Started Paleo switched to Ketogenic. Any groups?

Hi I started off on my weightloss journey doing Paleo the lifestyle. So far I have lost 22lbs but due to recent Labworks from my Dr., I'm vitamin D deficient. Severely!! So I've switched to Ketogenic. Are there any groups?


  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited April 2017
    What does Paleo have to do with being vitamin D deficient? Many Paleo appropriate foods contain vitamin D.

    Many people are vitamin D deficient, btw, and most aren't doing Paleo. If you liked the Paleo diet and want to keep it, you can just spend a few minutes outside every day (we get most of our vit. d from sun exposure) or take a vitamin D supplement or eat more vitamin d rich foods (which you can do on paleo and keto). If you switch to keto, that won't automatically cure your vitamin D deficiency.

  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited April 2017
    There are two groups that I know of that you should look at though...for keto or just for low carb in general.
  • Proudof5more2b
    Proudof5more2b Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for your reply, I am on several medications that do not allow me to be out in the sun. Sun exposure causes me to break out into a severe rash. Although, it is a very good suggestion. I will however, be taking a high dose of vitamin D now to hopefully correct this problem. Thank you for the group suggestions also! I will definitely look those up. I still somewhat follow Paleo although it has become more Primal now. Thank you for suggestions and advice.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Ah, now I understand the problem. The supplements will work...I was vitamin D deficient because I lived in an apartment that got no light, generally avoided the sun when possible, and wore spf 50 on all exposed skin even in the winter (I think I'm part vampire). The supplements took care of the problem. Good luck!

    Also, lots of keto people are on the low carb board. I haven't been around much in the past few months, but from what I recall the low carb group is the more active of the two. Both are great though and have plenty of people who gave good advice.
  • Proudof5more2b
    Proudof5more2b Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks so much! Yes, it is a big bummer! I love the sun! We live in a farming community so it's heartbreaking when I have to cover up or use the highest SPF I can get my hands on. Our property is big and open, full of sunlight. I am hoping if I lose this weight I can get off the meds. that are preventing me from enjoying the beauty that surrounds us!

    I look forward to the groups, the forums, any and all information I can get my hands on to help get me on the right track!

    Goodluck to you! I sincerely appreciate the advice, help, and understanding!