I bloat after eating anything



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Diem78 wrote: »
    I'm kind of confused as to why you posted photos. I don't SEE any noticeable, abnormal bloating in any of them. It does look like you're pushing your stomach out (your back is even arched.) If you FEEL so bloated that you feel crummy after eating, that is something you should tell your physician.

    From my observation, people who post these types of posts along with picture generally want attention.

    OP, congrats on your food baby. It's not bloat. It's food. Also, stop pushing out your belly.

    So much this.

    If one pours water into a balloon, it gets bigger. Logic. It's NORMAL. Now don't not eat to prevent it..
  • nickhinds88
    nickhinds88 Posts: 44 Member
    This is normal all that food and liquid have to go somewhere while there being digested.
  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member

    You literally have nothing to worry about. I'm a UK size 10 and I suffer with bloat so badly I can't see my toes. Seriously I get stopped and asked when I am due because I literally look pregnant. I agree with what someone said, you may have some body issues

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Many are commenting on bloat as if it is just a vanity issue. If that is truely the case then please ignore me. if not, bloating is painful and causes BM issues. It hurts and if it doesn't hurt, it just feels gross.

    I was bloated as a size 8/10. It hurt. I was bloated as a size 14. It hurt.

    Think of it like water retention. If your ankles are swollen, sure it looks bad but it isn't exactly an ideal health situation
  • A_Rene86
    A_Rene86 Posts: 141 Member
    My boyfriend is extremely lean, like you appear to be, and his stomach has the same minor distended appearance anytime he eats. On a larger person, the stomach expansion that occurs following a meal is not usually noticeable, but when your body fat percentage is very low, there's little to hide this expansion. I could be entirely wrong, but having witnessed this with my other half for many years, I suspect you're experiencing the same.
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    Bloat feels awful, regardless of what it looks like. I used to have worse/more uncomfortable bloating when I was thinner, too.

    If it's a medical issue, then keep working with your medical professional. On an anecdotal note, this is what helps me: a variety of fermented foods to maintain gut health. It's very possible that you have a gas producing bug in your GI system, and each time you eat they have, so to speak, a little party. Adding more healthy bacteria to your gut gives those gas producing bacteria something to compete with, and slows down their activity.

    I know you're vegan, but I personally eat yogurt everyday, and each time I go to the store I get a different brand so I can get a variety of different bacterial strains. Raw sauerkraut, kimchi, keffir, fermented lentils, etc - all great, and vegan. Even more important are prebiotics like lots of raw produce and whole grains. As far as commercial probiotics, the medical community is still unsure. The idea of probiotics is great and has promise, but no one has agreed with what probiotics should be in a supplement.

    Also, don't increase your fiber intake suddenly - add it very gradually, and increase your water intake with it. A sudden increase in soluble fiber without enough additional water can give you bad, very painful bloating.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    OP Hellllllllllooooo. Are you still there?? :smile:
  • Auroradomani
    Auroradomani Posts: 2 Member
    OP - if you have been diagnosed with IBS, have you actually tried a low FODMAP diet? Many sufferers of IBS have had success in minimizing their symptoms, including bloating, by eating a low FODMAP diet (where you eliminate all foods that are not low FODMAP, and then slowly reintroduce foods that are high FODMAP to see what your triggers are). If this isn't something you've already tried I'd talk to your GI doctor about it and give it a shot under the instruction of a registered dietitian. Many fruits, vegetables, and grains that you would eat on a vegan lifestyle are actually high FODMAP and could be irritating your gut.
    *please discuss this with your doctor of course*
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    To me,you don't look bloated (I could post a pic of my pregnant looking belly but like someone else has said,it's not a competition) However,I get that feeling bloated is not the same as looking bloated and if you feel bloated ,that's unpleasant and uncomfortable.
    I agree with a couple of suggestions above about actually cutting down on fibre and going "low residue " Also sugar alcohols/artificial sweeteners do this to me (usually present in anything labelled "diet")
  • AmyLou0256
    AmyLou0256 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2017
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited April 2017
    I posted this a few times to other websites but all seem to not make sense to me.

    Ok so whenever I eat and I mean absolutely anything every thing on a food triangle absolutely anything. Down to chicken, cheese, crisps, gluten free foods, dairy free foods, healthy snacks, all fruits and the list goes on. I tend to bloat after eating anything. Went to my doctors I got tests for ceolice and lactose intolerant and they came back fine, I asked to be tested for h.ply and sibo and other stuff but they rule it down to IBS. I've been on all sorts of diets, it's been going on for since I was about 16 now I'm 19. Right now I'm trying out the vegan lifestyle and it all still makes me bloat up. Even smoothies and juices make me bloat I'm at my tale end with this.

    Do y'all have any solutions and yes I've tried all sorts of probiotics and digest enzymes nothing helps! Thanks

    So, your doctor diagnosed you with IBS. Did he/she refer you to a dietitian to help you with a low FODMAP elimination diet? Just figuring out trigger foods and either minimizing them or avoiding them helps lessen the severity of bloating symptoms. I had similar problems, was diagnosed with IBS, and found out through the low FODMAP elimination diet that I have a sensitivity to wheat. I have known for years that I am lactose and soy intolerant.

    ETA: you don't look bloated in your photographs.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have a good friend who is celiac and she bloats when she eats gluten. I'm not seeing bloat in your pictures.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    AmyLou0256 wrote: »

    Why do you say this?
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have a good friend who is celiac and she bloats when she eats gluten. I'm not seeing bloat in your pictures.

    Yeah, I have celiac and IBS.

    OP, if you have IBS, some foods are just going to make you bloat.

    Have you consulted a gastroenterologist about trying a FODMAPS elimination protocol to find out what triggers your IBS?