What do you avoid?



  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Mayo. It a calorie bomb and I don't feel like it adds anything. So if I splurge on a burger I always skip the mayo and save the calories and fat.

    Oil, when I cook I try to use it sparingly or eliminate if I can.

    Eggs. They just don't fill me up. Occasionally, I throw a hard boiled egg in my salad And I'll splurge on a few deviled eggs at Easter. My family goes through eggs like crazy. At least 4 dozen a week.

    I don't drink my calories unless I'm splurging i.e. The occasional skinny latte from Starbucks or a measured portion of creamer in my coffee. Otherwise I stick to black coffee, diet soda, and water.

    Bread. I've never been a big bread eater so it isn't a tough one to give up. Don't get me wrong, I eat it occasionally like when I have a burger (can't get on board with bunless burgers yet) or the occasional sub sandwich at subway.

  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    I avoid licorice like the plague because it tastes like Satan's butt sweat.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mycophilia wrote: »
    I avoid licorice like the plague because it tastes like Satan's butt sweat.

    I wouldn't know. B)
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    Mycophilia wrote: »
    I avoid licorice like the plague because it tastes like Satan's butt sweat.

    hahahaha - great description. I'll have to remember that next time I taste something vile... then again, maybe it's only liquorish that tastes like Satan's butt sweat. LOL stay tuned.
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    I avoid being within arms reach of the Doritos and Pringles at parties.

    I mean, I try to. Like. Ideally. Most of the time.

    That's about it, really.

    Oh, and I avoid cilantro 'cause it's gross.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I don't make mashed potatoes because I will overeat. However, if we go out to eat I'll order some.
  • LessofAJ
    LessofAJ Posts: 29 Member
    The only thing I truly avoid are fast food milkshakes. At 1100-1300 calories, I can easily enjoy some other indulgence with much less caloric impact. Plus, they're really just not all that tasty.
  • caitlinbattaglia
    caitlinbattaglia Posts: 4 Member
    I avoid any type of soda and most juices. I switched from regular milk to almond as well. I'm just better off without it. I feel like it's a quick way to waste a ton of calories too!