Easiest way to lose 20 pounds?



  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.

    2 lbs a week requires a 1000 calories a day deficit, not 500. That's why it's too aggressive for some, because that would put them at a daily calorie intake that is way too low to be healthy or sustainable. It's not about being mean or unsupportive.

    Kind of.
    Yes calories in/out is important.
    However you'll be hard pressed to find any study that backs 1000kcal/day deficit = 2lb loss per week.
    That info is from bomb calorimetry and not studied in an organic environment.
    In other words, someone's 1000kcal/day deficit may only equate to 1lb loss, or 1/4lb loss....
    Keeping it simple:
    Lift weights
    Manage NEAT
    Eat a balanced diet
    Reduce stress
    Sleep better

    All the ingredients of a great lifestyle.
  • Alpine021
    Alpine021 Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2017
    Totally agree. All I'm saying is any individual just needs to hit their BMR (the amount of calories needed for your body to function) after that just exercise to hit your deficit. On days you don't exercise just break even and you will still lose weight over the course of a week. Losing 2lbs a week is not easy and not for everyone but it's a totally healthy weight loss amount if everything else lines up (sex, height, weight, age etc)
  • Alpine021
    Alpine021 Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2017
  • Alpine021
    Alpine021 Posts: 27 Member
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.

    2 lbs a week requires a 1000 calories a day deficit, not 500. That's why it's too aggressive for some, because that would put them at a daily calorie intake that is way too low to be healthy or sustainable. It's not about being mean or unsupportive.

    Kind of.
    Yes calories in/out is important.
    However you'll be hard pressed to find any study that backs 1000kcal/day deficit = 2lb loss per week.
    That info is from bomb calorimetry and not studied in an organic environment.
    In other words, someone's 1000kcal/day deficit may only equate to 1lb loss, or 1/4lb loss....
    Keeping it simple:
    Lift weights
    Manage NEAT
    Eat a balanced diet
    Reduce stress
    Sleep better

    All the ingredients of a great lifestyle.

    Apologies you are right it is a 1000 calorie deficit. I'm sure I've read loads that it's 500! Let's stick to 1lb a week then! 2lbs is possible and on the edge of healthy but very difficult.
  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.

    2 lbs a week requires a 1000 calories a day deficit, not 500. That's why it's too aggressive for some, because that would put them at a daily calorie intake that is way too low to be healthy or sustainable. It's not about being mean or unsupportive.

    Kind of.
    Yes calories in/out is important.
    However you'll be hard pressed to find any study that backs 1000kcal/day deficit = 2lb loss per week.
    That info is from bomb calorimetry and not studied in an organic environment.
    In other words, someone's 1000kcal/day deficit may only equate to 1lb loss, or 1/4lb loss....
    Keeping it simple:
    Lift weights
    Manage NEAT
    Eat a balanced diet
    Reduce stress
    Sleep better

    All the ingredients of a great lifestyle.

    Apologies you are right it is a 1000 calorie deficit. I'm sure I've read loads that it's 500! Let's stick to 1lb a week then! 2lbs is possible and on the edge of healthy but very difficult.

    Just remember we can create deficits in a few ways.
    1) reduce calories
    2) manage NEAT
    3) add exercise

    If you do all three you'll want to monitor stress, sleep, resting heart rate.

    If any of those start to give you trouble, ease off a bit and see how you feel.
    This is the best time to learn what you're capable of.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I exercise 5 days a weeks and eat around 1200 to 1300 cals. Spme days more depending on the type of exercise I do.
    I have been losing around 2kg a month.

    I drink a lot of water and avoid pastas and rice at night because ot makes me bottled. Eat good foods like veggies, fruit, beans, rice, lentils. Avoid meat and dary, but if you still eat it make smart choices about it, no fats.

    This has worked for me, went vegan and lost like 3 kg, after that I started MFP.

    Base line is: exercise and eat in a deficit and you can do it by summer like I will :smile:

    why does the op have to avoid meat and dairy? and why avoid those things with fats? fats are needed for hormone support and so on. fat doesnt make you fat and only should someone cut down or avoid fatty foods if they have a health issue(like FH)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Wanting to lose this weight by the summertime.

    Eat less than you burn.
  • clags301
    clags301 Posts: 69 Member
    Wanting to lose this weight by the summertime.

    Eat less than you burn.

    ⬆️ yup. It's the only way, never mind the easiest. Unless you remove an organ or chop off a body part.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.

    2 lbs a week requires a 1000 calories a day deficit, not 500. That's why it's too aggressive for some, because that would put them at a daily calorie intake that is way too low to be healthy or sustainable. It's not about being mean or unsupportive.

    Kind of.
    Yes calories in/out is important.
    However you'll be hard pressed to find any study that backs 1000kcal/day deficit = 2lb loss per week.
    That info is from bomb calorimetry and not studied in an organic environment.
    In other words, someone's 1000kcal/day deficit may only equate to 1lb loss, or 1/4lb loss....
    Keeping it simple:
    Lift weights
    Manage NEAT
    Eat a balanced diet
    Reduce stress
    Sleep better

    All the ingredients of a great lifestyle.

    Apologies you are right it is a 1000 calorie deficit. I'm sure I've read loads that it's 500! Let's stick to 1lb a week then! 2lbs is possible and on the edge of healthy but very difficult.

    Just remember we can create deficits in a few ways.
    1) reduce calories
    2) manage NEAT
    3) add exercise

    If you do all three you'll want to monitor stress, sleep, resting heart rate.

