


  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    HI :happy: Thanks everyone for your comments. I may not be able to answer everyone's post but I will read them and I thank you for your advise in advance!!
  • Mom2Lizzy
    Mom2Lizzy Posts: 23
    Aside from the not logging, I noticed you don't eat healthy foods. Many days you logged didn't include any vegetables or fruits. You eat a ton of bread and junk. You should primarily be eating vegetables, fruits, grains, and lean proteins which will fuel your body and help it to work for you. Most of your intake is processed foods. Not to say that you shouldn't eat them, in small dosages, but you should really try to give your body what it needs, before you satisfy your sugar cravings. Try to eat 4 to 6 servings of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables each day. Not from a can - with added sugar and salt and preservatives. Try to insure that your fiber intake is 25 to 30 grams per day. You will feel better and you will see results.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    * Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE? If you haven't I recommend you do that, there are a ton of calculators on the internet for you to do that. * I believe you eat 10% - 15% below your TDEE, you'll have to check on that.


    If you posted that your BMR is XXXX, your TDEE is XXXX, you eat XXXX (carefully logged), you burn XXX a day through exercise, for a weekly deficit of XXXX, and you still can't lose weight, THEN I'd be curious to look deeper.

    Yeah, it could be a medical issue, or genetics, or whatever. But it's probably not.

    One thing I've learned... weight-loss is simple math - calories in and calories out. Log everything you eat very carefully. Eat just over your BMR (but more than 1200 calories) and exercise as much as you can. Don't eat back your exercise calories unless absolutely necessary. Drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep. Eat mini-meals throughout the day to increase your metabolism, keep your blood sugar stable and reduce hunger. Try to get protein and complex carbs (whole grains) with every meal. Take a day (or a meal) off once in a while so you don't go crazy.

    Here's what I did - kind of extreme on the exercise side (what can I say, I enjoy it!) but some valuable info about BMR, TDEE and such. You don't need to exercise like I did to lose it (it just helps you lose it faster! :) )
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member

    Thank you for your comment. I am 5'4" and weigh 306 as of today (weigh in days are Friday) How do I know what calories I have burned if not through MFP?

    Get a fitbit zip (their cheapest model. it's the one I have because I don't have stairs lol) to work out your daily movement and then use this site:

    to work out your actual calories burned while swimming.

    The usual reasons for not being able to lose weight are underestimating calories eaten and overestimating workout calories. Massively cutting calories does impede your ability to lose weight in the long term.

    Weigh and log everything (everything, everything, everything. Sauces, condiments, veg, fruit, everything) you eat every day.
    Log your exercise.
    Get a fitbit zip, if you can afford one. They're $50 on amazon.

    Not until you get a proper handle on what you're actually eating/burning, will you know why it's not working. If, after a while doing that, it's still not happening, see if you're insulin resistant, which can hamper weight loss.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    You can get a heart rate monitor, Polar FT4 are very popular. They are way better at giving you your calorie burn than here. This site over estimates your burn.

    Are you weighting/measuring your food?

    I have an extremely hard time losing weight. This is due to medical issues and medication, I have learned to be happy if I lose .5 in a month.

    Have you started your "change"? That is when all my problems started.

    Thank you for your comment....I guess I need to invest in a HRM, are they water proof? Just wondering. and Yes, the "change" is here as been for about 2 years now.
  • sayrejf
    sayrejf Posts: 3
    I am very honest about what i log in, even to the point the the 10 M & M's i ate on Sunday. :) I am diabetic and everyday i notice i am over on my daily protein allotment due to eathing a good protien with every meal. So what everyone is saying is you are supposed to eat just the BMR calorie number and not add in the exercise calories?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I know it has been said, but consistency is key. You won't know what to change if you don't know what you are doing.

    The following repeated for the sake of repeating:

    Log everything that goes into your mouth. Every day. Internet or pen and paper.
    Measure everything. It is too easy to over or under estimate portion size. Measuring cups are okay, but a food scale is better.
    Keep up with the exercise, but don't put as much weight into the calorie burn.

    Also, be patient. It can be difficult to figure out where you need to eat to lose. The provided links to the road map are very useful and are a great point to start. Eventually you will need to look at what is happening and adjust for yourself because calculators are great estimates, but can never account for the differences between people. Especially with a thyroid issue.

    One thing that worked for me, and you may not find it useful, was to set my calories at a flat level and adjust based on the loss that I saw over a number of weeks. This worked for me because I didn't have to factor in exercise calories. I knew my total burn for the most part and set based on that. As example, I typically burn about 2000-2100 a day (I'm 5'2" 130 lbs with a sedentary job). I first started out at 1500 calories a day and saw roughly a 1 lb per week AVERAGE. I say average because weightloss is rarely linear. When I started increasing my activity levels, I bumped up to 1800 calories. Now that I'm at goal, I eat very close to the 2000-2100 range. It took months to really figure out what worked and where I was with my total burn.

