Bouncing back after baby with no stretchmarks



  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Lynnmi07 wrote: »
    nitesky83 wrote: »
    I was 26 and developed stretchmarks despite my water intake, creams used, diet. Yes, luck has something to do with it. Especially because you cant always control how big your child grows inside your belly. No, i am not overweight, nor did I overgain during pregnancy.

    Did you do weight lifting 5-6 times a week as well? If you were heavily at the gym then it should had helped prevent stretchmarks. Regardless, water intake, eating healthy and not gaining too much weight was very good for your baby and definitely prevented more stretchmarks... most importantly VERY good for your baby and thats what matters the most. I did get very lucky by giving birth at 38 weeks, once my son was born he gained 4 inches in only 2-3 weeks and had gained a lot of weight, he had a HUGE growth spurt right after he was born and if he had stayed in me longer I would had been much larger so I may had gotten a few. My birth was natural, I did not even know I was in active labor until my doctor visit. I was very lucky to had visited the doctor that day or I would have given birth at home. My birth was not painful and I always assumed all births felt like dying... here is my son :)2yu8gmfe7746.jpg
    . I'm sure that epidural (tubing near left shoulder) helped tons with the pain!

    Was not epidural, was some sort of devices they attached to me. The doctor did try scaring me to get an epi, but it failed and we could not get it working. 100% natural.
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Also when the epi failed they still charged me for it EVEN after the doctor said it was already paid for when we put down the 5,000$ for the baby birth. So I highly recommend AGAINST using epidurals.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited April 2017
    I wish stretchmarks were low risk after 30. Well not wish, just would be nice. I got the ones on my tummy from being obese for a little while at about 32-33 (35 now). All the rest were puberty.

    Edit to add: never had babies, never having babies, so have no anecdotes in that respect.
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    You highly recommend no epidurels now. The doctor couldn't get your epidural working? Yet you had no birthing pain.

    Yes, exactly how it sounds, I was able to feel everything and then only my foot started feeling numb. We ended up removing it and did not try again.
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    You highly recommend no epidurels now. The doctor couldn't get your epidural working? Yet you had no birthing pain.

    Every single comment you sound very angry and upset with me. Every comment is very snobby sounding... Im not sure what I said to offend you. I also have stretchmarks and even though they are not visible unless your looking vey closely they used to be very obvious. I am not bashing women who have stretchmarks in anyway. Also while there is no 100% way to aviod stretchmarks there are ways of lessening the amount or avioding them all together, these methods Im preaching are effective. If someone were to not try these methods and was prone to stretchmarks they would definetly get more stretch-marks then if they did try every method I listed. Im only passing my knowledge. Im not going to feel bad about trying to help women aviod stretchmarks... I mentioned already that regardless of stretchmarks the only thing that matters is having a healthy baby and women can be very beautiful yet have them.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I agree! Healthy baby is important. I'm not angry at all, it's just false hope is all. Carry on.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I needed to add, you look great BTW!
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    I dunno. I come from a family that is 'prone' to stretch marks, yet during my pregnancies at ages 21 and 23 I went from starting weights of 48 - 52 kg, gained 25+kg each time then lost it very quickly post partum with NO stretch marks.

    I used an oil on my belly, which maybe helped, maybe didn't and during the second pregnancy was unable to do ANY exercise as I was on complete bed rest.

    My sister on the other hand has similar skin, gained about 15kg during her pregnancy at age 34 and lifted heavy throughout, used oil on her belly DID get stretch marks.

    Interestingly, I did get some faint stretch marks on my thigh and flank from rapid weight gain (not pregnancy related) at age 32, despite having previously been at a greater weight years earlier with each pregnancy.

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby!

    (Yellow tubing is always epidural. It's okay to have had one. Birth is not a competition)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited April 2017
    OP, you look great!

    Stretch marks are weird. I got a lot at adolescence - on my breast, calves, and hips in particular. My calves grew a lot from starting to walk two miles to high school every day.

