What's wrong with your cat?



  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I have three cats... all of them go outside to potty like a dog

    Oliver - He doesnt like any other cats (makes it hard in my house) Doesnt like to touch the ground and loves his tummy petted. He will lay on his back and meow and purr.

    Shadow - this is my daughters cat but really loves everyone. She loves to talk to you all the time and demands you talk to her back. She comes to you when you call her the whole time shes talking to you.

    Bubbles - this cat is the weirdest i think i have. She got locked in the freezer as a kitten and i think it messed up her head a bit. She gets her "babies" (stuffed animals) and walks around the house crying. Not sure why she does this. She sleeps by laying on your shoulder then down the back while hugging you with her paws. She isnt friendly at all really unless it is at night and she needs you to lay on. Other wise she would rather notbe bothered.

    thats it... all three of my cats!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Maisy, or as she likes to be known, Queen of The Universe! Played fetch since she was a baby. I'm not sure who adopted whom, though. When my GF brought her and her littler mates to work one night I was petting and loving on a sweet little thing who fell asleep with one paw in my bra. All while the others were playing around me, and this other cat who was up around my head (I was sitting on the floor, she was on the couch) batting at my head, and cleaning my hair. She's the one who came to live with us. I worked on an ambulance on an Indian Reservation and she was born on that same Res, to a Native family, so in her "file" at the vets her "breed" is Menominee Indian. Because, she is. She's Native American. She drinks from the sink, and you should see her boss our 3 dogs around. Our dogs are a Black Lab, Rott, and Boxer/German Shepherd. They bow to her and do her bidding! If they're chasing the kitten and she doesn't like it, she'll run into the fray and start telling off the dogs. They back off and all go lay down. 'Cuz she said! She has the greenest eyes I've ever seen on any living creature. They're emerald green.

    Nahla is our baby cat. She's our rescue. She maybe weighs 4 lbs. The day we brought her home she just took. It's like she's lived here forever. She loves to sit at the bottom of the stairs and wait for Maisy to come down so she can attack her. She keeps Maisy moving which is good because if ever there needed to be a MFP for cats, Maisy'd need it! Nahla loves to climb, one of her favorite things to climb is the coat tree. The top of doors, top of closet shelves, you never know when Nahla might be up above! She LOVES to tease the dogs! She's so naughty! Then they'll start chasing her, she gets scared and, yep, in steps Maisy who tells them off. Nahla's tail must have been broken when she was very young, because 1 it's got a knot at the end of it, and 2 it doesn't stay straight, it curves like a C. She also loves the cat carrier, we can't put it away, we think it's because all the dogs get kenneled at night and she thinks of this as hers. So at night when I tell the dogs it's time for bed and to go get in their houses, Nahla goes and get's into her carrier. I really should shut it though, because every morning around 7:00 she's downstairs teasing those dogs in their kennels. Not fun to wake up to.
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    One of my cats thinks she's a dog and is leader of a pack of dogs; a chihuahua and wiener dog.
  • queenbree13
    queenbree13 Posts: 89 Member

    This is Sassy, or I like to call her, Sasquatch. She's spoiled by my 8 year old brother. For HIS 5th birthday he actually asked for clothes for Sassy. hahaha. Adorable.

    Anyway. When her food bowl is empty. She does this.
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    So so so so many things... I have 6 cats in my life (4 were at my Mom's when I lived at home but they still count!)

    Udderone: Last kitten left in a litter of 6 males and we ran out of names. We called him "the other one" for a couple months and it evolved into Udderone because we have cows lol anyway, he has arthritis and if we let him outside, he comes back limping so he is an indoor kitty. Every time he sneaks out you can see him going "OUCH OUCH CRAP OUCH!" on the rocks outside. He will sit at your feet and scooch closer to you making a little "meow?" noise till he's close enough to put one claw out and touch your knee. He will continue till you pick him up. He will also nibble on toes. He won't go to sleep at night till he is laying between my parents and they are both touching him. He's pretty fat and has a bald belly! Many other things but who has the time lol

    Sommer: (said "summer") never was the brightest cat but was hit by a car about 6 years ago. He is the FUNNIEST cat ever! He will walk into a room and do the "what the heck am I doing here?" stare. He'll sit there for a few minutes then leave. He looks at his water bowl for at least a minute before drinking. Then he'll put his hand in the water, look at it, then lick it as if to say, "huh, looks like there IS water in there" and he'll start drinking. And we have this thing called "sommering" (as in "wow! He just sommered me!"). He'll come up to you and go reeeeeeeeeeally slow till he's on your lap and you DON'T KNOW WHERE HE CAME FROM!

    Lambert: Terrified of everything. Lived under my mom's bed for about a year before she decided we were ok.

    Blackie: Huge black tabby. Looks super manly but sounds like a gimpy girl scout.

    Trevor: My sister's cat (I live with him). He will assault your face when he's happy to see you. I wake up often to him head butting me. He gave me a bloody nose once... If you pick him up he'll give you a nudge most times but you know he's REALLY happy when he nibbles and licks your ear. He has to be put to bed because, as far as we can tell, he is either afraid of the dark or gets lost at night. If we go to bed without him in one of our rooms (with the door shut) he will sit in the living room and cry at night. He also hates men for some reason.

    And then there's Chester: he is my baby! He's not too strange (says his mom lol). He plops though... As in he will be standing and will fall over to lay down. That's how he lays down 90% of the time. He is the WORST hunter ever! He loves playing with hair ties and will get down to pounce on them and will purr uncontrollably! I can just see him in the wild "oohh! a bird! PURRRRRRRRR!!! Oh, it flew away :("

    So ya, as if you can't tell, I will be the crazy cat lady by the time I'm 30 lol
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
    Def. not a cat person. The only one I can take is my own that I've had for forever!

    Mine waits until I fall asleep to start playing with the door stopper behind the door! Those springs that bounce back and forth, and make that annoying sound, and if you try to cover it up she'll meow like crazy until you uncover it. Theres really no sleep involved in my life because of this cat. Hahaha