Am I being irrational?



  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    You are in the midst of doing battle between Your Will v Your Desire. I suggest keeping the Boyfriend out of the line of fire. This time YOU start start the conversation, to say, "I need to figure this out on my own. I appreciate the things I have learned from you, and I will continue to learn from what you do for yourself, but I need to learn and assimilate new habits on my own learning curve. Please for the next 6 months say nothing about my health or weight during this time--even if I am making positive or negative comments about myself."

    This will eliminate the power struggle you are manufacturing between the two of you and give your boyfriend clear boundaries Giving him the benefit of the doubt--perhaps he doesn't understand what role you want him to play. The less energy you are investing in this manufactured drama, the more energy and mental space you will have for your own greater health pursuit.

    Ultimately, our health pursuits are ALL ON OUR LONESOME. No one can do it for us. MFP is GREAT to touch base with others on their SOLO paths. No one can do this for you or keep you on task. It's all on you.

    Congratulations for taking up the reins (mistakes and all) and cutting everyone else free.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    You're not going to like this, but...
    Yes, you are being irrational. He sounds really sweet, supportive and patient. Shut up and listen to him. As for the resentment, can it, and if you WANT to lose weight instead of just *****ing about it, quit with the "bad snacks", rustle up some self control and determination and just do it. And if you can't do that, you're a self-indulgent whiner who has CHOSEN not to lose weight.