Metabolism Boosters



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You eat plain potato?
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    You eat plain potato?

    ...and plain lettuce with tuna? Your sodium has been really high, which can lead to water retention and feeling bloated. I really have no idea if that's attributing to the problem, though.
  • Yes I eat plain potato with salt and pepper, I weigh my food, I use Walden Farm products, and I just track what my treadmill says. I don't gain or lose weight but I feel like I do, but it could just be I'm always feeling bloated.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I still suggest that you lower carbs and increase fats. You can't get all essential fatty acids at those levels, which is probably screwing with your hormones, thence the reason you lost your period.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Yes I eat plain potato with salt and pepper, I weigh my food, I use Walden Farm products, and I just track what my treadmill says. I don't gain or lose weight but I feel like I do, but it could just be I'm always feeling bloated.

    if you are weighing food on a scale then you need to log accurately by picking accurate entries. you can cross reference most things. for veggies and fruits I try to find a usda entry with the numbers(I still cross reference it to make sure its accurate).are you weighing everything? even things on the weekends? because a lot of those entries dont look like they have been weighed.

    could it be that maybe the walden farms products could be screwing with your stomach and giving you issues there? it can happen. certain foods I cant eat because it gives me stomach issues too.
    fat wont make you fat,so up your fat intake like psuLemon said.cut out the walden farms products for a little while(a couple of weeks) and see if that makes a difference in your stomach issues,including the bloating.I would also cut back a little on the sodium as that can help with not bloating as much.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    If your weight is staying about the same, say a range of + or - 4 pounds or so for a significant time (4+ weeks) no matter what your logged calorie numbers are, you are at maintenance calories for your stats. While tighter logging would give you a better idea on a more accurate number, that will help you plan things out. Again, it seems part of the issue is not enough fat. Using some oils or eating full fat dairy, and the like will quickly help that.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I'm 5'2, my weight fluctuates around 114-123 lbs, I track everything on weekdays, I been doing intense workout for about 4 years, 2 hours on an incline treadmill (38 incline at 3.8 mph which is very intense). I do track macros but I don't follow a IIFYM kind of diet because I would like to eat whatever I want but I do eat very healthy foods during the weekdays and weekends have treats and my cheat meal. I always eat high fiber and low sugar foods, I count net carbs but eat a high carb low fat diet, it says I need to eat at least 112 grams of protein but a lot of times I go over that because I love quest bars and meat. Since I tend to eat 1400-1500 on weekday and whatever on weekends, sometimes I have good workouts and for the last 2-3 weeks they have not been fun. I try eating more like at least 1800 because that's my goal but for some reason, if I eat more than 1400, my workouts are horrible. I feel weaker which doesn't make any sense at all. I take at least 1 day off and eat whatever I want and the next day I have lots of energy but then after that when I go back to normal or try to eat more, I feel weak. I do stick to the same types of foods on weekdays like quest bars, CarbMaster yogurts, high fiber low carb tortillas, light progreso soup, 2 100 calorie popcorn packs, potatoes (I eat baked potatos everyday), halo top, salad, vegetables, sometimes VitaTop, seasoned tilapia, cheddar rice cakes, and I drink 1-1.5 gallons of water a day.

    You didn't really say how many days a week you were doing the 2 hour treadmill walks, but since you said you take 1 day off a week I'll assume 6. At 6 days a week, 2 hours at a time, and with your height, weight, age, assuming the rest of your day is pretty sedentary, you need around 2500 calories a day just to keep up. That's using the calculators over at Their calculator was giving me fits at the time so I didn't get to the macro split suggested but I can guarantee it was more than 30-40g of fat a day. Hop over to their site and give their calculator a try, if you're exercising as hard as you say for a full 2 hours a day six days a week you simply are not eating enough. It's no wonder your hormones are out of whack, it can get worse so you may want to consider adjusting slowly up on your calories. For two hours on a treadmill I'd guess around 2k burn at the most, and that's probably a bit over-inflated. I walk about 4mph average (close to a slow jog) on the weekends in the park and it's all hills, one after another. I walk for five miles or a hair more and it takes me a bit over an hour. Calorie burn averages about 750-800 max. I even run up the hills then at the top of the hills do 15 push ups just to make it more punishing. But regardless if your over-estimating your calories, I think you're under eating, especially for the amount and intensity of exercise you're doing. Just my .02 as usual.
  • Ok my hours vary actually. 5 days is 2 hours, Fridays at least 1 hour and Saturdays 3-4 hours. I do love to exercise on weekends because that's when I have the most energy when I'm not counting.