Calling all "Clean Eaters"



  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    is this a trap?

    omg your back!!!

    Not "a trap", but OMG your traps... and your back...

    I didn't know bee pollen was a "thing", kind of curious to read about it strictly out of curiosity.
  • Th3stral
    Th3stral Posts: 93 Member
    I don't because I'm a vegan (therefore bee pollen is out) and I avoid taking supplements (or medications) as much as possible as I try to get everything from my diet.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet and I take
    -D3 (drs orders because I've been deficient for years)
    -B12 just started this because I cut out meat: taking it once a week
    -woman's multi-vitamin: I'm now eating the healthiest I ever have with daily green smoothies, whole grains, minimal processed foods etc etc and decided to track my nutrients on another site (since mfp doesn't do this grrr). I was surprised to be really low for iron, zinc and calcium. So for now I'm taking the multi-vitamin with the goal of going off of it sooner than later as I figure out how to get those nutrients from my food.
    -flax seed in my green smoothies and sometimes chia seeds. I'm also getting ready to order nutritional yeast :)

    No bee pollen, but local honey is great for allergies (has to be local, from your area).
  • jenijen25
    jenijen25 Posts: 137 Member
    multi vits :)
  • lauraleighsm
    lauraleighsm Posts: 167
    I personally don't take anything. Kind of bypasses the point of getting your nutrition from your diet.

    Our food supply is toxic and we don't have the nutrients in our food and water supply that we used to have. In addition, many herbs can be used for medicinal uses instead of prescription meds that have all kinds of additives.

    I've read about bee pollen! Seems like amazing stuff! I thought about it for my son for his seasonal allergies. Too bad our pesticides are killing these pollinators. :(

    I take chlorella, feverfew for headaches daily, calcium, and vitamin B. Elderberry and garlic for colds. Redmonds clay in my smoothies for magnesium. I think that's all. I too make some medicinal tinctures too.

    I forgot! I also take cordyceps everyday for my immune system and I swear by it! I've been kinda sickly in the past and I think it's because my body can't handle stress. I had shingles, strep and colds that lasted weeks, even with being a pretty healthy eater. Once I started supplementing and gave it about a month, I felt a ton better and have had one cold in the past year!
  • lauraleighsm
    lauraleighsm Posts: 167
    I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet and I take
    -D3 (drs orders because I've been deficient for years)
    -B12 just started this because I cut out meat: taking it once a week
    -woman's multi-vitamin: I'm now eating the healthiest I ever have with daily green smoothies, whole grains, minimal processed foods etc etc and decided to track my nutrients on another site (since mfp doesn't do this grrr). I was surprised to be really low for iron, zinc and calcium. So for now I'm taking the multi-vitamin with the goal of going off of it sooner than later as I figure out how to get those nutrients from my food.
    -flax seed in my green smoothies and sometimes chia seeds. I'm also getting ready to order nutritional yeast :)

    No bee pollen, but local honey is great for allergies (has to be local, from your area).

    What site do you use to track your nutrients?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I personally don't take anything. Kind of bypasses the point of getting your nutrition from your diet.

    Our food supply is toxic and we don't have the nutrients in our food and water supply that we used to have. In addition, many herbs can be used for medicinal uses instead of prescription meds that have all kinds of additives.

    I've read about bee pollen! Seems like amazing stuff! I thought about it for my son for his seasonal allergies. Too bad our pesticides are killing these pollinators. :(

    I take chlorella, feverfew for headaches daily, calcium, and vitamin B. Elderberry and garlic for colds. Redmonds clay in my smoothies for magnesium. I think that's all. I too make some medicinal tinctures too.

    I forgot! I also take cordyceps everyday for my immune system and I swear by it! I've been kinda sickly in the past and I think it's because my body can't handle stress. I had shingles, strep and colds that lasted weeks, even with being a pretty healthy eater. Once I started supplementing and gave it about a month, I felt a ton better and have had one cold in the past year!

    In for the lolz
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I personally don't take anything. Kind of bypasses the point of getting your nutrition from your diet.

    ^ This. I don't claim to eat clean either.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet and I take
    -D3 (drs orders because I've been deficient for years)
    -B12 just started this because I cut out meat: taking it once a week
    -woman's multi-vitamin: I'm now eating the healthiest I ever have with daily green smoothies, whole grains, minimal processed foods etc etc and decided to track my nutrients on another site (since mfp doesn't do this grrr). I was surprised to be really low for iron, zinc and calcium. So for now I'm taking the multi-vitamin with the goal of going off of it sooner than later as I figure out how to get those nutrients from my food.
    -flax seed in my green smoothies and sometimes chia seeds. I'm also getting ready to order nutritional yeast :)

    No bee pollen, but local honey is great for allergies (has to be local, from your area).

