so be it!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Go Jess! You tell it

    @SpicyGorilla - you lost that one pound once, you can lose it again. That pound will go to the same place our posts go when our devices flicker, never to be seen again!

    @fruitydelicious - you are on track! One controlled bit of dip didn't mess up your direction at all. Good for you!

    Hang on.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    I've written this three times and I keep getting booted out!

    @fruitydelicious - may your pounds go where our posts went and never be seen by human eyes again!

    @KimF0715 - Repeat after me: "my behavior is beautiful". Do it. You are fine. You love yourself. Sometimes just say it until you realize it's true.

    @DarkSinestra - thank you for writing that. I needed what you said. And you are right. It just works. Keep counting calories. Keep pushing to exercise. It just works.

    Hang on, my phone flickered.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @jeanlake - you still with us?
    @gatamadriz - Cath, are you doing okay?
    @woznube7 - Libby I keep your job situation in prayer
    @dlm4mom - how are you doing today? Hang in there. What's your beautiful behavior today?
    @jasmarie24 - I should friend you so I can write something like "yay go" whenever you log in.
    @Mithridites - hello!

    Okay, I might be done. Love you all.

    Don't be normal. Be beautiful!
