Starting 10k novice training... care to run with me?



  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good job Jan on getting past that Mountain block - I go through the same thing so many times. It as hard when I transitioned from treadmill to outdoors..uggh I remember it so well! Then when I decided to run a different area that had a better course I remember saying I'd drive up to the location park and at least walk thing I was running it. Oh but that mental block took me a few trips to and fro before I got out of my vehicle to run. I still feel that blockage but I just got to keep marching onward and try and not listen to my mind.

    cheers & happy running! :drinker:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Oh, I've been so bad about not being on MFP! I've missed logging some of my running, but this week I ran around Stone Mountain again - and I ran it in 1:12!

    So that's 5 miles,
    I did two this morning on the treadmill... I don't remember what else I've run between the last post and this week.

    In any case, my 10K is Saturday - in two days. I was supposed to have a 5.5 mile long run before the 10k and didn't quite get to that, but my last 5 mile run was really strong, so I'm feeling good about finishing the 10k. If I walk some, that's fine... I know I can run 5, and that was a pretty hilly course. I drove the route of the race, and most of it is fairly level.

    I'll let you know how I did!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good luck Jan! I didnt get any runs in 7 days before my 10k and was afraid I wouldnt do well, but turns out the rest didnt hurt me. I had my gu's ready, gatorade in my fanny pack and I did some 1 min walks when I needed it ....but I also sprinted for very short times then jogged at a slow pace to the end..I did better time than if i had ran the whole thing straight! At least I think so. I kept my walks if you have to walk dont worry it actually helped me run stronger when I did run.

    wishing you a great race tomorrow!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    OK, check out the new pic and signature!

    I ran the entire 6.2 miles! With my nice slow pace, I finished at 1:29:00! I may not have made my wt loss goal, but I beat my running goal of a 10k in 1:30 by a minute!

    Thanks to all who contributed to the thread while I was training for this race! Especially Jessica! BTW, my 5 mile time was 70:38. I really slowed that last 1.2 miles, but I never stopped running!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member