    I didn't get any stretch marks during my first pregnancy at 33, and my stomach bounced back to normal. Now, my second baby I had at 40? That baby was one pound heavier, I did get stretch marks on my stomach, and I still have the loose skin from him. Then again, I have loose skin lots of other places from losing 95 pounds, so it's all just floppiness everywhere. I don't really care at this point.

    I just want to chime in to say that there's nothing wrong with having an epidural. I had one for my first. I was in labor for an entire weekend with her. I had my first contraction at 10:30 on Friday night and she wasn't born until 7:25 on Sunday night. It was a looooong labor. My water broke at Midnight on Saturday and we were in the hospital for a long time. They gave me pitocin to get things going and at that point I just wanted some sleep. You bet I got the epidural and was glad of it.

    The second was a different story. I barely made it to the hospital in enough time. I was barely set up on a delivery table after arriving (and not walking, I kept pitching myself onto all fours on the ground instinctively... they put me in a wheelchair and I was kneeling in it) and the doctor came in, gloved up, took one look and said, "Oh, push!"
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    first of all congrats on the baby. secondly,stretch marks have to do with elasticity in your body and how far that elasticity can stretch,if its stretched farther than what your elasticity(in your skin) allows it results in a stretch mark., otherwise men would not be able to get stretch marks. I have stretchmarks,I had my kids young. my mother had 5 of us from her 20s to late 30s and she has none, and no loose skin(which also has to do with elasticity or lack there of).I also was at a healthy weight when I got pregnant.

    I first ended up with stretchmarks as a young teen due to my meds increasing my appetite making me gain 30lbs rapidly(was still at a healthy weight). The rest were from being pregnant. so it is basically luck if you want to call it that. some will get them,some wont.sometimes you can try all the methods out there to prevent them,its not always going to work for everyone.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    That's a big, healthy looking baby! Good job all around, Mom! <3
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    You look great!
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Im standing firm that epi failed to work and only went to one foot. I was walking around immediately after birth. Its ok if ya'll dont believe me and NOTHING against women who get them. Im just warning that they sometimes do not actually work or are needed. I was in complete control of my contractions as well. If your into weight lifting I firmly believe hat the body produces its own NATURAL chemicals to take away pain while still able to feel simple sensations like a hand holding your leg. I dont think my pain tolerance is high, I firmly believe it was adrenaline helping me :) This was the post I made immediately after my son was born on social media. I had friends, hubby and family at the hospital same as on my fb... pretty sure they would had said I was lying when i posted this haha 5uq7zitzgm2q.png
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    I waited until my husband showed up with cupcakes before I started making my contractions go stronger and had to wait an hour for my doctor to show up. If it wasnt for all of that Im fairly certain labor would had been only 3-4 hours at the most.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I waited until my husband showed up with cupcakes before I started making my contractions go stronger and had to wait an hour for my doctor to show up. If it wasnt for all of that Im fairly certain labor would had been only 3-4 hours at the most.

    Say what? :huh: :noway:
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Yeah, doctor said he wanted a nap incase I delivered late at night and my husband wanted to see his teenage son to make him feel like he was still loved even though we were having a new baby. So I had him grab cupcakes on the way... I did not like it but his 15 year old son was throwing a temper tantrum about the possibility his father might have a new favorite child. -_-
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited April 2017
    I think it's genetics. I have had 2 pregnancies (and I was huge w/ both), didn't do anything (no exercise...I did not watch what I ate) and I don't have any stretch marks at all. I was almost 35 the 1st pregnancy and 38 for the other.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I think it's genetics. I have had 2 pregnancies (and I was huge w/ both), didn't do anything (no exercise...I did not watch what I ate) and I don't have any stretch marks at all. I was almost 35 the 1st pregnancy and 38 for the other.

    I dont think its genetic either,neither of my grandmothers had them,my mom doesnt have them, but yet my sisters and I have has no children
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