April - Lose 2 lbs for the last week of April!

carternoel4747 Posts: 25 Member
Hi everyone! This is just to give you more motivation that you can do amazing things if you set your mind to it. I'm challenging everyone to lose 2 lbs by the end of the month of April. But, remember to do whatever you personally can, whether it's half a pound or more than 2 pounds, do what's comfortable for you.

Good luck!


  • terrycarter6430
    terrycarter6430 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in! Thanks!
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    Sounds great - I am very close to my goal, and maybe this challenge will get me there!
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    Sounds great count me in
  • dadsafrantic
    dadsafrantic Posts: 186 Member
    i'm in
  • CorkyDwan
    CorkyDwan Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in as well!
  • terryh82
    terryh82 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in too. Let's do this!!
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    edited April 2017
    This would be nice...I'm 2.6 lbs away from my first goal. That being said, I've hit a plateau. There nothing else unhealthy for me to "quit" and I work out in some form daily.
  • jessicaturner7170
    jessicaturner7170 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in
  • Kaylillyxo
    Kaylillyxo Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also up for this sounds great!
  • shnnon4
    shnnon4 Posts: 4 Member
    Here goes nothing!
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    This would be nice...I'm 2.6 lbs away from my first goal. That being said, I've hit a plateau. There nothing else unhealthy for me to "quit" and I work out in some form daily.

    I'm right there with you! I'm about three pounds from my final goal. I've hit many plateaus along the way. It can be so frustrating. If it doesn't come off for this challenge just hang in there and try to maintain your current weight; the plateau will eventually end.

    Right now I am soooo sick of the foods I've used to lose weight, but I'm finding swtiching up my menu to include other equally healthy foods to be daunting. I think this challenge will be a good push for me to lose the last few pounds. I will be switching up my foods, increasing my exercise, and doing more cardio.
  • FayW11
    FayW11 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. Just new to fitness pal. I need accountability and motivation.
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    That's sounds good! I'm in
  • sophieyoung18
    sophieyoung18 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! Let's all do this!
    MZSTEF4U Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in.
  • andreea534
    andreea534 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds great! I am in!
  • maddiee88
    maddiee88 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first challenge and I am perfectly 2 pounds away from my first goal. Count me in :)
  • 3dtimescharm
    3dtimescharm Posts: 7 Member
    i am in! i am going to try not to eat out for 2 weeks. I really just want the scale to move from dreaded 167.
  • 1musicgrl
    1musicgrl Posts: 135 Member
    I was off of here for a long time. I'm back to get and give support. I'd like to do this challenge too. If any of you want to friend me, I'll be happy to add you.
  • This sounds like the jump start I need! Not new to mfp, but trying again... Good luck all ;)