Easiest way to lose 20 pounds?

Wanting to lose this weight by the summertime.


  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    20lbs by summer is very achievable. 2lbs a week and no more is the ideal.

    Unfortunately quick and safe are too different things, in your case a simple calorie controlled diet Is enough with moderate exercise.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the above poster. There really is no quick and easy way. We don't gain the weight overnight and it sure isn't going to go away overnight. Could we start by asking you how much you have to lose?
  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    The best exercises are as follows:

    Fork putdowns superset with table pushbacks.

    Or just take your goal weight and figure out how many calories it takes to maintain it with your activity in mind, then eat that every day.
  • krwjohnson
    krwjohnson Posts: 46 Member
    edited February 2017
  • ajoseph5
    ajoseph5 Posts: 25 Member
    Burn more calories, create a calorie deficit which can be adjusted as you lose weight. Please be true to yourself and never give up.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    n1cholee93 wrote: »
    20lbs is doable, but it'd be at least 4 month to achieve. That's about 5lbs a month which is more than accetable for weightloss. Just cut calories and try to grt active at least 30 minutes a day. Walk, run, ride a bike, swim. Just move and get your heart working.

    5lbs a month is doable if she has more than 50 lbs to lose.since we dont know if she is overweight or not,or just trying to lose 20 vanity lbs. lets just say its safe for those with a good amount of weight to lose.
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    If you put in your weight and weight loss goal (.5 to 2 pounds per week) and follow the calorie recommendations on here, then you will easily lose 20 pounds. You have to log everything you eat or drink and not go over. I think you can do this within 4 months easily. I lost 54 pounds in 7 months doing nothing but this.
  • Forciblyfit4fifty
    Forciblyfit4fifty Posts: 15 Member
    Eating 300 - 500 calories under TDEE every day, additionally, .in my case, taking vitamins and having enough protein so that I don't get lathargic while I'm at it
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    If u do this quick and easy thing Ull be here in no time trying to relose it again
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Whether it's possible, depends on how much you have to lose, when summertime is, and how accurately and consistenly you can stick to an appropriate calorie deficit.

    Whether it's going to be easy, depends on how many hoops and loops you go through to make it difficult (and what you consider easy). Losing weight is simple, but it takes effort, commitment and knowledge to do it effectively.
  • Dhomer83
    Dhomer83 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    Easy. Really go for it and do it in 2-3 months :)
  • SophieeBrook
    SophieeBrook Posts: 29 Member
    I exercise 5 days a weeks and eat around 1200 to 1300 cals. Spme days more depending on the type of exercise I do.
    I have been losing around 2kg a month.

    I drink a lot of water and avoid pastas and rice at night because ot makes me bottled. Eat good foods like veggies, fruit, beans, rice, lentils. Avoid meat and dary, but if you still eat it make smart choices about it, no fats.

    This has worked for me, went vegan and lost like 3 kg, after that I started MFP.

    Base line is: exercise and eat in a deficit and you can do it by summer like I will :smile:
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    There really is no "easy" way or quick fix for weight loss. The only equation for losing weight is to eat in a calorie deficit, using whatever strategy you wish. 20 lbs by summer is probably doable, depending on your current stats.
  • Alpine021
    Alpine021 Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2017
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.