


  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member

    I am done with soda! I am quitting today!!

    Yay! I bet you'll soon see the scale dropping lbs just by this ^^ change!
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    This is my down fall....trying to stop drinking coffee and soda! I was drinking sugar free sweetener, but the other stuff was sale! (No excuse just the truth)

    You don't need to stop drinking coffee. You just need to stop drinking it with sugary sweeteners and high calorie creamers. Try a splash of unsweetened almond or coconut milk and use a natural calorie sweetener like Stevia or Truvia.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I WILL make this work. I do want to be around for my loved ones. I really cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the responses. Your advise will be taken!!

    Fixed this for you. (Took out the word "try"). You've already received great advice, so nothing more to add. :flowerforyou:

    THANK YOU! :blushing:
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    This is my down fall....trying to stop drinking coffee and soda! I was drinking sugar free sweetener, but the other stuff was sale! (No excuse just the truth)

    You don't need to stop drinking coffee. You just need to stop drinking it with sugary sweeteners and high calorie creamers. Try a splash of unsweetened almond or coconut milk and use a natural calorie sweetener like Stevia or Truvia.

    I never use to be a coffee drinker. I used as a replacement for the Mt. Dew I was drinking in the morning. But if I do drink coffee it will be with those ingredients mentioned. Thanks!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member

    I am done with soda! I am quitting today!!

    Yay! I bet you'll soon see the scale dropping lbs just by this ^^ change!

    Thanks....I have done this before (8 months without a drop) and never lost a pound. But willing to do it again!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    I am not working right now and I cannot afford to buy the things I need, I know it sounds like more excuses but it is my reality. Same with food at the moment. Circumstances aside, I WILL try to make this work. I do want to be around for my loved ones. I really cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the responses. Your advise will be taken!!

    You don't need to buy anything special. If you have to eat the food available to you then eat less of it. You can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies as long as you stay in your calorie budget. Not being able to afford certain items is another excuse.
  • spmcavoy1
    spmcavoy1 Posts: 60 Member
    Your BMR seems high for desk job, but what do I know you could be 6ft tall?! lol

    If you aren't 6' tall then I would use a formula that takes your bf% into account because lean mass is more expensive calorie-wise to maintain :) I foung my BMR was a lot lower once I factored in my bf%. I think it's the katch-mcardie (or something like that) formula.

    LOL....Nope I am 5'4" (64 inches) and I don't work.

    You don't work? I can see how you may feel compelled to eat out of bordem, but you should use that time to get out of the house! Can you start a veggie garden in your free time - burn calories and get low-cost, healthy veggies in return?

    I love junk, but you HAVE to cut it. Switch from creamer to whole milk, 2%, 1%, then skim. Switch to artificial sweeteners.

    Cut out soda and switch to flavored seltzers.

    Every time you're too lazy to log your food, ask yourself if getting in shape is something you really want. You need a change in your brain first!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member

    I am not working right now and I cannot afford to buy the things I need, I know it sounds like more excuses but it is my reality. Same with food at the moment. Circumstances aside, I WILL try to make this work. I do want to be around for my loved ones. I really cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the responses. Your advise will be taken!!

    You don't need to buy anything special. If you have to eat the food available to you then eat less of it. You can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies as long as you stay in your calorie budget. Not being able to afford certain items is another excuse.

    Alright, but I am staying under now and not losing either. So which way is it? Ugh, so confusing and it is not an excuse, more like I am telling you the truth.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    You seem like a very nice lady, so I hate to question your honesty, but do you really tread water for 90-120 minutes? That's an awful lot of work. I don't think I could do it for more than a few minutes myself. If that's a typo or an overestimation, you are "earning" a lot more calories than you should probably be consuming.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    You have no real idea if you're staying under if you aren't logging everything for at least a few weeks.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Your BMR seems high for desk job, but what do I know you could be 6ft tall?! lol

    If you aren't 6' tall then I would use a formula that takes your bf% into account because lean mass is more expensive calorie-wise to maintain :) I foung my BMR was a lot lower once I factored in my bf%. I think it's the katch-mcardie (or something like that) formula.

    LOL....Nope I am 5'4" (64 inches) and I don't work.

    You don't work? I can see how you may feel compelled to eat out of bordem, but you should use that time to get out of the house! Can you start a veggie garden in your free time - burn calories and get low-cost, healthy veggies in return?

    I love junk, but you HAVE to cut it. Switch from creamer to whole milk, 2%, 1%, then skim. Switch to artificial sweeteners.

    Cut out soda and switch to flavored seltzers.

    Every time you're too lazy to log your food, ask yourself if getting in shape is something you really want. You need a change in your brain first!

    No I do not work right now (medical reasons) I am in the middle of moving (long story) pm if you really want to know. Thanks for your comment!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose (according to your ticker), therefore you can severely restrict your calories for months and not harm your metabolism. You can safely go down to 800-1200 a day. Perhaps try a juice fast for 21 days and see how you feel. The first 3 days are the hardest, after you get past those 3 days it gets a lot easier and you'll start seeing the results you want.