    Not everyone likes doing that, but it cuts out a lot of the guess work of exercise calories for me. Yes, it is like the TDEE method.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    * Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE? If you haven't I recommend you do that, there are a ton of calculators on the internet for you to do that. * I believe you eat 10% - 15% below your TDEE, you'll have to check on that.


    If you posted that your BMR is XXXX, your TDEE is XXXX, you eat XXXX (carefully logged), you burn XXX a day through exercise, for a weekly deficit of XXXX, and you still can't lose weight, THEN I'd be curious to look deeper.

    Yeah, it could be a medical issue, or genetics, or whatever. But it's probably not.

    One thing I've learned... weight-loss is simple math - calories in and calories out. Log everything you eat very carefully. Eat just over your BMR (but more than 1200 calories) and exercise as much as you can. Don't eat back your exercise calories unless absolutely necessary. Drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep. Eat mini-meals throughout the day to increase your metabolism, keep your blood sugar stable and reduce hunger. Try to get protein and complex carbs (whole grains) with every meal. Take a day (or a meal) off once in a while so you don't go crazy.

    Here's what I did - kind of extreme on the exercise side (what can I say, I enjoy it!) but some valuable info about BMR, TDEE and such. You don't need to exercise like I did to lose it (it just helps you lose it faster! :) )

    Thank you for your comment.

    According to the site you posted:

    My BMR is 2018

    My TDEE is 2422

    My daily Calories should be is 1937

    I used desk job can this be right?
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    You could have saved 100+ calories had you chosen a different sweetener and creamer for your coffee this morning.

    Going to be hard to lose weight if you aren't going to change the foods you eat.

    My thought as well.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose (according to your ticker), therefore you can severely restrict your calories for months and not harm your metabolism. You can safely go down to 800-1200 a day. Perhaps try a juice fast for 21 days and see how you feel. The first 3 days are the hardest, after you get past those 3 days it gets a lot easier and you'll start seeing the results you want.

    Before going this route talk to a nutritionist to set a plan for you. You want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need, but I think you'll be happy with the results at the end of the 21 days.
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    I'd suggest zero exercise except for light stretching if you can do it for at least a month. Just focus on the food. For soda, buy plain soda water and add frozen or fresh fruit, especially citrus. You'll only have the fruit sugars and still get bubbly goodness. I am trying to live by mfp recommendations for the protein, carb, sugar, sodium %'s a day, but it is really really hard. Being in a ballpark in a few key areas (sodium and protein probably for you), for a few weeks will give you some comfort. Getting used to no exercise calorie eating back and living w/a smaller calorie count each day will lead to results. I am new to this, but I know my way around a healthy meal plan. It is always the mental work of sticking to the plan that is the hard part. Good luck and please don't give up. Seriously, sideline the exercise until you have more weight off of you and your food portions, quality in a healthy place. You will see results and more importantly, you will feel better.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose (according to your ticker), therefore you can severely restrict your calories for months and not harm your metabolism. You can safely go down to 800-1200 a day. Perhaps try a juice fast for 21 days and see how you feel. The first 3 days are the hardest, after you get past those 3 days it gets a lot easier and you'll start seeing the results you want.

    Before going this route talk to a nutritionist to set a plan for you. You want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need, but I think you'll be happy with the results at the end of the 21 days.

    I wouldn't go this drastically, especially since you seem to really love bad foods and soda's but the calculators get really skewed when you get into the range of morbid obesity so your BMR and TDEE will show higher than they really are. You don't need to eat to feed the fat.

    As the previous poster stated though, being morbidly obese allows you to go much much lower on your calorie intake without doing your body any harm. You have plenty of fat stores for your body to draw from for energy. Even if you went down to 1800 calories a day total, forget adding exercise in at this point, you'd be fine but it needs to be nutritious food, not soda's, pastries and junk food. Changing from Mountain Dew to orange soda only eliminated some caffeine not the calories. If you must have soda then switch to a diet brand and start cutting back.

    It's totally possible for you to lose a lot of weight very easily if you put the work in. Until you get your mind in a place where you are willing to pass up some of your favorite calorie bombs though it isn't going to work.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is at least 80% diet and 20% exercise. No matter how much you exercise, if you come home and eat a half dozen donuts you've wiped out all that effort. Look at exercise as a way to get healthier and fit rather than a tool to allow more food.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    You could have saved 100+ calories had you chosen a different sweetener and creamer for your coffee this morning.

    Going to be hard to lose weight if you aren't going to change the foods you eat.

