I bloat after eating anything

I posted this a few times to other websites but all seem to not make sense to me.

Ok so whenever I eat and I mean absolutely anything every thing on a food triangle absolutely anything. Down to chicken, cheese, crisps, gluten free foods, dairy free foods, healthy snacks, all fruits and the list goes on. I tend to bloat after eating anything. Went to my doctors I got tests for ceolice and lactose intolerant and they came back fine, I asked to be tested for h.ply and sibo and other stuff but they rule it down to IBS. I've been on all sorts of diets, it's been going on for since I was about 16 now I'm 19. Right now I'm trying out the vegan lifestyle and it all still makes me bloat up. Even smoothies and juices make me bloat I'm at my tale end with this.

Do y'all have any solutions and yes I've tried all sorts of probiotics and digest enzymes nothing helps! Thanks


  • meganchristiie
    meganchristiie Posts: 3 Member
  • meganchristiie
    meganchristiie Posts: 3 Member
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    are you eating the chemical chit storms known as low fat, no fat, and gluten free "junk" that isn't food? Some of them such as sugar and fake sugar kill the healthy gut bacteria that helps you digest food and crave good foods. Antibiotics kill the healthy bacteria too. If so, stop consuming them, and eat those you know are good for you such as a variety of different colored vegetables. These feed the healthy bacteria in your gut. So does eating fermented foods like keifer, kimchi, sauerkraut and yogurt. After you've feed your healthy bacteria for a few days and not had bloat, then add one suspect food. See how it goes for a few days. If well, reincorporate it into your diet. Repeat.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    If you bloat, you might want to do an elimination diet like Whole30 to see what your triggers are. Also Pay attention to how you prepare foods. I.e. cooked vegetables vs raw, soaking beans before cooking them, etc.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I look bloated every single night, I call it my food baby, my belly is back down to normal by the next morning. It's pops out even worse when I've eaten loads of fibre.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I have a good friend who is celiac and she bloats when she eats gluten. I'm not seeing bloat in your pictures.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    when you put food into your belly, it expands...that's not bloating...that's just normal expansion from putting something in your gut...
    I posted this a few times to other websites but all seem to not make sense to me.

    Ok so whenever I eat and I mean absolutely anything every thing on a food triangle absolutely anything. Down to chicken, cheese, crisps, gluten free foods, dairy free foods, healthy snacks, all fruits and the list goes on. I tend to bloat after eating anything. Went to my doctors I got tests for ceolice and lactose intolerant and they came back fine, I asked to be tested for h.ply and sibo and other stuff but they rule it down to IBS. I've been on all sorts of diets, it's been going on for since I was about 16 now I'm 19. Right now I'm trying out the vegan lifestyle and it all still makes me bloat up. Even smoothies and juices make me bloat I'm at my tale end with this.

    Do y'all have any solutions and yes I've tried all sorts of probiotics and digest enzymes nothing helps! Thanks

    Ha! Whenever I eat, I know where my eaten food is located in my stomach. Yep it looks like food going down.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I am a celiac. When I was undiagnosed I bloated after most meals whether it has gluten or not. When I was younger and slimmer my bloating looked like yours. It was painful but not obvious. After having kids, bloating went to a whole new level. :#

    That lasted until I had been very strictly GF for many weeks, and I still had more bloating than normal a couple of months later. I actually had to give up dairy for over a year because it bothered me almost as much as gluten did.

    Now that I am GF, just raw veggies, a few cooked veggies like broccoli, and too much sugar makes me bloat.

    Did you have all celiac tests done? Those blood tests miss about 1in 4 celiacs so you need to have many tests done. The ones that should be done are
    • DGP IgA, DGP IgG (deaminated gliadin peptides IgA and IgG),
    • tTG IgA, tTG IgG (tissue transglutaminase IgA and IgG),
    • EMA IgA (endomysial antibodies),
    • total serum IgA (a control test)
    • AGA IgA, AGA IgG (anti-gliadin antibodies IgA and IgG) - get this done if the DGP tests are not available.

    Many doctors just do the tTG IgA. It isn't enough.

    And I know celiacs who were only positive in the biopsy. All negative tests. :(

    If it is nonceliac gluten sensitivity you should be able to tell after a 6 month GF trial. That's strictly GF. Not a crumb. Not even using a contaminated toaster. Most with NCGS start to feel better after 3-4 months but many need 6 months to really see it. Happily, stomach issues are usually ones that improve in the first few months.

    You may want to try dairy free too if you decide to try a GF trial.

    Good luck.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Happens if I eat too fast. Try slowing down your eating. But honestly from your pics it just looks like you had a meal, not a big case of bloat.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Yep this ^ post ... if you eat fast or chew with your mouth open you swallow a lot of air ... which can cause your stomach to be full of air as well as food and that air takes time to be burped or farted out.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Try fiber free for a couple days. It's the opposites from regular nutrition advice but you have possible IBS. Time to try different things.
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I dont see much if any bloating. wanna see bloat? I look 6 months pregnant when I bloat from the gastritis flare ups I have(am on meds to fix that).If I had a tummy like yours when I bloated I would not care lol. looks like your posture is off,maybe its the way you are standing, but bad posture or postural issues can make it look like your stomach is distended.

    Why are you making it a competition?

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I dont see much if any bloating. wanna see bloat? I look 6 months pregnant when I bloat from the gastritis flare ups I have(am on meds to fix that).If I had a tummy like yours when I bloated I would not care lol. looks like your posture is off,maybe its the way you are standing, but bad posture or postural issues can make it look like your stomach is distended.

    Why are you making it a competition?

    Im not,just saying what hers looks like to me and shared my experience. why are you trying to make an issue out of something when there is none? SMH
  • monateru
    monateru Posts: 6 Member
    That just your stomach expanding during digestion! I have IBS and my bloating is awful. Its a like i'm carrying a baby made out of half digested food and gas. If you really must get rid of your "bloating" just try eating smaller meals more frequently, that way there is less food in your stomach at a time. And make sure you are not restricting your calories!