Do you have any "banned" foods that you won't allow in your diet?



  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I eat fettuccine alfredo on a regular basis in various versions-Fazoli's has a chicken fettuccine dish with broccoli and mushrooms that comes in at around 500 calories and I get that 2-3 times a month. On the other side of the calorie spectrum is the bacon and chicken tender cheddar mac I got from a local restaurant tonight that was topped with bread crumbs and honey sirachi sauce. Pretty sure it had around a million calories in it and it was worth every one :D

    The only thing I've totally cut out is regular soda and I now drink diet. Otherwise everything else is fair game!
  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    edited February 2017
    Sara1791 wrote: »
    Reading about these all these banned foods is making me hungry. I think I'll go fix myself some creamed corn and pudding skin. ;)

  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    I avoid looking at pop tarts at the store. Not satisfying enough for the calories.

    I agree with avoiding pop tarts for breakfast. I love them but it's just like having dessert for breakfast. I usually go for something that has protein in it.
  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    Water chestnuts. So gross.

    No idea what the point of them even are....
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited February 2017
    Brussel Sprouts - I am gagging just thinking about it. I can't even pass them by in the produce section without shuddering.

    Have you tried roasting them? So good.

    I haven't technically banned anything. If I want something enough I make it work. But.... Often calorie dense stuff just doesn't seem worth it so I pick other things.

    Hmmmm...roasted Brussel sprouts. Nope, still vomit inducing.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Brussel Sprouts - I am gagging just thinking about it. I can't even pass them by in the produce section without shuddering.

    Have you tried roasting them? So good.

    I haven't technically banned anything. If I want something enough I make it work. But.... Often calorie dense stuff just doesn't seem worth it so I pick other things.

    Hmmmm...roasted Brussel sprouts. Nope, still vomit inducing.


    I remember my dad cooking them when I was a kid. I honestly thought the sewer had backed up.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    vanmep wrote: »
    Peanut butter. I haven't banned it but I don't keep it in the house at all because next thing I know I will have eaten half the jar with a spoon.

    It used to be in my banned list too (except on a backpacking trip). Now I buy the singles- I can control myself on those (way easier to visibly see if I am going over 130 calories of peanut butter).
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    Water chestnuts. So gross.

    I love water chestnuts.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I took a break from baked goods and chocolate my first month because I had developed some bad portion control habits surrounding those foods. I started eating them again and have some self control. Yay!

    The only food I don't eat is canned tuna, because my husband thinks I'll get mercury poisoning. I make him buy me fancy Bar Harbor sardines instead, so I'm just fine with that.

    I also don't eat green bell peppers because they are gross. I mean who eats unripe vegetables?
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    I cannot be trusted with full-fat cheese. That's all I'll say.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Peanuts. They make my tongue swell up and my lips and hands balloon out and my lungs stop working right.

    Other than that, absolutely not.
  • MeredithDeVoe1
    MeredithDeVoe1 Posts: 67 Member
    I live in Nigeria. My banned food list is things like dog, rat, or monkey meat. I also don't care for termites and grasshoppers. In the south of Nigeria, they serve up big fat grubs, and that's gonna be a no for me as well. I've eaten cow skin many times (similar to water chestnuts!), porcupine, antelope. I'm pretty game for trying new things. But NEVER dog.

  • VVVeeVee
    VVVeeVee Posts: 22 Member
    definitely pasta. It makes me feel really bloated and just way too full because I always eat too much of it (with a huge amount of cheese on top of course)
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    I haven't banned any foods per se, although there are some that I prefer not to eat anymore as they use up too many of my daily calories. Examples are alcohol, pasta, rice.

    Some foods I eat occasionally, for example ice-cream and cheese.

    Some foods I cannot eat as they are contra-indicated with a medication I take (caffeine and alcohol, although I'd given up alcohol 15 months before starting the drug) so I don't eat chocolate any more, nor do I drink coffee and caffeinated tea.

    Other than that, anything's allowed as long as it fits into my calories.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of veggie hating. Eat those beets and that broccoli! We had pan fried cabbage fritters tonight with a little cabbage out of our garden. They were incredible. Veggies are the best way to mop up those nasty free radicals we all take in every day. I also have said no to refined sugars. They seem addictive to me.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    missh1967 wrote: »
    I cannot be trusted with full-fat cheese. That's all I'll say.

    Okay this is me too. I love all the good cheeses. Can eat ounces with french bread. Yum. Totally haven't been buying that this year.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited February 2017
    Most store bought baked goods aren't worth the calories, but I will happily eat the tastier home made versions.

    Can't stand peanuts/peanut butter, so that's out. Also, celery and offal.

    My digestive system can't handle greasy foods or most full fat dairy - and I always cut the fat off my meat. Suffice it to say, HFLC is not in my future. I would be living in the bathroom. :tongue:
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    In my diet? No. In my apartment? Yes. Basically I don't have any calorie dense hyper palatable foods around.
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    I usually draw the line at deep fried butter. Honestly its more about the calories of the said food for me. I wouldn't just eat up a small portion of 1500 calories, just because I wanna say I can eat anything. I prefer a hearty portion of a healthier meal personally.