    THIS x2

    People do not realize the empty calories they consume from beverages. If you simply just cut out the soda and the sugary sweeteners in your daily coffee you would drop weight.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks again for all the great advise.....I knew that opening up my dairy I would get some back lash about my eating (which is fine) and I am NOT making excuses just telling the truth on why I haven't logged in.I did do the pen and paper thing but I got lazy. I do need to STOP eating junk and I guess up until I didn't think that I eat that much, thanks for pointing that out, that's why I posted in the first place.

    I am not working right now and I cannot afford to buy the things I need, I know it sounds like more excuses but it is my reality. Same with food at the moment. Circumstances aside, I WILL try to make this work. I do want to be around for my loved ones. I really cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the responses. Your advise will be taken!!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    You could have saved 100+ calories had you chosen a different sweetener and creamer for your coffee this morning.

    Going to be hard to lose weight if you aren't going to change the foods you eat.

    THIS x2

    People do not realize the empty calories they consume from beverages. If you simply just cut out the soda and the sugary sweeteners in your daily coffee you would drop weight.

    This is my down fall....trying to stop drinking coffee and soda! I was drinking sugar free sweetener, but the other stuff was sale! (No excuse just the truth)
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Your BMR seems high for desk job, but what do I know you could be 6ft tall?! lol

    If you aren't 6' tall then I would use a formula that takes your bf% into account because lean mass is more expensive calorie-wise to maintain :) I foung my BMR was a lot lower once I factored in my bf%. I think it's the katch-mcardie (or something like that) formula.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose (according to your ticker), therefore you can severely restrict your calories for months and not harm your metabolism. You can safely go down to 800-1200 a day. Perhaps try a juice fast for 21 days and see how you feel. The first 3 days are the hardest, after you get past those 3 days it gets a lot easier and you'll start seeing the results you want.

    Before going this route talk to a nutritionist to set a plan for you. You want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need, but I think you'll be happy with the results at the end of the 21 days.

    I wouldn't go this drastically, especially since you seem to really love bad foods and soda's but the calculators get really skewed when you get into the range of morbid obesity so your BMR and TDEE will show higher than they really are. You don't need to eat to feed the fat.

    As the previous poster stated though, being morbidly obese allows you to go much much lower on your calorie intake without doing your body any harm. You have plenty of fat stores for your body to draw from for energy. Even if you went down to 1800 calories a day total, forget adding exercise in at this point, you'd be fine but it needs to be nutritious food, not soda's, pastries and junk food. Changing from Mountain Dew to orange soda only eliminated some caffeine not the calories. If you must have soda then switch to a diet brand and start cutting back.

    It's totally possible for you to lose a lot of weight very easily if you put the work in. Until you get your mind in a place where you are willing to pass up some of your favorite calorie bombs though it isn't going to work.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is at least 80% diet and 20% exercise. No matter how much you exercise, if you come home and eat a half dozen donuts you've wiped out all that effort. Look at exercise as a way to get healthier and fit rather than a tool to allow more food.

    I am done with soda! I am quitting today!! Along with all the other junk. My question to you is....I have this problem with not eating. For example, today....I haven't eaten a damn thing and I don't feel like eating either. Is that bad? I do this a lot, don't eat. And then when I do eat, I eat crap or one meal a day. Ugh, what is wrong with me??
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Your BMR seems high for desk job, but what do I know you could be 6ft tall?! lol

    If you aren't 6' tall then I would use a formula that takes your bf% into account because lean mass is more expensive calorie-wise to maintain :) I foung my BMR was a lot lower once I factored in my bf%. I think it's the katch-mcardie (or something like that) formula.

    LOL....Nope I am 5'4" (64 inches) and I don't work.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I WILL to make this work. I do want to be around for my loved ones. I really cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the responses. Your advise will be taken!!

    Fixed this for you. (Took out the word "try"). You've already received great advice, so nothing more to add. :flowerforyou:
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    You could have saved 100+ calories had you chosen a different sweetener and creamer for your coffee this morning.

    Going to be hard to lose weight if you aren't going to change the foods you eat.

    THIS x2

    People do not realize the empty calories they consume from beverages. If you simply just cut out the soda and the sugary sweeteners in your daily coffee you would drop weight.

    This is my down fall....trying to stop drinking coffee and soda! I was drinking sugar free sweetener, but the other stuff was sale! (No excuse just the truth)

    I like coffee & creamer too, but I've been slowly reducing the cream and coming to like it darker. Also I quit sugar in it years ago. You might want to try that too ~ slowly reducing the cream & sugar.

    I also like the suggestion you received about seltzer & fruit to flavor it. I drink only water & coffee and save drink calories for when I want some booze ;)

    Good luck!