Am I the only one who can't lose weight?!



  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Hmmm, then I'll just cut out all fruits. Literally eat just chicken and drink protein shakes and only drink water, because that's all I freaking eat. I barely eat now. I never eat my full 1200 calories when I log it (so I think) but apparently I'm eating more. I feel like I'm starving myself. So I really don't feel like I'm eating that much. I went from eating 3k+ calories a day and cut that in half. Soooo... there should still be enough difference for me to lose. It's pissing me off.

    Why in the world would you cut out fruit??!?! That doesn't make sense.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Hmmm, then I'll just cut out all fruits. Literally eat just chicken and drink protein shakes and only drink water, because that's all I freaking eat. I barely eat now. I never eat my full 1200 calories when I log it (so I think) but apparently I'm eating more. I feel like I'm starving myself. So I really don't feel like I'm eating that much. I went from eating 3k+ calories a day and cut that in half. Soooo... there should still be enough difference for me to lose. It's pissing me off.

    Why in the world would you cut out fruit??!?! That doesn't make sense.

    I cut out fruit. It's calorie dense for the satiety. The only reason I had to add some back in was for fiber.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    im so confused...iv lost 100 pounds in under a year and im advocating for a scale why am i being quoted so much as if i dunno D:
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    Hmmm, then I'll just cut out all fruits. Literally eat just chicken and drink protein shakes and only drink water, because that's all I freaking eat. I barely eat now. I never eat my full 1200 calories when I log it (so I think) but apparently I'm eating more. I feel like I'm starving myself. So I really don't feel like I'm eating that much. I went from eating 3k+ calories a day and cut that in half. Soooo... there should still be enough difference for me to lose. It's pissing me off.

    Why in the world would you cut out fruit??!?! That doesn't make sense.

    I cut out fruit. It's calorie dense for the satiety. The only reason I had to add some back in was for fiber.

    I was talking about the OP (not the general mfp group) who is basing decisions off of nothing other than the fact that someone mentioned fruit has calories.

    You @bbell1985 choosing to cut out fruit was based on the fact that you noticed that within your properly measured calories fruit filled you up less than something else of similar calories is completely different. We have all made decisions like that (I don't eat bread for this reason, it plain just doesn't make me feel full), but not out of the blue when someone was just trying to explain everything should be logged and measured.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    im so confused...iv lost 100 pounds in under a year and im advocating for a scale why am i being quoted so much as if i dunno D:

    It's me! It's me.. I tagged your name mistakenly when I intended to tag the OP. Thought I fixed it but missed a few spots it seems. ... my apologies..I'm so sorry @JaydedMiss :blush: I'm just super spacey today and making crazy little mistakes.. here there and everywhere it seems.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    oh haha no all good i just got home and was so confused trying to find what i said to make people think i didnt know XD
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    oh haha no all good i just got home and was so confused trying to find what i said to make people think i didnt know XD

    :laugh: Oh and congrats on the weight loss, all the hard work that goes with it, so proud of you! I'm sure you feel so much better and so much more freedom physically too. :smiley:
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    oh haha no all good i just got home and was so confused trying to find what i said to make people think i didnt know XD

    :laugh: Oh and congrats on the weight loss, all the hard work that goes with it, so proud of you! I'm sure you feel so much better and so much more freedom physically too. :smiley:

    -shrugs- im sitting at home in bed eating a big cup of tiramasu and its delicious. Eventually ill have to stop eating work food or ill start regaining but >.> yumm
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    OP, I'm impressed by your attitude! A lot of people get all huffy and just insist there's something wrong with them even though they're doing everything right. I think you're going to do an amazing job!

    The biggest key for me has been figuring out what works FOR ME. For most of my adult life I have felt that there are right ways to eat and wrong ways to eat: right would be "paleo" or "low carb," wrong would be "artificial sweeteners" or "junk food." Well lately I've been realizing, I don't do well on a Paleo or a low-carb diet. And having sugar-free pudding, or a pint of Halo Top, or a (weighed) serving of Cheetos every now and then, just gives me that extra boost in my step and I don't feel deprived. Everybody has something different that works for them. Don't let the latest magazine headline or wacky Pinterest tip sway you (in fact, I would just stay away from Pinterest as far as health and fitness recommendations, I've seen so much baloney on there it makes my head spin).