    What site do you use to track your nutrients?

  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I personally don't take anything. Kind of bypasses the point of getting your nutrition from your diet.

    ^ This. I don't claim to eat clean either.
    I redifined the term to justify my all clean eaters.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'm not sure what clean eating has to do with apitherapy.

    You should try venom therapy. Its way better than just eating the pollen or honey.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Oh god.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I personally don't take anything. Kind of bypasses the point of getting your nutrition from your diet.

    ^ This. I don't claim to eat clean either.
    I redifined the term to justify my all clean eaters.

    You should publish a diet book. Call it "Clean Eating the Dirty Way." You'll make a mint.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    The only supplements I take is a Vitamin D tablet and a Fish Oil capsule. Last time I had blood work done the doctor told me I needed to start taking Vitamin D and then last week when I told her I was going to try being a vegetarian for a few months, she told me to take a Fish Oil capsule to help me get my omega fatty acids.

    I haven't really heard much about bee pollen, what is it supposed to do?

    Can't you just drink milk?

    I am lactose intolerant otherwise yes I could.

    there is lactose-free milk. same as regular milk, just without lactose.

    I am vitamin D deficient and have been on a prescription supplement for about 2 years. I drink milk and try to spend some time in the sun every day but when I was tested last week it was actually lower than last time I was tested. Unfortunately you can't always get everything you need in the quantities you need it from diet alone.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet and I take
    -D3 (drs orders because I've been deficient for years)
    -B12 just started this because I cut out meat: taking it once a week
    -woman's multi-vitamin: I'm now eating the healthiest I ever have with daily green smoothies, whole grains, minimal processed foods etc etc and decided to track my nutrients on another site (since mfp doesn't do this grrr). I was surprised to be really low for iron, zinc and calcium. So for now I'm taking the multi-vitamin with the goal of going off of it sooner than later as I figure out how to get those nutrients from my food.
    -flax seed in my green smoothies and sometimes chia seeds. I'm also getting ready to order nutritional yeast :)

    No bee pollen, but local honey is great for allergies (has to be local, from your area).

    Iron deficiency is not uncommon, and your calcium deficiency makes sense in light of your Vitamin D deficiency (Vitamin D helps the absorption of Calcium, that's why milk is fortified with Vitamin D). I assume you also don't really eat a lot of meat to begin with (before transitioning to plant-based), and really probably don't eat red meat, which would explain the Zinc deficiency (5 of the top 10 Zinc-containing foods are animal products - ). Like Iron, the Zinc in animal products is more biologically available than the Zinc in plants, too, which doesn't help your cause.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The only supplements I take is a Vitamin D tablet and a Fish Oil capsule. Last time I had blood work done the doctor told me I needed to start taking Vitamin D and then last week when I told her I was going to try being a vegetarian for a few months, she told me to take a Fish Oil capsule to help me get my omega fatty acids.

    I haven't really heard much about bee pollen, what is it supposed to do?

    Can't you just drink milk?

    ...Or just go out in the sun for a few minutes a day around lunchtime. You'll get far more Vitamin D from that than you ever will from drinking milk (milk really doesn't have that much vitamin D, and it's artificially added, anyway, decreasing the bioavailability of it). It's nearly impossible to not be deficient in vitamin D on diet alone. Our bodies need some sunlight.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In... learn what nutrients we're no longer obtaining from the water supply.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't because I'm a vegan (therefore bee pollen is out) and I avoid taking supplements (or medications) as much as possible as I try to get everything from my diet.

    Wouldn't bee pollen be vegan? The bees don't produce the pollen, plants do. It's just collected on the bodies of bees.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The only supplements I take is a Vitamin D tablet and a Fish Oil capsule. Last time I had blood work done the doctor told me I needed to start taking Vitamin D and then last week when I told her I was going to try being a vegetarian for a few months, she told me to take a Fish Oil capsule to help me get my omega fatty acids.

    I haven't really heard much about bee pollen, what is it supposed to do?

    Can't you just drink milk?

    ...Or just go out in the sun for a few minutes a day around lunchtime. You'll get far more Vitamin D from that than you ever will from drinking milk (milk really doesn't have that much vitamin D, and it's artificially added, anyway, decreasing the bioavailability of it). It's nearly impossible to not be deficient in vitamin D on diet alone. Our bodies need some sunlight.

    Sunlight is not enough for everyone. Some people don't produce vitamin D well from sunlight. This is not uncommon in older women.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    In. Because it's a quiet Tuesday at work and I'm going to FTD.