uncaring spouse



  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    Ever wonder why we condemn other countries for their spousal abuse yet I wonder what the statistics are her in the USA?

    I'm not sure I understand the point you're making. Are you saying we condemn other countries for spousal abuse while allowing it to happen here? Or we condemn it in other countries when it's just as bad here? I can't tell what connection you're making

    I just mean we are no better

    Ah I see. I think as a country we're definitely better. There are help-lines, shelters, therapists, etc. where as somewhere like Saudi Arabia rape isn't even illegal.

    Unfortunately it took the US until, 1993 for marital rape to; become illegal nationwide!

    Really??? Wow didn't know that. In some areas we are really not that far ahead of some so called third world countries

    Are you kidding me? We are SO far ahead of those countries, some still perform female castration for example. If you really think that as a First World citizen you have it only just a little bit better than someone living in the Congo you need to get out more.

    The outrage for me's that, these atrocities just shouldn't have; ever occurred at all! Regardless of, whom/where has it; worse currently!
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Ever wonder why we condemn other countries for their spousal abuse yet I wonder what the statistics are her in the USA?

    I'm not sure I understand the point you're making. Are you saying we condemn other countries for spousal abuse while allowing it to happen here? Or we condemn it in other countries when it's just as bad here? I can't tell what connection you're making

    I just mean we are no better

    Ah I see. I think as a country we're definitely better. There are help-lines, shelters, therapists, etc. where as somewhere like Saudi Arabia rape isn't even illegal.

    Unfortunately it took the US until, 1993 for marital rape to; become illegal nationwide!

    Really??? Wow didn't know that. In some areas we are really not that far ahead of some so called third world countries

    Are you kidding me? We are SO far ahead of those countries, some still perform female castration for example. If you really think that as a First World citizen you have it only just a little bit better than someone living in the Congo you need to get out more.

    The outrage for me's that, these atrocities just shouldn't have; ever occurred at all! Regardless of, whom/where has it; worse currently!

    Agreed !education is a wonderful thing
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    You may need to start saving, get educated, getting a job and getting out of there when you are ready. At this time there doesn't appear to be a rush.
  • henrycrib
    henrycrib Posts: 18 Member
    My daughter has been in a relationship like that. 10 years. 2 kids. We have helped a lot. Finally got her and kids out from under his financial control and into a place of their own. She started working at Walmart for $12 hr and hardly needs any help now. We babysit the grandkids full time but we love that. He is such a piece of crap that he hardly ever sees the kids and hasn't given her one dime. He is required to but it isn't enforced. She is so much happier now than she has ever been. Also dating a really nice guy too! Life is too short to waste time not living. Get your kids into a better situation! You will never regret that. Good luck!
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    Best way to fix this: good bye.
  • MomReborn
    MomReborn Posts: 145 Member
    My ex was verbal at first. Then, we were not allowed outside of the back room of the house because he paid more of the rent and utilities. Finally, he became physical in front of the kids after I enrolled in school. I had to finish a programming class with a broken nose.

    Kiddos should never have to see the ones they love get hurt by the other. Verbal and emotional abuse is just wrong. He sees the change/improvement and it threatens his sense of control over you.

    You are not an object to be owned, and your children are not meant to be silent pawns watching as one parent grinds the other down. We silently teach them how to treat others as well as how we should be treated with our relationships.

    Stay strong, and try to reach out to support groups. I agree, life is too short to be treated like that. <3