How Do You Deal With the Toxic/Negative People in Your Live?

This may seem like an odd question, but I have an issue with my father when comes to my weight and trying to do something better for myself. My father is older, and I go to clean his house, take him to doctor's appointments, etc. Literally, I'm the only reason he can live on his own. However, he is one of the most negative people in my life - especially when it comes to my weight. If he thinks I'm trying to lose weight, he starts laughing and telling me how I'll only fail. He criticizes everything I eat, and I mean everything. One time, I was snacking on a few baby carrots, and he started telling me that was why I was so fat. Now, he has this thing where he wants us to go out to eat, but then he constantly talks about everything I eat. No matter what I eat, I'm eating way too fast and eating twice as much as him. It's to the point, I won't eat around him, which really messes up any sort of schedule on the days I'm around him. Plus, this isn't a new thing or something that happened when he got older. He's always been like this. He used to buy me laxatives and tell me to take twice the recommended dose so I wouldn't gain weight since, " man wants a fat woman."

I can't just walk away from him because he needs me, and he's still my dad. I'm doing my best not to stress eat after I see him, and I think I'm doing better. I was with him yesterday, and I didn't go home and splurge. Of course, because we were out all day, I did eat a sandwich, and he had to make a joke about how much I love to eat.

Honestly, I'm not sure there's much I can do. I'm trying to just tell myself not to listen to him. Too bad I'm having trouble listening to myself on that one.

Anyone in a similar situation? Advice?


  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    He's still my dad, and I'm the only person he has now. I feel bad enough that I dread going around him.

    He's literally on the phone now. I just let him talk to me. It makes him feel better. I don't listen to a lot of what he says on the phone.
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    Dad is abusive. I recognize that much, and he has been my entire life. He's a diagnosed narcissist, so part of his personality is to put people down. I sort of accept that, and try not to to let it get to me. There are times that's not as easy though.

    I think it stems from his own weight. He's around 330lbs, but insists he's losing so much weight that doctors are worried. I do have issues, and I'm working slowly but surely to get my weight under control. He just makes it difficult.

    And the end of the phone conversation is that he wants me to take him to a steak house tomorrow. The pattern continues.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    lucypstacy wrote: »
    Dad is abusive. I recognize that much, and he has been my entire life. He's a diagnosed narcissist, so part of his personality is to put people down. I sort of accept that, and try not to to let it get to me. There are times that's not as easy though.

    I think it stems from his own weight. He's around 330lbs, but insists he's losing so much weight that doctors are worried. I do have issues, and I'm working slowly but surely to get my weight under control. He just makes it difficult.

    And the end of the phone conversation is that he wants me to take him to a steak house tomorrow. The pattern continues.

    That was my first thought when I read your post; narcissistic personality disorder but this is the internet and drugstore psych diagnosis and all... sorry you have to deal with that.
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    The problem with getting people to help him is that he thinks he knows more than them. He went to a doctor recently who told him he needed more exercise because he's starting to have trouble walking due to his weight and gout. He said that the doctor didn't know what he was talking about. He is going to physical therapy now, but he won't do the exercises at home. I try to get him to go out and do more, although it's difficult. He likes fishing, so I can at least get him to go to the lake.

    I'm not sure why I feel this responsible. I guess it's because I'm his only child. He was also the youngest in his family, so they're mostly gone, and he never connected with his nieces or nephews. This all really started last November. He had sepsis so bad that it had affected his mind, and I drove to his house (at that time he lived like 100 miles away) and took him to the hospital. They wanted to stick him in a veteran's nursing home, but I didn't want that. I didn't think his confused state was permanent (it wasn't), and I'd heard horrible things about that nursing home. Since then, he moved closer. I'm supposed to go to his house once a week, but I'm there 3-4. Last night he called after six to tell him his second ex-wife (my former stepmother not my mom) was in the hospital and he was worried about his dog because his ex's brother wants to get rid of her. I drove him up there to get the dog and ended up at walmart at midnight buying dog food. I didn't get home until after 2am. That's really typical for him.

    He tells people I'm a bad daughter all the time, so I know I should walk away, but I really can't do that.
  • wildb1
    wildb1 Posts: 35 Member
    This really comes down to: "How do you want to spend your life energy?" Any answer is OK, as long as you are making it. I feel for you.. I have had to and am still working on "Asking for what I want in life". It is not easy and requires constant work and attention. I wish you the best if you choose to take on this challenge.

  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    I know he won't change. Only I can change. It's not always easy because this has been a life long struggle. When I tell him to back off, that's when I get the comments about how I'm mean and hateful. Honestly, I do have a shorter temper when I'm with him because I'm already on edge.

    I just can't let him derail me.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    lucypstacy wrote: »
    Dad is abusive. I recognize that much, and he has been my entire life. He's a diagnosed narcissist, so part of his personality is to put people down. I sort of accept that, and try not to to let it get to me. There are times that's not as easy though.

    I think it stems from his own weight. He's around 330lbs, but insists he's losing so much weight that doctors are worried. I do have issues, and I'm working slowly but surely to get my weight under control. He just makes it difficult.

    And the end of the phone conversation is that he wants me to take him to a steak house tomorrow. The pattern continues.

    What if I Want to Continue the Relationship?

    How to Avoid the Wrath of the Narcissist

    1. Never disagree with the narcissist or contradict him;
    2. Never offer him any intimacy;
    3. Look awed by whatever attribute matters to him (for instance: by his professional achievements or by his good looks, or by his success with women and so on);
    4. Never remind him of life out there and if you do, connect it somehow to his sense of grandiosity;
    5. Do not make any comment, which might directly or indirectly impinge on his self-image, omnipotence, judgment, omniscience, skills, capabilities, professional record, or even omnipresence. Bad sentences start with: "I think you overlooked ... made a mistake here ... you don't know ... do you know ... you were not here yesterday so ... you cannot ... you should ... (perceived as rude imposition, narcissists react very badly to restrictions placed on their freedom) ... I (never mention the fact that you are a separate, independent entity, narcissists regard others as extensions of their selves, their internalization processes were screwed up and they did not differentiate properly) ..."

    You get the gist of it.