    Before going this route talk to a nutritionist to set a plan for you. You want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need, but I think you'll be happy with the results at the end of the 21 days.

    I wouldn't go this drastically, especially since you seem to really love bad foods and soda's but the calculators get really skewed when you get into the range of morbid obesity so your BMR and TDEE will show higher than they really are. You don't need to eat to feed the fat.

    As the previous poster stated though, being morbidly obese allows you to go much much lower on your calorie intake without doing your body any harm. You have plenty of fat stores for your body to draw from for energy. Even if you went down to 1800 calories a day total, forget adding exercise in at this point, you'd be fine but it needs to be nutritious food, not soda's, pastries and junk food. Changing from Mountain Dew to orange soda only eliminated some caffeine not the calories. If you must have soda then switch to a diet brand and start cutting back.

    It's totally possible for you to lose a lot of weight very easily if you put the work in. Until you get your mind in a place where you are willing to pass up some of your favorite calorie bombs though it isn't going to work.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is at least 80% diet and 20% exercise. No matter how much you exercise, if you come home and eat a half dozen donuts you've wiped out all that effort. Look at exercise as a way to get healthier and fit rather than a tool to allow more food.

    I am done with soda! I am quitting today!! Along with all the other junk. My question to you is....I have this problem with not eating. For example, today....I haven't eaten a damn thing and I don't feel like eating either. Is that bad? I do this a lot, don't eat. And then when I do eat, I eat crap or one meal a day. Ugh, what is wrong with me??

    First, please don't take the advice to severely reduce your calories from a total stranger. Only a doctor should give that kind of advice. A 20% reduction from your TDEE is perfectly healthy and you should be able to lose with that much of a deficit.

    Second, yes it's bad that you're not eating. You don't have to force a whole meal down your throat if you're not hungry, just start trying to eat small things throughout the day like yogurt or fruit or a handful of nuts or a small serving of oatmeal or a smoothie. I used to kind of do the same thing. Figured since I wasn't hungry in the moring I might as well not eat then by the afternoon/early evening I'd be starved and eat everything I could get my hands on. For some people eating times don't matter but I think you're more like me where "grazing" or eating small frequent meals, might work better for you. And eventually your system will get used to it and you will start getting hungry earlier in the day so that it won't feel like a forced eating. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try it, right?!

    Third, I hate to discourage you from your excitment but I'm not sure it's necessary to completely clean up your diet in one day. I know for me, that just makes things worse because I still want the foods I love and I might be good for a week or two then I cave and eat everything. How about being a bit more realistic and set a goal for every week. Go ahead and give up soda this week (I totally support that, drinking empty calories is a huge waste in my opinion) and then this weekend plan out your meals for the week and go grocery shopping so you can set your other goals like eating healthier, less junk, etc. Small gradual changes will be easier to stick to.
  • spmcavoy1
    spmcavoy1 Posts: 60 Member

    I am not working right now and I cannot afford to buy the things I need, I know it sounds like more excuses but it is my reality. Same with food at the moment. Circumstances aside, I WILL try to make this work. I do want to be around for my loved ones. I really cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the responses. Your advise will be taken!!

    You don't need to buy anything special. If you have to eat the food available to you then eat less of it. You can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies as long as you stay in your calorie budget. Not being able to afford certain items is another excuse.

    Alright, but I am staying under now and not losing either. So which way is it? Ugh, so confusing and it is not an excuse, more like I am telling you the truth.

    You need to eat most of your daily requirements EVERY DAY. And you need to eat several times a day (3-8).

    How close is your grocery store? Can you walk there?
  • Fairymo
    Fairymo Posts: 13 Member

    I have just returned to MFP half a stone heavier than when I last logged in some months ago :mad:
    My fault entirely I got complacent and lapped up those "you've lost nearly 3 stone and look great" comments, what I forgot was that I still had another 2 and a half stone to lose.
    Tracking daily, I had no excuse not to unlike you, made me realise what to eat and what to steer clear of - not always the food that you would expect!
    Personally exercise was a great asset for me, I have back and neck problems but walk on the treadmill (never run) and use a recumbent exercise bike - it also helped me tone up as I lost, the Swiss airball (or whatever you call it) was quite fun too.

    I wish you well, although a MFP user for quite a while I usually use the app so am really pleased to have discovered the community area now.

    Good luck with your journey, it won't be easy but give yourself small goals - even though I have put on a bit of my loss I am still lighter than this time last year and have had to buy some summer clothes in a smaller size :bigsmile:

    I am assuming that you are in the States so sending you positive thoughts all the way from sunny London!

  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    You seem like a very nice lady, so I hate to question your honesty, but do you really tread water for 90-120 minutes? That's an awful lot of work. I don't think I could do it for more than a few minutes myself. If that's a typo or an overestimation, you are "earning" a lot more calories than you should probably be consuming.

