Starting insanity. Anyone want to start with me?



  • vsdugas
    vsdugas Posts: 1 Member
    I've got one more week and then I'll finish the first 60 days. Started off really great, lost 3 lbs and 3 1/2 inches, then started to follow the nutrition guide on month 2 and it all went down hill from there. The extra fiber and protein did not agree with me. But no fret, I keep on going. I'll be starting over again after next week. For anyone looking for a good pre-workout drink, try this concoction I came up with:

    1-2 Yogi Green Tea Kombucha tea bags in 1/2 cup of boiling water. (Each tea bag is 30 mg caffeine). Then cool and add to 4 oz of blended berries (l do strawberries and blueberries). I mix in a tablespoon of honey and serve. Gets me going and keeps me focused during the workout.

    I'll add you, I need some accountability on some days!
  • RachyD21
    RachyD21 Posts: 83 Member
    I started insanity yesterday. I've been lying on the floor feeling like I'm going to vomit after both the fit test and today's workout. Please tell me I'm not alone, and that this isn't going to happen for the next 60 days?!
  • lookatbigern82
    lookatbigern82 Posts: 12 Member
    Just started yesterday...holy cow, I'm sore today! But looking forward to any results I obtain. I did find a pretty cool app for android, 'insanity tracker'. Tracks your fitness tests, body measurements, and has the calendar. Very cool for people like me, who didn't purchase the DVD set with the calendar and everything.

    Oh, and feel free to add me as a friend. Always looking for people to help motivate me.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    I started insanity yesterday. I've been lying on the floor feeling like I'm going to vomit after both the fit test and today's workout. Please tell me I'm not alone, and that this isn't going to happen for the next 60 days?!

    I felt the same way the first two days..the third day is much easier, then the recovery isn't so bad. Be prepared tho..Shaun T has a completely different definition of the word "recovery" :tongue:
    But I I've yet to do the Pure Cardio, so we'll see if ill be retracting my statement later lol
  • math1201
    math1201 Posts: 10
    Yes it is, you can download the dvd online.
  • math1201
    math1201 Posts: 10
    It will pass.
  • pumpkinbabes
    Was feeling feverish and weak today but I decided to suck it up and do pure cardio today..brutal but made it though..plyometrics tmrw. I can't wait for that rest day!!
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Did Day 4 Cardio Recovery!! And he most definitely has a different definition of recovery lol!! All in all it was a good workout!!
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    One more day until my rest day! I don't think I've ever looked forward to a rest day as much as I'm looking forward to tomorrow. :laugh:
  • RachyD21
    RachyD21 Posts: 83 Member
    Day 3 today, I wasn't quite as bad as yesterday thank goodness. Felt queasy but nothing like before. My calves are on fire and I'm so tired. Need to stop being a baby I think!
  • EmilyW37
    EmilyW37 Posts: 15 Member
    I completed Insanity in March. I don't think I could face it again! Hell of a lot of commitment!#

    Good luck

    E x
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished with Day 41 Max interval circuit. It is 60 non stop minutes long and truly kicked my butt. He does the usual 10 minutes warm up and then goes into the stretch, but from then on it is one circuit after another. Sweating has increased (IF that was even possible!) The last circuit is the most grueling but once it is over - it felt amazing to know I completed it.

    When I did month one - I did not follow the nutrition guide and was sometimes over my daily calorie goals so I only lost a couple of pounds. But since I started month 2, I cleaned up my eating and stayed within my MFP goals and I have lost 3 pounds this week! This program really works if you commit to it. :smile:
  • cait60
    cait60 Posts: 2
    I started last week and I'm now on Day 9. Pure Cardio really is hellish but boy does it feel good when I'm done! I lost 2lbs and 7.9" in my first week so hopefully I'll continue to see good progress. Its so odd as I've never liked working out before but I am really "enjoying" this , if thats the right word!
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    I started last week and I'm now on Day 9. Pure Cardio really is hellish but boy does it feel good when I'm done! I lost 2lbs and 7.9" in my first week so hopefully I'll continue to see good progress. Its so odd as I've never liked working out before but I am really "enjoying" this , if thats the right word!

    Hahaha I'm the same way! When I'm at work I'm always like "oh man, I don't wanna go home cuz that means I have to do Insanity, well actually I take that back..I'm kinda excited."

    Lol its a love-hate relationship for me. Just like my relationship with Shaun T. While I'm working out, panting, and trying not to pass out I'm cussing him out under my breath, but once I'm done I'm like "ok Shaun, I guess you're not all that bad" lol.
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished Day 5 and Pure cardio sure is hell hard but it feels good afterwards!! I am really looking forward to the rest day though which happens to be the same day that I have a doctor's appointment :))

    Hope everyone is doing great with insanity!!
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    Day 42 Max Interval Plyo - done! I had to modify some of the advanced moves but I can tell this one will really shape my abs. I am so excited to have completed my fifth week of Insanity!!!!!! Rest day tomorrow and boy do I need it.

    Everyone - keep pushing play! Have a good one!
  • kelvincornish1
    Tomorrow I start week 5 (core cardio & balance all week). I was pretty fit beforehand but used to do more weights than cardio. I have done lots of circuit training in the past when I was in the Royal Navy but Insanity is different. Weight loss is not my primary goal; bodyfat loss and getting even more toned is my goal. At the age of 52, I am not sure I will ever attain 'six-pack abs' but I have noticed a difference in my shape. I have lost about 7lbs (half a stone in the UK) and 3% bodyfat. So, I realise that at my age I will not have a body of a 30 yr old but I have had a couple of compliments from female friends who have looked at a pic of me coming out of the sea that my wife posted on Facebook! Does the ego a power of good :)

    Do I stick to the nutrition plan rigidly? No. I work full time and it is just not always practical. However, I have adapted to my own tastes and what we can get in the UK. The measurements were difficult because over here we don't normally have a 'cup' measurement but have managed to find some measurement implements in 'cups' in one of our supermarkets. I have cut down on alcohol but do like to have a few beers at the weekend and red wine. I need to have a life and find that it has not hindered my progress. I have learnt a great deal about nutrition since I have been on Insanity; from the book and from youtube.

    So, to those of you just starting Insanity, just keep going. If at my age (53 in October) I can get through it then you can. Most will be younger than me! Keep going and DIG DEEPER!
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    Day 8 was rough this morning but I'm feeling good about getting this far :-)
  • Lass70
    Lass70 Posts: 18 Member
    Awesome job, all!
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I would join, but I'm not doing ONLY Insanity.
    I guess you could say that I am doing an Insanity, Asylum, Asylum Vol. 2, Focus T25, Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Combat hybrid.