4700 cals in One Day?!



  • Rincewind_1965
    Rincewind_1965 Posts: 639 Member
    retarded to eat so many calories.

    please give alternatives for endurance-sports such as long-distance running (15 mi +), Triathlon, Long-Distance bike rides (100 mi +), with usually very low chances of adequate refueling.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I normally eat low carb, though do not generally eat any plants (except coffee, and trace amounts of sauces, seasonings, etc.). However, I fasted on Fri. for some testing. Afterwards, I allowed myself to eat low carb plants (salad and nuts) without calorie restriction. So from about 2pm - midnight, this is what I ate (there was quite a bit of "carb creep" and this day did not end up very low carb as a result of the volume of nuts and such):


    In a couple weeks, I'm doing a complete cheat weekend... meaning I'm not restricting carbs or calories. Also, I'm not going to fast for more than half of the day for those 3 days. I still log when I have cheats, so remind me then if you would like to see my diary those days (or just send me a friend request) if you need ideas.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    5k/day here. Whole foods diet (whole pizzas etc). Foreverbulkmode for Powerlifting.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    ^^ not if you were to burn 5-6000 calories during an athletic event
    Agreed, but several of the responses of people in this thread who have eaten that many calories were not doing any strenuous exercise near that intensity to justify that amount of food.

  • rensler123
    rensler123 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2017
    So I recently i lost some weight, and rentered my weight into myfitnesspal and my calorie goal remained at 2210 is that normal? Should it go down if I'm trying to lose weight? Stupid questions I no sorry in advance.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited April 2017
    So if normal goal was 1700 say, and you are eating 3000 more that day - I'd think that extra 500 cal deficit the other 6 days for what you describe as your workouts would be the harder side of the bargain.

    That's pretty active to already have a 1000 cal deficit (if I recall correctly from other thread), and then add another 500 on to it.
    Especially if that's 6 days of that level of activity.

    Of course - easier to take an extra 500 deficit on those days then perhaps a rest day not burning nearly as much.

    I'd say just chalk it up to the fact you have a big day coming up - and eat up.

    You are still in a deficit 6 days out of 7, and you will continue to be in one after the day.

    Just don't be so foolish as to weigh the morning after - unless you are curious and it won't mess up your thinking or emotions on the weight gain.

    Oh - that can be called a refeed day, you know, for the sake of your workouts. Makes it sound all official and beneficial.

    I've reached that high on a long bike ride day, and didn't even reach the goal I was planning.