Looking for support while trying to get healthy dealing with depression



  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    :'( I have had a terrible day too @ Claireariela , very little sleep as I had a migraine that started yesterday and still has not abated despite medication, facial massage, meditation, peppermint drops on temples etc!!! I had little appetite took a nap cause meds made me and woke up ravenous, so I proceeded to eat a HUGE piece of the apple pie thing from yesterday, followed by just a small piece of leftover lasagna. The sugar craving didn't help headache now Im just nauseous. :#
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    What do you all do for better sleep? Does anyone have a bed time?
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    What do you all do for better sleep? Does anyone have a bed time?

    What works for me: no coffee past noon, phone off by 10, exercise, yoga, and wake up at the same time no matter how little or much sleep I got. Doing a combo of all of these things leads to me falling asleep and staying asleep. By the second day of these I fall asleep like a normal human being... but obviously it's hard to do all these things :smiley: but worth it.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    No, one person got off their own & shared.

    Nicely put. Literally exactly what happened.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    What do you all do for better sleep? Does anyone have a bed time?

    What works for me: no coffee past noon, phone off by 10, exercise, yoga, and wake up at the same time no matter how little or much sleep I got. Doing a combo of all of these things leads to me falling asleep and staying asleep. By the second day of these I fall asleep like a normal human being... but obviously it's hard to do all these things :smiley: but worth it.

    Yes, phone off by 10 & a.m. yoga for me too. I do self-hypnosis tapes these days.
  • claireariela
    claireariela Posts: 29 Member
    Oh girls, I'm having a terrible day. :'(

    Struggling with sleep is a terrible thing. Just when I thought I was getting better, I couldn't sleep till 4 in the morning last night (okay, my fault really because I was watching the Manchester United game till 1am). But when these late sleeps happen, I wake up and then get panic and anxiety attacks about not waking up early for work and all the things I'm not doing. It is a big fight. Even though it has gotten better with me incorporating exercise into my routine, it's still a struggle. It takes me a while to just sit and calm myself down. Someone asked me recently "what will make you happy?" And I have been so bothered because I didn't (and still don't) have an answer. :(

    I've been coordinating some work stuff this morning and afternoon, but I have this great anxiety preventing me from actually going to my office. >_< This isn't me at all! I love my work and my team! But I think there are so many problems there that I feel caught. >_<

    This is not good :(
    I think I should start some "things that make me happy" list.

    I'm sorry you are not feeling good today. Isn't it crazy how one night of bad sleep/ waking up late can have such a huge difference on our day? Please keep us updated, I hope you make it to the office today, I bet you will feel much better after crossing that hurdle.

    @WickAndArtoo yeah. It takes a lot of discipline. I didn't go in the end, though I did get out for a work meeting. I'm going to try again today. :)

  • claireariela
    claireariela Posts: 29 Member
    rebruce449 wrote: »
    :'( I have had a terrible day too @ Claireariela , very little sleep as I had a migraine that started yesterday and still has not abated despite medication, facial massage, meditation, peppermint drops on temples etc!!! I had little appetite took a nap cause meds made me and woke up ravenous, so I proceeded to eat a HUGE piece of the apple pie thing from yesterday, followed by just a small piece of leftover lasagna. The sugar craving didn't help headache now Im just nauseous. :#

    Gosh, what a day you had. Have you been getting out for your walks? Walking in a park with the smell of peppermint drops sounds like an awesome plan. :)

    I'm going to try to sleep earlier today. I signed up for some early races so I need to start conditioning myself to get up at 4am to reach my races by 5am. Hopefully it will work out! :)
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    rebruce449 wrote: »
    :'( I have had a terrible day too @ Claireariela , very little sleep as I had a migraine that started yesterday and still has not abated despite medication, facial massage, meditation, peppermint drops on temples etc!!! I had little appetite took a nap cause meds made me and woke up ravenous, so I proceeded to eat a HUGE piece of the apple pie thing from yesterday, followed by just a small piece of leftover lasagna. The sugar craving didn't help headache now Im just nauseous. :#

    Gosh, what a day you had. Have you been getting out for your walks? Walking in a park with the smell of peppermint drops sounds like an awesome plan. :)

    I'm going to try to sleep earlier today. I signed up for some early races so I need to start conditioning myself to get up at 4am to reach my races by 5am. Hopefully it will work out! :)