    Eat what you like, eat the right amount of it, at the right times that work for you, and walk when you can (or find something else you enjoy doing).

    You will figure out a way to succeed, I know it!
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    @EmbeeKay aww thanks!! Yeah I'm defintly trying to stay positive through this. I've failed and given up so many times. But at this point quitting is not an option for me. I weigh more than I ever have. So I need to do this for myself. I hate everything about my body. So I defintly need to change!! And yes I am trying to figure what works best for me for sure. You guys are all awesome and I've learned so much just in the short time I've written in the community. So thank you! :)
  • phoenixx866
    phoenixx866 Posts: 173 Member
    OP I just sent you a friend request. I'm 5'2" with a desk job and also over 100 lbs to lose. However, I eat between 1300 - 1500 a day. I use a food scale and log everything. Check out my diary and you can see what I'm eating. Yes, I eat fruit! I highly recommend a food scale and logging everything you eat.
  • cabellosdefuego
    cabellosdefuego Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe you have metabolic damage
  • nationalvillage3215
    nationalvillage3215 Posts: 78 Member
    For me, the first month has been a huge learning curve and I have only lost 2 lbs. It has taken me this long to really understand what is going in my mouth, weighing solid foods instead of measuring, using the calorie database correctly, how to handle going out to eat at restaurants, including EVERYTHING on my daily log, getting into an exercising routine, monitoring my wine intake just to name a few. I am hoping by correcting these mistakes will help me in my next month. Although I lost very little, it beats gaining weight! Keep reading these community boards, they are a huge help and I learn something everyday.
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    @cabellosdefuego what does that mean?
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    My scale was $15 lol works great also do log everything including your fruit it can have a lot of calories
  • Peacefulkancer
    Peacefulkancer Posts: 16 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    I'll just say this in regards to your claims. The general interwebz and blogs are very unreliable sources of information.

    If OP wants to know more about keto, she should go to the Debate Forum and search for posts on keto. She'll find posts with a thorough discussion of claimed pros and cons vs actual pros and cons to the diet, including discussing some of the points you make here. She'll find posts that reference peer-reviewed controlled studies and discuss the limitations to those studies as well as posts from those that have been on a keto diet long term.

    You're right, anything can be said on the internet. Everything is up for debate - even the calories in, calories out is debateable as that model claims that all calories are equal. It seems logical to me to believe that because calories are all different (i.e. carbs, fat, protein, etc) that the body would process them differently. This is what keto addresses. We could debate all day on various dieting issues but the point is that each body handles things differently - keto or not.

    And you're right, all I can say is that of my experience - I've lost 24 lbs in 3 months on Keto. The girlfriend has lost 15lbs on keto. Neither of us is super-strict in our diet. There are a bunch of people at her work also doing it and they too have lost (can't quote their stats). I am fairly sedentary with a desk-job and when I'm not doing that I'm sitting at a computer doing school work. I never feel like I'm starving. I cheat and drink on occasion. I eat over my limits. I don't really exercise... and I still lose.

    So with all that said, the best thing for OP to do is to make this as scientific as possible. Log everything as accurately as possible and then make small changes to activity/food and see what works for their body.
  • emwehner
    emwehner Posts: 1 Member
    I think it's definitely worth checking in with your doctor. For example, I recently found out I have (otherwise mild) sleep apnea. My sleep neurologist said that in particular when REM sleep is affected, one could be burning 15% fewer calories than they otherwise normally would. There are a variety of conditions that could make it hard to lose weight. I agree that getting a scale and weighing food is also a good idea, but even so, I think it's worth checking in with a good doctor. Even if you are eating a bit more than you think, if you have an underlying condition that's making it harder, and if it's a treatable condition like sleep apnea, why starve yourself if you don't have to?