    Thanks and yes I do! I love the water and I work very hard in it. I am either playing with the kids in pool throwing balls, chasing them, hauling them around, laps (small ones), frees-bee, exercises I researched online, kicking for minutes at a time, and more laps. I am never just floating around. I am moving the whole time.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member

    I have just returned to MFP half a stone heavier than when I last logged in some months ago :mad:
    My fault entirely I got complacent and lapped up those "you've lost nearly 3 stone and look great" comments, what I forgot was that I still had another 2 and a half stone to lose.
    Tracking daily, I had no excuse not to unlike you, made me realise what to eat and what to steer clear of - not always the food that you would expect!
    Personally exercise was a great asset for me, I have back and neck problems but walk on the treadmill (never run) and use a recumbent exercise bike - it also helped me tone up as I lost, the Swiss airball (or whatever you call it) was quite fun too.

    I wish you well, although a MFP user for quite a while I usually use the app so am really pleased to have discovered the community area now.

    Good luck with your journey, it won't be easy but give yourself small goals - even though I have put on a bit of my loss I am still lighter than this time last year and have had to buy some summer clothes in a smaller size :bigsmile:

    I am assuming that you are in the States so sending you positive thoughts all the way from sunny London!


    Thanks Mo! You made me smile!! I am in the states, Hello London hope to visit there someday and see a Tardis! LOL
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member

    Firstly, you don't lose weight through exercise. It will help you look and feel better, but really, to drop the pounds you have to concentrate on your diet.

    This! You lose weight in the kitchen, you get fit in the gym. Weigh, measure and log every single bite that goes in your mouth.
  • noelkm67
    noelkm67 Posts: 118
    I didn't read all of the replies, so apologies if this has been said already. If you don't have internet access regularly, log your food in a notebook. While you do have access, look up the nutritional info for the foods you eat the most and keep that on hand when you are tracking on paper.

    Track your food regardless of the method.

    I have 80 pounds to lose and do very well when I measure and track honestly.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose (according to your ticker), therefore you can severely restrict your calories for months and not harm your metabolism. You can safely go down to 800-1200 a day. Perhaps try a juice fast for 21 days and see how you feel. The first 3 days are the hardest, after you get past those 3 days it gets a lot easier and you'll start seeing the results you want.

    Before going this route talk to a nutritionist to set a plan for you. You want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need, but I think you'll be happy with the results at the end of the 21 days.

    I wouldn't go this drastically, especially since you seem to really love bad foods and soda's but the calculators get really skewed when you get into the range of morbid obesity so your BMR and TDEE will show higher than they really are. You don't need to eat to feed the fat.

    As the previous poster stated though, being morbidly obese allows you to go much much lower on your calorie intake without doing your body any harm. You have plenty of fat stores for your body to draw from for energy. Even if you went down to 1800 calories a day total, forget adding exercise in at this point, you'd be fine but it needs to be nutritious food, not soda's, pastries and junk food. Changing from Mountain Dew to orange soda only eliminated some caffeine not the calories. If you must have soda then switch to a diet brand and start cutting back.

    It's totally possible for you to lose a lot of weight very easily if you put the work in. Until you get your mind in a place where you are willing to pass up some of your favorite calorie bombs though it isn't going to work.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is at least 80% diet and 20% exercise. No matter how much you exercise, if you come home and eat a half dozen donuts you've wiped out all that effort. Look at exercise as a way to get healthier and fit rather than a tool to allow more food.

    I am done with soda! I am quitting today!! Along with all the other junk. My question to you is....I have this problem with not eating. For example, today....I haven't eaten a damn thing and I don't feel like eating either. Is that bad? I do this a lot, don't eat. And then when I do eat, I eat crap or one meal a day. Ugh, what is wrong with me??

    First, please don't take the advice to severely reduce your calories from a total stranger. Only a doctor should give that kind of advice. A 20% reduction from your TDEE is perfectly healthy and you should be able to lose with that much of a deficit.

    Second, yes it's bad that you're not eating. You don't have to force a whole meal down your throat if you're not hungry, just start trying to eat small things throughout the day like yogurt or fruit or a handful of nuts or a small serving of oatmeal or a smoothie. I used to kind of do the same thing. Figured since I wasn't hungry in the moring I might as well not eat then by the afternoon/early evening I'd be starved and eat everything I could get my hands on. For some people eating times don't matter but I think you're more like me where "grazing" or eating small frequent meals, might work better for you. And eventually your system will get used to it and you will start getting hungry earlier in the day so that it won't feel like a forced eating. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try it, right?!

    Third, I hate to discourage you from your excitment but I'm not sure it's necessary to completely clean up your diet in one day. I know for me, that just makes things worse because I still want the foods I love and I might be good for a week or two then I cave and eat everything. How about being a bit more realistic and set a goal for every week. Go ahead and give up soda this week (I totally support that, drinking empty calories is a huge waste in my opinion) and then this weekend plan out your meals for the week and go grocery shopping so you can set your other goals like eating healthier, less junk, etc. Small gradual changes will be easier to stick to.

    Thanks, I can all day and just forget to eat LOL. I will do small changes and meal planning is something I must do. If you only knew how much I have already cut back on, you'd be shocked. I will continue on my quest with all this great advise! :happy: