Besides calories what other things do you limit?



  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    "just by portion control" - think about that for a second.

    I do portion control with everything I eat but it's usually healthier options. Today I'm wanting to eat something not so healthy but I don't want to mess up my progress so I wont.

    I just meant that it was thrown off like "oh just by portion control" which is pretty much actually everything.

    I understand.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I watch salt pretty carefully because I cook for my mom, who has kidney failure, and my dad with high blood pressure.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    I have a real sweet tooth and I eat sweets / cookies pretty often, as otherwise I am prone to cheating. My only restrictions on chocolate are that I try to buy chocolate not sourced from Africa, as they use a lot of slave labor in the cocoa bean fields there. South American chocolate is okay. So if you're having trouble with your chocolate cravings maybe that will help, lol.

    I hate dark chocolate. Milk chocolate for life.

    I never really bought snacks, although I would eat candy from time to time. At this point it's a salty sweet meal I'm craving. Something like chinese food. Which used to be one of my biggest problems before I started to lose weight. Today it's just screaming at me.
  • MomReborn
    MomReborn Posts: 145 Member
    I limit stuff I'm allergic to. Because death/being near death sucks. Other than that, I try to maintain a calorie deficit. If I'm over in the evening, it gives me more of a reason to unwind longer in my workout space.
  • jjohnstonlni
    jjohnstonlni Posts: 42 Member
    I limit nothing except my calories. If I want sugar, I have it as long as I'm within my budget for the day.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Calories. Otherwise, I pretty much eat all the things.

    Well, alcohol too, but I don't drink for other reasons, not related to my weight loss.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    At the end of the day, after food and my excercises, I usually have 600 calories left for the day. I have a real problem letting myself eat all the calories I've been given for the day. Do I have enough calories to eat a cheeseburger? Yes, but I don't want to feel like crap. Sodium is evil to me.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    I watch salt pretty carefully because I cook for my mom, who has kidney failure, and my dad with high blood pressure.

    Sorry to hear about your parents!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I regularly eat take away food that I can't find the exact nutrition info for. I eyeball and pick a good database entry from an American Chinese restaurant chain like Panda Express. Same for Japanese. Same for pizza. Same for everything I don't have the info for. If that's a bit too much of a wing it situation then you could weigh out a portion of the things you have for a little better accuracy.

    None of that is unhealthy, just more calorie dense so needs a little more care not to overeat but one meal isn't going to undo progress. My 63lbs disappeared are proof.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    People ask me what I limit. I tell them calories and sugar. I also feel better when I limit my sodium, don't feel so bloated. A coworker said she is losing weight just by portion control and having a very strict limit on carbs. I feel like everyone I hear from says limit this, limit that. I have lost 38 pounds so far limiting what I'm already doing and I feel like I'm running out of food options making me want to cheat on a meal. Right now I'm craving those foods that are very unhealthy and I don't want to slip up. Some days are easy but today it's been really hard for me to keep my will to not eat those unhealthy foods.

    I dunno - limiting my calories pretty well forces me to limit certain foods to little or none. Portion control IS what it is really about, and that, in effect, is the same thing as limiting calories. If you have lost 38 pounds, obviously you are doing something right. I wouldn't worry about what other people say.

    To stay within my calorie budget means that I do have to cut out a lot of bad habits. But that's a good thing.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    I had a lot of calories left so I decided to eat a meal out. This has been awhile ago. I chose something that I thought was a better choice but had more sodium in it, it seems like if it's low in calories it's high in sodium. Anyway, other than that one meal, which wasn't a big meal anyway I felt bloated. The next day I was 3 pounds heavier at 210 lbs. I would assume it was water weight. I excersiced like crazy and it still took me a week to get back down to what I was before I had the meal which was 207 lbs. So I'm just worried that any slip up will end this way so I don't sway from my normal food plan. I started at 240, am down to 201.8 as from what the scale said this morning so I usually tell myself it's not worth it to be stuck trying to get those extra couple pounds off because it halts my progress by like a week.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    Also like to add that I only ate one meal that was apart from my normal food plan and I gained, from what the scale said, 3 pounds.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I haven't cut anything out, (besides switching from regular soda, to diet). Also, the only thing I track is my calorie intake.

    Makes the whole thing sustainable for me, for the long term :)
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    edited March 2017
    Also like to add that I only ate one meal that was apart from my normal food plan and I gained, from what the scale said, 3 pounds.

    Excess sodium always does that to me. Just be sure to hydrate properly (not excessively, just enough) and it'll go away on its own. It's just water.

    I limit calories and carbs (I'm insulin resistant). I try not to eat out often because that water retention is uncomfortable and it's just easier to meet my calorie requirement with homemade food.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    Also like to add that I only ate one meal that was apart from my normal food plan and I gained, from what the scale said, 3 pounds.

    Excess sodium always does that to me. Just be sure to hydrate properly (not excessively, just enough) and it'll go away on its own. It's just water.

    I drink water after I have a what I call a "SODIUM ATTACK" not excessive but what I normally drink. At this point I'm drinking more water because of my weightloss but I wouldn't say it's excessive.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    People ask me what I limit. I tell them calories and sugar. I also feel better when I limit my sodium, don't feel so bloated. A coworker said she is losing weight just by portion control and having a very strict limit on carbs. I feel like everyone I hear from says limit this, limit that. I have lost 38 pounds so far limiting what I'm already doing and I feel like I'm running out of food options making me want to cheat on a meal. Right now I'm craving those foods that are very unhealthy and I don't want to slip up. Some days are easy but today it's been really hard for me to keep my will to not eat those unhealthy foods.

    I dunno - limiting my calories pretty well forces me to limit certain foods to little or none. Portion control IS what it is really about, and that, in effect, is the same thing as limiting calories. If you have lost 38 pounds, obviously you are doing something right. I wouldn't worry about what other people say.

    To stay within my calorie budget means that I do have to cut out a lot of bad habits. But that's a good thing.

    I think that is what worries me about swaying away from my normal food plan. Because it is working and working well, I'm hesitant to try anything else with it. However, on days like today, I can't help but wonder if I may never be able to eat anything that is not considered healthy for me. Makes me nervous.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    Also like to add that I only ate one meal that was apart from my normal food plan and I gained, from what the scale said, 3 pounds.

    Excess sodium always does that to me. Just be sure to hydrate properly (not excessively, just enough) and it'll go away on its own. It's just water.

    I drink water after I have a what I call a "SODIUM ATTACK" not excessive but what I normally drink. At this point I'm drinking more water because of my weightloss but I wouldn't say it's excessive.

    Sounds good. I made that point because people often think they need to drink gallons of water, which isn't necessary. I usually drink a large glass with each meal, which is plenty when combined with all of the other liquids I'm getting (coffee, soup, yogurt, etc.)

  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I limit calories, try to get enough protein and fats and let the rest fall where they may.
  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    I limit calories, try to get enough protein and fats and let the rest fall where they may.

    Which are the good fats? I'm not really educated on fats. I hear people say to consume fats as part of a balanced nutrition but I never know which fats are good for you. I am assuming that saturated fat is the bad fat?