    Did you wake up at 4?! I wake up at 4... so if you want we can chat to keep each other accountable. Races are so much fun, I hope to sign up for one soon. Are they 5ks ?
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @wellnesschaser it's amazing what a difference those things can make! That's cool about the self hypnosis, although after that friends episode, I would definitely want to do a test run listen if the tape first
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words. Went to Dr today to see if sinus infection, nope just migraine, got some new meds so hoping it will resolve. I'm going to walk after dinner. Hope everyone had a great day!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Well I was feeling terrible yesterday, but though with a good nights sleep I would feel better today, but I don't. It's so frustrating, I was feeling great for a while there but I'm doing everything "right" but all of a sudden it's not making me feel better.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Never mind, turns out I am just sick... which is kind of sad that I can't tell the difference between my depression and the flu.
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    @WickAndArtoo hope the remainder of today gets better, I can relate been a lousy week so far for me. :)
  • claireariela
    claireariela Posts: 29 Member
    Hey lovelies! Sounds like quite a few of us are somehow having a bad week! I haven't run for a few days now :'( but I got myself a new pair of shoes (cause my other pair I use for hike just wasn't helping with my knees), so I intend to make time sometime today to get back on track! I must!

    Let's encourage each other to have better days! You can! One step, one day, at a time. Today can be that "one day"! :)

    @rebruce449 I'm running a 10k.... Well, more likely walk-jogging it. I meant to do a 5, but when I registered, it just felt really lame for me to do a 5k because I completed a 10k a couple of years ago. I'm not sure if I've bitten off more than I can chew (I probably have), but I can't change my category now. I'm going to just focus on finishing the race (even if I end up walking all the way). I just hope my knees hold up... I think I injured my patella with overzealous running last week >_<

    @WickAndArtoo get well soon!
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    Hi all. My Sunday and Monday were rough but I'm feel grateful it seemed to shift yesterday. I'm focusing on self-care this week, and that meant an extra walk on my break today in this gorgeous cemetery we have nearby. It was so beautiful, all the flowering trees are blooming at once and the place was full of birdwatchers. I'm also trying to feel less guilty about indulging, (getting a pedicure before I get the baby!) and also quit comparing myself to everyone all the time (i.e. I should work more or I should get pedicures more). Silly stuff but what I'm working on! I hope you guys who are under the weather feel better soon.
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    Goodnight to all, this was a lousy *kitten* day for me. I even had a bit of a pasta binge which rarely happens to me unless I am super anxious which i am. See Dr tomorrow, I hope its a better day. I will have to leave the house!
  • donnamarie6449
    donnamarie6449 Posts: 5 Member
    It's tough as I know I crave all the wrong foods and some days my will power goes. I've been diagnosed with menieres as well so my balance is out during episodes which gets me down, feel free to add me think mutual support and accountability always helps. Ido crossfit but had to modify at home during being off work sick, exercise is amazing for me emotionally though
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    edited May 2017
    @wellnesschaser that walk sounds amazing, I'm glad your week took a turn for the better.

    @rebruce449 I am so sorry you had a bad day, I hope that the Dr. will be able to find something that works for you. Getting out of the house is a good goal, sometimes even if it's just a little.

    @donnamarie6449 It sounds like you are doing a great job, it really is hard to ignore food cravings, I personally haven't quite figured that part out yet. Food is just so good!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @claireariela that's fun you got new running shoes, I love new running shoes! Now you will have them just in time to break in for your 10k. I am certain you will do great on your 10k, way to set great goals.

    And thank you, I am feeling much better today. lol yesterday I had a fever and bundled up and napped for 4 hours strait! I can't decide if I was more shocked I napped that long or that my dogs managed to not bark at something for that long.
  • sportynad9
    sportynad9 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks so much for your post rebruce!
    You're definitely not alone, I also put on quite a few kilos after years of battling mental health issues (extreme anxienty, OCD) which left me in a bit of a state. You can absolutely recover from this and it's amazing that you're here and happy to open up.
    What I can recommend and what has personally helped me a lot mentally, to regain my self confidence and to keep up the motivation is meditation. There are some amazing free videos on youtube if you search for "Anxiety meditation" or "stress meditation". It takes a while to get into it and to be able to switch off, but I can't even begin to explain how much of a difference it my life it has made.
    I'm currently at the very beginning of my weight loss journey. I only have about 5 kilos to lose which is not a lot, but I'm starting to realise now that just slightly reducing portions won't do it :)

    I wish you all the best of luck and strength, and I'm sure you will return to happieness again very soon.