    If any of those start to give you trouble, ease off a bit and see how you feel.
    This is the best time to learn what you're capable of.

    I would say, we can create deficits in two ways

    the 1) and 3) of your list.

    Often shortened to Eat less, Move more.
    Or eat less than you burn, as posters above said

    However we dont want to reduce calories to below a healthy sustainable level - hence people recomending aim for a steady and healthy weight loss rate which if OP only has 20lb to lose is not going to be at rate of 2lb/week

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.

    For one, it requires 1,000 calorie deficit per day. For two, it really depends on how much you have to lose...someone who only needs to lose 20 Lbs is generally not going to be able to go at that rate.
  • Willekepostma89
    Willekepostma89 Posts: 1 Member
    I exercise 5 days a weeks and eat around 1200 to 1300 cals. Spme days more depending on the type of exercise I do.
    I have been losing around 2kg a month.

    I drink a lot of water and avoid pastas and rice at night because ot makes me bottled. Eat good foods like veggies, fruit, beans, rice, lentils. Avoid meat and dary, but if you still eat it make smart choices about it, no fats.

    This has worked for me, went vegan and lost like 3 kg, after that I started MFP.

    Base line is: exercise and eat in a deficit and you can do it by summer like I will :smile:

    why does the op have to avoid meat and dairy? and why avoid those things with fats? fats are needed for hormone support and so on. fat doesnt make you fat and only should someone cut down or avoid fatty foods if they have a health issue(like FH)

    So true! You don't have to go vegan or even just stop eating dairy or meat. Just eat less than you do now and you'll lose weight. I started about 2 weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs already. I just ate too much beforehand. I eat a bit more fruit now but still eat bread, a bit of junkfood every now and then and I'll have some chips and chocolate sometimes. Just not as much. (and if I do I'll eat less other food so I don't go over my calorie limit of the day. I'm pretty healthy but nothing extreme Everything in moderation :smile:)
    Good luck!!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    amputate a leg.

    that should do it.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    edited February 2017
    multiply your weight x 12
    subtract 500
    that should be your calorie goal each day to lose one pound per week

    example: weight 180
    180 x 12 = 2160
    2160 - 500 = 1660 calories per day

    walking is great exercise :smile:
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    multiply your weight x 12
    subtract 500
    that should be your calorie goal each day to lose one pound per week

    example: weight 180
    180 x 12 = 2160
    2160 - 500 = 1660 calories per day

    walking is great exercise :smile:

    x12 may be too low (calorie wise) for some. especially if their TDEE is higher. for me it gives me calories close to my BMR. it all depends on how much they need to lose as well.
  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Alpine021 wrote: »
    Why do people say losing 2lbs a week is not possible or too aggressive? That's not supportive or motivational. 2lbs a week is absolutely doable. It requires a 500 calorie deficit a day which isn't easy I agree but when you add exercise it's not that hard. 2lbs a week is not only possible but also a perfectly healthy weight loss. Any more is too much - I aim for 1lb a week but 2lbs is fine if you can do it.

    2 lbs a week requires a 1000 calories a day deficit, not 500. That's why it's too aggressive for some, because that would put them at a daily calorie intake that is way too low to be healthy or sustainable. It's not about being mean or unsupportive.

    Kind of.
    Yes calories in/out is important.
    However you'll be hard pressed to find any study that backs 1000kcal/day deficit = 2lb loss per week.
    That info is from bomb calorimetry and not studied in an organic environment.
    In other words, someone's 1000kcal/day deficit may only equate to 1lb loss, or 1/4lb loss....
    Keeping it simple:
    Lift weights
    Manage NEAT
    Eat a balanced diet
    Reduce stress
    Sleep better

    All the ingredients of a great lifestyle.

    Apologies you are right it is a 1000 calorie deficit. I'm sure I've read loads that it's 500! Let's stick to 1lb a week then! 2lbs is possible and on the edge of healthy but very difficult.

    Just remember we can create deficits in a few ways.
    1) reduce calories
    2) manage NEAT
    3) add exercise

    If you do all three you'll want to monitor stress, sleep, resting heart rate.

    If any of those start to give you trouble, ease off a bit and see how you feel.
    This is the best time to learn what you're capable of.

    I would say, we can create deficits in two ways

    the 1) and 3) of your list.

    Often shortened to Eat less, Move more.
    Or eat less than you burn, as posters above said

    However we dont want to reduce calories to below a healthy sustainable level - hence people recomending aim for a steady and healthy weight loss rate which if OP only has 20lb to lose is not going to be at rate of 2lb/week

    I think you may have missed my point.

    Here's some clarification:
    1) eating less and chill.

    2) eating at maintenance and walking your dog 6 times and playing with your child for an hour.

    3) eating at maintenance and reducing calories via exercise.

    I know what eat less, move more is.
    I'm a personal trainer and Nutrition Coach.

    Now you can do all 3 if you like but you have to monitor more moving parts and variables.
    20lbs is easily 15-20 weeks but it's simple if you apply what I've written.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Dan I think it simpler than what you are saying and you are making it sound more complicated.

    It is just eat less than you burn.

    Whether you are a personal trainer, nutrition coach , a nurse or anyone.
  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    Dan I think it simpler than what you are saying and you are making it sound more complicated.

    It is just eat less than you burn.

    Whether you are a personal trainer, nutrition coach , a nurse or anyone.

    Right you are
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Dhomer83 wrote: »
    Easy. Really go for it and do it in 2-3 months :)

    Strong first post.